1. Our Earth (Part -B)

1. Our Earth (Part -B)

*Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Copernicus proposed was proposed ............ (        )
A) Geo centric theory
B) Continental Drift Theory
C) Sun Centered theory
D) None of these

2Carl Sagan, a scientist photo taken from the space is known as ...... (     )
A) Pale Blue Dot
B) Pale Yellow Dot
C) Pale Red Dot
D) Pale Orange Dot

3. Earth's closest point from the Sun is........ Km. (     ) 
A) 152 million kms
B) 125 million kms
C) 147 million kms
D) 174 million kms

4. The radius of the Earth is...... (     )
A) 5000 kms
B) 7000 kms
C) 6000 kms
D) 8000 kms

5.Who was proposed continental drift theory? (     )
A) Alfred Wegener
B) Newton
C) Alexander
D) Darwin

6. The Indian standard time is ........(      ) 
A) 12 hours before Greenwich time
B) 12 hours after Greenwich time
C) 5½ hours before Greenwich time
D) 5½ hours after Greenwich time 

7. The Latitudinal value of equator is .......... (     ) 
A) 90° latitude
B) 0° latitude
C) 360° latitude
D) 180° latitude

8. When it is 12.00 noon in Greenwich (0°) what is the time in India? (     )
A) 4.30 p.m
B) 5.00 p.m
C) 5.30 p.m
D) 6.00 p.m

9. .......... is the top most layer of the Earth (    ) 
A) Crust
B) Core
C) Mantle
D) Centre

10. The Sanskrit word for the 'earth' is ........ (     )
A) Bhoomi
B) Dharani
C) Pruthvi
D) All the above

11. The longitude directly opposite to 0° longitude is called the.......... (     )
A) Equator
B) Prime meridian
C) Anti-meridian
D) 180° North latitude

12. ..............was proposed Geocentric theory (     )
A) Galelio
B) Ptolemy
C) Copernicus
D) Aryabhatta

13. The following is situated in the south hemisphere (     )
A) Greenland
B) Madagascar
C) Eurasia
D) Madagascar and Eurasia

14. Silicates are present in...... (     )
A) Mantle
B) Core
C) Crust
D) None

15. ......... is the longest among all latitudes   (     )
A) Tropic of cancer
B) Tropic of Capricorn
C) Prime meridian
D) Equator

16. The shape of Earth's orbit is ...... (    )
A) A circular path
B) An enlonged oval path
C) A scaled oval path
D) All these

17. The environmental crisis means crisis means the destruction of.......(    )
A) Forests
B) Rivers
C) Hills
D) All these

18. The super continent is..........(     )
A) Panthalsa
B) Pangaea
C) Tethys
D) Laurensia

19. ......is network latitudes and longitudes (       )
A) Atlas
B) Map
C) Grid
D) Equator

20. .............. billion years ago univers started. (        ) 
A) 2 lakh
B) 4½
C) 13.7
D) 152

21. ............is heavy substance most prevalent in core. (        )
A) Rocks
B) Silicates
C) Gold
D) Iron

22. ........... longitude is the standard meridian of India. (        )
A) 82° 30′ East longitude
B) 82° 30′ West longitude
C) 82° 30° West latitude
D) 82° 30′ East latitude

23.The earth travels around the sun at a speed of .......... kilometres per hour   (        )

24. ........... Is the cause of the formation of a seasons on earth. (        )
A) Rotation of the earth
B) Revolution of the earth
C) Tilt of the axis
Dd) Shape of Earth

25. The volume of the earth's crust is ....... (        ) 
A) 83%
B) 16%
C) 1%
D) 23%

26. The super continent of Pangaea broke into ...... (        ) 
A) Laurensia
B) Gondwana
C) Both A & B
D) None of these

27. The temperature at the centre of the earth would be ....... (       ) 
A) 5000°C
B) 4000°C
C) 9000°C
D) 6000°C

28. The difference between the earth's closest point from the sun is called........ (       )
A) Appehelian
B) Perihelion
C) Orbit
D) Axis

