10. Food Security (PART -B)

10. Food Security

*Choose the correct Answers:

*Availability of food grains per person per day .... (TS March 2024) (     )
(A) (Availability of food grains for the year × Population)÷365
(B) (Availability of food grains for the year ÷ Population)/365
(C) (Availability of food grains for the year – Population)/365
(D) (Availability of food grains for the year ÷ Population)×365

*Examples of cereals is ...... (TS Aug 2022)  (     )
A) Jowar 
B) Ragi 
C) Bajra 
D) Wheat

*National food security Act legalises the people’s right to ...... (TS Aug 2022) (      )
A) Work 
B) Food 
C) Education 
D) Information 

*As per 2013 National Food Security Act, which of the following legalised (TS May 2022) (      )
A) Cultivation of crops 
B) Right to Work 
C) Right to Food 
D) Job security

*Which of the following is related to public distribution system? (TS May 2022)  (     )
A) Self Help Group
B) Banks 
C) Fair price shops
D) Rythu Bazar 

*This is related to Public Distribution System .......(TS June 2019) (     )
A) Co-operative Banks 
B) Rythu bazar 
C) Ration shop
D) Self help groups (SHG)

*This is done by food corporation of India (TS Mar 2019) (     )
A) Procurement of food grains
B) Declaration of minimum support file
C) Supply of seeds to the farmers
D) Allocation of funds to agriculture

*National food security Act legalises the people’s right to ...... (TS March 2018) (      )
A) Vote 
B) Work 
C) Job security 
D) Food 

*One of the following is not a coarse cereal (TS March 2017) (    )
A) Jowar 
B) Ragi 
C) Bajra 
D) Wheat 

*An example to good proteins in the following is/are..,....... (TS March 2017)  (       )
A) Dals 
B) Jowar 
C) Ragi 
D) Sugar

*This is related to PDS ...(TS March 2015)  (       )
A) Self Help Groups (SHG)
B) Banks 
C) Rythu Bazaar 
D) Ration shop 

*The stock of food grains mainly weed and rice is procured by the government through ........(TS March 2015) (      )

*Poor families in different states procure food grains from (     )
C) Retail outlets 
D) None

*Minimum support price is decided by........  (     )
A) Farmers 
B) Government 
C) Mediators 
D) Traders

*The scheme that is being implemented to solve the problem of malnutrition is the (     )
A) Integrated child welfare scheme 
B) System of organising toilets
C) Swach Bharat programme 
D) Mid-day meals programme

*In the process of increasing food grain production, following one is very important
to ensure. (    )
A) Prices 
B) Not to damage natural resources
C) Wastage of food grains 
D) Imports

*This not followed to increase the yield in food grains (    )
A) Planting drought resistant crops as per local conditions
B) water - harvesting 
C) Crop rotation 
D) Crop insurance

*Recommended food intake per day in urban areas and in rural areas is (    )
A) 2100, 2400 kilo calories respectively
B) 2400, 2100 kilo calories respectively
C) 2200, 2300 kilo calories respectively
D) 2300, 2400 kilo calories respectively

*The are important means for people to access food grains in India (     )
A) Corporate agencies 
B) Kirana shops
C) Ration shops 
D) Industries

*The Indian government came out with a new law that legalises peoples right (     )
A) Right to Information 
B) Right to Education
C) Right to Food Security 
D) Right to Work

*The calories to be taken by the urban people in a day are (     )
A) 2100 
B) 2200 
C) 2300 
D) 2400

*The important aspect in the mid-day meals programme because of the judiciary instructions is that (     )
A) Warm food should be prepared at the schools
B) Priority should be given to the women who do not have any other source of income
C) Nutritional valves should be maintained 
D) All of these

*This is not a ‘nutri-cereal’ .......... (     )
A) Jowar 
B) Ragi 
C) Bajra 
D) Wheat 

*NIN stands for ........... (     )
A) National Institute of Nutrition 
B) National information centre for Nutrition 
C) Nice Institute of Nutrition 
D) Nagaland Institute of nutrition 

*These are for the protection and ensure the working of many vital systems of the body.(      )
A) vitamins 
B) minerals 
C) proteins 
D) carbohydrates

*To examine the nutritional status of children, the measurements of these are needed (      )
A) height and weight 
B) colour
C) IQ 
D) vocabulary

*Antyodaya card holders are entitled to get .......... food grains per month their family (      )
A) 25 kgs 
B) 35 kgs 
C) 45 kgs 
D) 15 kgs

*Which of the following called as a fine cereals (       )
A) Jowar, Bajra 
B) Rice and Wheat 
C) Ragi, Bajra 
D) Maize and Jowar 


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