11. Sustainable Development With Equity (PART - B)

11.Sustainable Development With Equity (Part-B) 

*Choose the correct Answers:

*Long term damage to environment is caused when .....(TS March 2024) (      )
(A) Waste output exceeds the limit of Sink function
(B) Soil is conserved
(C) Aquifers get recharged
(D) Waste output does not exceed the limit of a Sink function

*This is not the cause for reducing fertility of the soil  (TS April 2023)  (      )
A) Unscientific use of chemical fertilizers.
B) Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
C) Improper utilisation of natural resources.
D) Use of organic fertilizers.

*The state that banned use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is..... (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Sikkim 
B) Kerala 
C) Tamil Nadu 
D) Telangana 

*The movement that has developed the idea of sustainable development is.... (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Narmada Bachao Andolan 
B) Meira Paibi movement 
C) Punjab agitation 
D) Greenpeace movement 

*The main aim of Chipko Movement is (June 2017) (       )

A) Protection of animals
B) Construction of dams
C) Food security
D) Protection of trees

*Narmada Bachão Andolan (NBA) is .........
(March 2017) (      )

A) Environmental movement
B) Economic movement
C) Political movement
D) Water movement

*The Supreme Court held that one of the following of the Constitution includes the right of pollution free water and air for full enjoyment of life. (March 2017) (     )
A) Political right
B) Legal right 
C) Right to life
D) Directive principles

*Use of fertilizers and pesticides are banned in this state. (June 2016) (     )
A) Kerala
B) Karnataka
C) Maharashtra
D) Sikkim

*This is the Social indicator of development ( )
A) Per capita income 
C) Education 

*Book written by Rachel Carson is.... (     )
A) Summer Spring 
B) Winter spring
C) Silent Spring 
D) Horror Spring

*First state to adopt organic farming (     )
A) Rajasthan 
B) Sikkim
C) Maharashtra 
D) Arunachal Pradesh

*This is not the characteristic of feature of traditional farming (    )
A) Crop rotation 
B) Not usage of chemical fertilizers
C) Only one crop 
D) Pest control


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