29. How much time does the Earth takes to move 1° longitude? (        )
A) 24 hours
B) One hour
C) 4 minutes
D) 4 hours

30. Which of the following came into existence first? (       )
A) Human beings
B) Plants
C) Animals
D) Ocean species

15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B)

*Choose the correct Answers:

*The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... (TS March 2024) (      )
(A) DY Chandrachud
(B) Rajiv Kumar
(C) NV Ramana
(D) TN Seshan

*This is not the basic principle of our Constitution (TS March 2024) (      )
(A) Sovereignty
(B) Dual citizenship
(C) Single citizenship
(D) Parliamentary form of Government

*The Chairman of Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution was......(TS Aug 2022)   (      )
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Sardar Patel 
C) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
D) Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad

*This is not one of the elements of the basic structure of Indian Constitution ...... (TS Aug 2022)   (      )
A) Supremacy of Constitution
B) Monarchy in Ruling 
C). Fundamental Rights
D) Democratic form of Government 

*This is not an organ of the Government  (TS May 2022)   (      )
A) Constitution
B) Legislature
C) Executive
D) Travancore

*Keshavananda Bharathi case is related to ........ (TS June 2019)   (      )
A) Fundamental Rights
B) Fundamental Duties
C) Directive Principles
D) Articles

*Significance of November 26, 1949 .....
..... (TS June 2018)   (      )
A) Implementation of Constitution
B) Independence of India
C) Approval of Constitution
D) Formation of drafting committee 

*The main task of Dr. Ambedkar's Drafting Committee was to ...... (TS March 2018)   (      )
A) Conduct elections for Constituent
B) From the Radical army
C) Lead the Muslim League
D) Prepare the draft of the Constitution

*This is NOT correct with regard to the formation of Constituent Assembly  (TS June 2017)   (      )
A) 26 members were there from SCs.
B) 9 women members were there 
C) 93 members were elected from all the  Princely States
D) Members were elected through Universal Franchise

*The words "Secular and Socialist" are  included in   (TS March 2017)   (      )
A) Schedules
B) Parts
C) Preamble 
D) Fundamental Rights

*The words those emphasised the values of Secularism and Socialism of the Preamble
were   (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Directive Principles of State Policy
B) Democracy and Republic
C) Equality, Liberty, Justice 
D) Fundamental Rights

*Which one of the following is a nominal authority in India?   (      )
A) Prime minister 
B) President
C) Chairman
D) Chief secretary

*The major changes in Constitution were  made in the year .....   (      )
A) 1960's
B) 1970's 
C) 1950's
D) 2000's

*The chairman of the Drafting committee was
   (      )
A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B) K.M. Munshi
C) B.R. Ambedkar 
D) Nehru

*The draft Constitution consists of articles and schedules.   (      )
A) 8 and 395 
B) 395 and 8
C) 350 and 8
D) 300 and 10

*The importance of 26th November, 1949 ....... (      )
A) The constitution work has began
B) The constitution assembly first meeting was held
C) The constitution was approved
D) The constitution came into force

*Which among the following is not a feature of the Indian Constitution (      )
A) Parliamentary form of Government
B) Federal form of Government
C) Dual citizenship
D) Written constitution

*The preamble of the constitution of India declares India to be a .........(      )
A) Sovereign, Democratic, Republic
B) Sovereign, Society, Democratic Republic
C) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
D) None of the above

*Which of the following emphasised that too much centralisation of power leads to Dictatorship (      )
A) Nehru 
B) D.S. Seth
C) Gandhiji 
D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

*It is one of the main features of the True Federal State (     )
A) Supreme Court can overrule the judgment of state level courts
B) Supreme Court can not overrule the judgment of the state level courts
C) Uniformity in civil and criminal laws
D) B and C

*Puna Pact was signed by (      )
A) Gandhi -Ambedkar 
B) Gandhi - Nehru 
C) Nehru -Ambedkar 
D) Ambedkar -Vallabhai Patel

*Which of the following is not correct related to parliamentary type of Democracy (      )
i) President enjoys real powers
ii) President does not enjoy real powers
iii) President rules the Nation
iv) President appoints the Prime Minister
A) i, ii, iv 
B) ii, iii, iv
C) i, iii 
D) i, ii, iii

*The present President of India is .... (      )
A) Narendra Modi 
B) Ramnath Covind
C) Venkaiah Naidu 
D) Chandrashekhar 

*The type of government system in America is (      )
A) Parliamentary System 
B) Presidential type of Democracy
C) Monarchy System 
D) Unitary type of Democracy

*Secular state means....... (     )
A) A country which has official religion
B) A country which is neutral in religious matters
C) A country which has religious tolerance
D) A country that ban all the religions

11. Sustainable Development With Equity (PART - B)

11.Sustainable Development With Equity (Part-B) 

*Choose the correct Answers:

*Long term damage to environment is caused when .....(TS March 2024) (      )
(A) Waste output exceeds the limit of Sink function
(B) Soil is conserved
(C) Aquifers get recharged
(D) Waste output does not exceed the limit of a Sink function

*This is not the cause for reducing fertility of the soil  (TS April 2023)  (      )
A) Unscientific use of chemical fertilizers.
B) Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
C) Improper utilisation of natural resources.
D) Use of organic fertilizers.

*The state that banned use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is..... (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Sikkim 
B) Kerala 
C) Tamil Nadu 
D) Telangana 

*The movement that has developed the idea of sustainable development is.... (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Narmada Bachao Andolan 
B) Meira Paibi movement 
C) Punjab agitation 
D) Greenpeace movement 

*The main aim of Chipko Movement is (June 2017) (       )

A) Protection of animals
B) Construction of dams
C) Food security
D) Protection of trees

*Narmada Bachão Andolan (NBA) is .........
(March 2017) (      )

A) Environmental movement
B) Economic movement
C) Political movement
D) Water movement

*The Supreme Court held that one of the following of the Constitution includes the right of pollution free water and air for full enjoyment of life. (March 2017) (     )
A) Political right
B) Legal right 
C) Right to life
D) Directive principles

*Use of fertilizers and pesticides are banned in this state. (June 2016) (     )
A) Kerala
B) Karnataka
C) Maharashtra
D) Sikkim

*This is the Social indicator of development ( )
A) Per capita income 
C) Education 

*Book written by Rachel Carson is.... (     )
A) Summer Spring 
B) Winter spring
C) Silent Spring 
D) Horror Spring

*First state to adopt organic farming (     )
A) Rajasthan 
B) Sikkim
C) Maharashtra 
D) Arunachal Pradesh

*This is not the characteristic of feature of traditional farming (    )
A) Crop rotation 
B) Not usage of chemical fertilizers
C) Only one crop 
D) Pest control

10. Food Security (PART -B)

10. Food Security

*Choose the correct Answers:

*Availability of food grains per person per day .... (TS March 2024) (     )
(A) (Availability of food grains for the year × Population)÷365
(B) (Availability of food grains for the year ÷ Population)/365
(C) (Availability of food grains for the year – Population)/365
(D) (Availability of food grains for the year ÷ Population)×365

*Examples of cereals is ...... (TS Aug 2022)  (     )
A) Jowar 
B) Ragi 
C) Bajra 
D) Wheat

*National food security Act legalises the people’s right to ...... (TS Aug 2022) (      )
A) Work 
B) Food 
C) Education 
D) Information 

*As per 2013 National Food Security Act, which of the following legalised (TS May 2022) (      )
A) Cultivation of crops 
B) Right to Work 
C) Right to Food 
D) Job security

*Which of the following is related to public distribution system? (TS May 2022)  (     )
A) Self Help Group
B) Banks 
C) Fair price shops
D) Rythu Bazar 

*This is related to Public Distribution System .......(TS June 2019) (     )
A) Co-operative Banks 
B) Rythu bazar 
C) Ration shop
D) Self help groups (SHG)

*This is done by food corporation of India (TS Mar 2019) (     )
A) Procurement of food grains
B) Declaration of minimum support file
C) Supply of seeds to the farmers
D) Allocation of funds to agriculture

*National food security Act legalises the people’s right to ...... (TS March 2018) (      )
A) Vote 
B) Work 
C) Job security 
D) Food 

*One of the following is not a coarse cereal (TS March 2017) (    )
A) Jowar 
B) Ragi 
C) Bajra 
D) Wheat 

*An example to good proteins in the following is/are..,....... (TS March 2017)  (       )
A) Dals 
B) Jowar 
C) Ragi 
D) Sugar

*This is related to PDS ...(TS March 2015)  (       )
A) Self Help Groups (SHG)
B) Banks 
C) Rythu Bazaar 
D) Ration shop 

*The stock of food grains mainly weed and rice is procured by the government through ........(TS March 2015) (      )

*Poor families in different states procure food grains from (     )
C) Retail outlets 
D) None

*Minimum support price is decided by........  (     )
A) Farmers 
B) Government 
C) Mediators 
D) Traders

*The scheme that is being implemented to solve the problem of malnutrition is the (     )
A) Integrated child welfare scheme 
B) System of organising toilets
C) Swach Bharat programme 
D) Mid-day meals programme

*In the process of increasing food grain production, following one is very important
to ensure. (    )
A) Prices 
B) Not to damage natural resources
C) Wastage of food grains 
D) Imports

*This not followed to increase the yield in food grains (    )
A) Planting drought resistant crops as per local conditions
B) water - harvesting 
C) Crop rotation 
D) Crop insurance

*Recommended food intake per day in urban areas and in rural areas is (    )
A) 2100, 2400 kilo calories respectively
B) 2400, 2100 kilo calories respectively
C) 2200, 2300 kilo calories respectively
D) 2300, 2400 kilo calories respectively

*The are important means for people to access food grains in India (     )
A) Corporate agencies 
B) Kirana shops
C) Ration shops 
D) Industries

*The Indian government came out with a new law that legalises peoples right (     )
A) Right to Information 
B) Right to Education
C) Right to Food Security 
D) Right to Work

*The calories to be taken by the urban people in a day are (     )
A) 2100 
B) 2200 
C) 2300 
D) 2400

*The important aspect in the mid-day meals programme because of the judiciary instructions is that (     )
A) Warm food should be prepared at the schools
B) Priority should be given to the women who do not have any other source of income
C) Nutritional valves should be maintained 
D) All of these

*This is not a ‘nutri-cereal’ .......... (     )
A) Jowar 
B) Ragi 
C) Bajra 
D) Wheat 

*NIN stands for ........... (     )
A) National Institute of Nutrition 
B) National information centre for Nutrition 
C) Nice Institute of Nutrition 
D) Nagaland Institute of nutrition 

*These are for the protection and ensure the working of many vital systems of the body.(      )
A) vitamins 
B) minerals 
C) proteins 
D) carbohydrates

*To examine the nutritional status of children, the measurements of these are needed (      )
A) height and weight 
B) colour
C) IQ 
D) vocabulary

*Antyodaya card holders are entitled to get .......... food grains per month their family (      )
A) 25 kgs 
B) 35 kgs 
C) 45 kgs 
D) 15 kgs

*Which of the following called as a fine cereals (       )
A) Jowar, Bajra 
B) Rice and Wheat 
C) Ragi, Bajra 
D) Maize and Jowar 

14. National Movement in India- Partition and Independence 1939 - 1947

14.National Movement in India- Partition and Independence: 1939 - 1947

*Choose the Correct Answers:

*Match the following  (TS April 2023)    (       )
1.Announcement of partion of the country - A) M.S. Khan 
2.A Navel Central Strike Committee - B) Mohammad Iqbal 
3.Need for North-West Muslim state - C) Jawahar Lal Nehru 
4.A resolution on the Rights of the minorities - D) Lord Mountbatten 
A) (1) - D, (2) - A, (3) - B, (4) - C
B) (1) - C, (2) - A, (3) - B, (4) - D
C) (1) - D, (2) - A, (3) - C, (4) - B
D) (1) - B, (2) - D, (3) - A, (4) - C

*The Hindu Mahasabha and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh wished to unite (TS Aug 2022) (      )
A) Muslims
B) Hindus
C) Christians
D) People of all religions in India 

*With police action, the princely state merged in Union of India is (TS Aug 2022)  (      )
A) Kashmir
B) Junagadh
C) Hyderabad
D) Travancore

*To fight against the British, Subhash Chandra Bose sought the help of: (TS May 2022) (      )
A) China 
B) Japan 
C) Mynmar
D) None 

*The Princely State that joined Indian Union by 15th August 1947 was  (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Kashmir
B) Hyderabad
C) Junagadh

*The movement that was started after the failure of Cripps Mission (TS June 2019) (      )
A) Quit India Movement
B) Civil Disobedience Movement
C) Vandemataram Movement
D) Non-cooperation Movement

*The British cabinet sent a three member mission team to Delhi in 1946 to examine the demand to (TS March 2019).   (      )
A) Suggest a suitable political frame work for Indian freedom
B) Divide India 
C) Unite India
D) Implement land reforms

*Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch his third major movement against British rule (TS March 2019)  (      )
A) Champaran
B) Vande Mataram Movement
C) Quit India Movement
D) Non-Cooperation Movement

*Tebhaga movement was started by (TS June 2018)  (      )
A) Small, poor peasants
B) Zamindars and landlords
C) Government employees
D) Sepoys

*The reason for the Quit India Movement (TS March 2018)  (      )
A) Failure of Puna pact
B) Pressure of moderates
C) Failure of Cripp's mission
D) Pressure of extremists

*Till 1930, Muslim League represented the interests of (TS March 2018)  (      )
A) Muslim industrialists
B) Sikh landlords 
C) Muslim women 
D) Muslim landlords of Uttar Pradesh

*Privy purse was given to (TS March 2018)  (      )
A) Take up welfare programmes in princely states
B) Encourage revolts in princely states
C) Wage a war against princely states
D) Meet the personal expenses of royal families of princely states

*The organisation wished to unite all the Hindus and overcome the divisions of caste and sect to reform their social life is  (TS June 2017)   (      )
A) Indian National Army 
B) Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad
C) Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh
D) Youth congress . 

*In 1947, the charge for integration of princely states was given to  (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Mahatma Gandhi 
B) Sardar Patel
C) Ambedkar
D) Jawaharlal Nehru

*The party which led a massive movement of farmers of the Telangana region in Hyderabad   (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Congress Party
B) Communist Party
C) Bharatiya Janata Party 
D) Kisan Sabha

*Peasant movement was related to  (TS June 2015)   (      )
A) Justice Party
B) Republican Party 
C) Communist Party 
D) Jana Sangh

*Which demand was NOT related to the Royal Indian Navy strike?  (TS June 2015)   (      )
A) Bad food
B) Behaviour of their British Officers
C) Release of INA prisoners
D) Promotions

*Who led the Quit India Movement?  (TS June 2015)   (      )
A) Subhash Chandra Bose
B) Gandhiji 
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

*'Do or Die' slogan related to (TS March 2015)   (      )
A) Non-cooperation movement 
B) Quit India movement
C) Khilafat movement 
D) Civil disobedience movement

*Mohammed Ali Jinnah actively participated
in  (TS March 2015)   (      )
A) Indian National Congress
B) Swarajya Party 
C) Muslim League 
D) Republican Party

*Main objective of the day of direct action (     )
A) Achieving independence for India 
B) Achieving a separate Pakistan
C) To achieve Hindu Muslim unity 
D) To achieve international peace

*Match the following
i.Subhash Chandra Bose ( ) a) Quit India
ii.Vallabhbhai Patel ( ) b) Indian National Army
iii.Tebhaga Movement ( ) c) Merger of States
iv.Gandhiji ( )          d) Peasant movement
A) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d 
B) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a
C) i - b, ii - c, iii - d, iv - a 
D) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - d

*Subject related to the Telangana Farmers Movement under the leadership of the
Communist Party (     )
1.Cancellation of Farmers’ Loans 
3.Land to the tillers
2.Stopping bonded labour
4. Opposing feudal system
A) 3 only 
B) 3 and 4 
C) 2, 3, 4 
D) 1, 2, 3, 4

*Resolution passed by Congress at the initiative of Gandhiji and Nehru (      )
A) Two nation theory 
B) Minority rights
C) Complete Independence 
D) Non-Cooperation Movement

*Which of the following is the reason for the change in Muslim mindset between
1937-1947? (     )
i.Congress showing indifference towards meet the needs of Muslims
ii.Prohibition of membership of Congress party and Muslim League party members
iii.Congress Party and Muslim League Party portraying it as a pro-Hindu party
iv.Banned the Muslim League by Congress Party
A) i and ii 
B) i, ii and iii 
C) i, ii and iv
D) i,  ii, iii and iv 

*Give the correct sentence in the following regarding the partition of the country (     )
a)Around 1.5 crore Hindu and Muslim people were displaced.
b)Around 5 lakh Hindu and Muslim people were killed.
c)Many have become refugees.
d)Gandhi sat on hunger strike after celebrating Independence Day.
A) d 
B) a, b, c 
C) a,b
D) All of the above

*Who led the Tebhaga Movement? (     )
A) Naval Central Strike Committee 
B) Provincial Kisan Sabha
C) Indian National Army 
D) Communist Party of India

*The movement undertaken by Gandhiji after the failure of the Cripps Mission is (    )
A) Non-Cooperation Movement 
B) Salt Satyagraha Movement
C) Quit India Movement 
D) Civil Disobedience Movement

*An organization that was wished to unite the country across castes and communities (    )
A) Congress 
B) Muslim League
D) Communist parties

*The organisation responsible for the partition of the country (     )
A) Congress 
B) Muslim League 
D) Communist parties

21. The movement for the formation of the Telangana State (PART -B)

 21. The movement for the formation of the Telangana state

*Choose the correct Answers :

*Mulki rules is related to.. (TS March 2024) (      )
(A) Distribution of water
(B) Distribution of funds
(C) Land distribution
(D) Domicile status

*The commission formed to study the developments in Andhra Pradesh and submit report to the centre is...(TS March 2023) (      )
A) Justice Sri Krishna Commission 
B) Dr. Fazal Ali Commission 
C) Mandal Commission 
D) Kothari Commission 

*Vanta varpu is a form of protest in (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Telangana movement 
B) Assom Movement 
C) Operation Barga 
D) Tebhaga movement 

*The agreement made before the formation of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad as its capital (TS June 2019) (      )
A) Shi Krishna Committee
B) Gentlemen's Agreement
C) Lahore Resolution
D) Fazal Ali Commission

*The significance of 1956, February 20th  (TS March 2019)  (      )
A) formation of Andhra Pradesh 
B) Formation of joint Action Committee
C) Formation of Telangana
D) Gentleman's Agreement

*The main reason for 1969 Telangana movement (TS June 2018) (       )
A) Equal employment in government sector exist
B) Implementation of the Mulki rules
C) The surplus revenue of the Telangana was used for other regions
D) Non- local status for coastal Andhra people in Telangana

*The significance of June 2nd, 2014 is  (TS June 2017)   (      )
A) Formation day of Jharkhand
B) Nuclear bomb blast
C) Bhopal gas leakage
D) Appointed day of Telangana 

*One of the following is not related to Telangana armed struggle (TS March 2017) (      )
A) Cancelled farmers debts
B) Banned Vetti 
C) Land to tillers 
D) Change Hyderabad into Hindu state 

*By this agreement Hyderabad and Andhra state merged and formed into Andhra Pradesh  (TS March 2016)   (     )
A) Shri Krishna agreement
B) Mulki agreement
C) Gentlemen's agreement
D) Chief ministers agreement

*The proposal of Regional Council for Telangana was expected to look into these
issues (     )
A) Issues related to planning and development
B) Irrigation and industrial development
C) Recruitment to services in the Telangana region
D) To secure all round development of the Telangana

*The main reasson for increase in agricultural labour in the Telangana was due to (     )
A) Land selling by farmers of the Telangana
B) Decline in demand for their produce
C) Depletion of sources of raw material
D) Loss of livelihoods

*This university was set up as per the assurance of six point formula (     )
A) Kakatiya university
B) Mahatma Gandhi University of Telangana
C) Palamur University
D) Hyderabad Central University

*As per ‘Mulki rules’ the minimum years of residence necessary are   (      )
A) 8 years 
B) 12 years 
C) 4 years 
D) 7 years

*A six point formula was formulated by the Central Government in  (      )
A) 1956 
B) 1969 
C) 1992 
D) 1973

*The region rich in mineral resources is 
A) Andhra Pradesh  (      )
B) Rayalaseema
C) Telangana region 
D) None of the

*The members of Hyderabad state assembly were against merger with Andhra keeping in view the following aspects (     )
a) Telangana would loose control over the resources
b) Educational and employment oppurtunities for the Telangana Youth
c) Coastal Andhra elite would dominate the future state
d) Control of irrigation facilities and electric supply to Andhra state
A) a,b
B) a,b,c
C) c,d
D) b,c,d

*What are the main causes that led to 1969 Agitation (     )
a) Diversion of surplus revenue from Telangana to other regions
b) Discrimination in employment in government sector
c) Voilation of Mulki rules
d) Addressing the needs and development of the Telangana
A) a,b,c 
B) a,b 
C) a,c,d 
D) b,c,d

*The circumstances that led to the farmers suicides in Telangana region were (     )
a) Dependence of canal irrigation
b) Increase in prices of fertilisers and pesticides
c) Depletion of ground water resources
d) Huge investments in boring deeper wells
A) a,b,c 
B) b,c,d 
C) a,b,d 
D) a,c,d

*Assembly muttadi was announced by (     )
A) Student JAC 
B) Employees JAC
C) Lawyers JAC 
D) JACs of castes

*Arrange the following events of Telangana Movement in chronological order (     )
a) Jai Andhra
b) Jagityala jaitrayatra
c) Sagara haram
d) Assembly Muttadi
A) a,b,c,d 
B) a,b,d,c 
C) a,d,b,c 
D) a,c,d,b

*After 1990s the boom in Information technology industry was seen in this state (      )
A) Warangal 
B) Karimnagar 
C) Hyderabad 
D) Siddipet

*Major demand of Jai Andhra Movement (      )
A) Removal of Mulki rules
B) Inmplement Eight point plan
C) Expansion of irrigation facilities in Telangana
D) To ensure equitable expenditure of state resources 

*The philosopher behind the formation of TRS ...... (      )
A) Prof. Jaya Shankar
B) K. Chandrashekhar Rao
C) Prof. Kodanda Ram
D) Prof. Manikyam

*At present number of districts in Telangana ...... (      )
A) 30
B) 31
C) 32
D) 33

*The first Chief Minister of Hyderabad state........ (      )
A) Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
B) P. Ramananda Reddy
C) Sri Bhavanam Venkata Ram
D) Sri Ramananda Teertha

*Indefinate fast of K. Chandrasekhar Rao began on .......... (       )
A) 29th Nov 2009
B) 29th Nov 2013
C) 29th Nov 2011
D) 29th Nov 2012

*Sabbanda Varnas " means...... (       )
A) All religions
B) All castes
C) All creeds
D) All colours

*Telangana Rashtra Samithi formed in April .......... (       )
A) 2001
B) 2002
C) 2003
D) 2004

*The literacy rate in 2001 in Telangana was ....... (        )
A) 53%
B) 63%
C) 73%
D) 83%

*He was not a member of a Gentlemen's Agreement from Telangana (       )
A) M. Chenna Reddy
B) J.V. Narasinga Rao
C) K.V. Ranga Reddy
D) B. Rama Subba Rao

*Under ........ prime ministership, under took police action and ensured the merger of Hyderabad state with the union of India (       )
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Lal bahadur shastry
C) Indira Gandhi
D) Dr. Manmohan Singh

*Hyderabad state became a democratic state in..... (       )
A) 1952
B) 1954
C) 1955
D) 1956


1. Our Earth (Part -B)

1. Our Earth (Part -B) *Multiple Choice Questions: 1 .   Copernicus proposed was proposed ............ (        ) A)  Geo centric theory B) ...
