I. Key Words: 
1. PoduTribal cleared a patch of hill area and used for farming. After few years it is left to grow forests. Another patch of hill is identified for farming. This is called podu or shifting or jumm cultivation.
2. TribeA traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically and groups of such families form a tribe.
3. Bamboo: Bamboo is a tall tropical plant with hard , hollow stems. used in basket weaving furniture making etc
4. Kitchen gardenA garden or area where vegetables, fruit, or herbs are grown for domestic use.
5. Forest productsEdible fruits , tubers , nuts , green leaves , jilugu honey , medicinal plants are called forest products.

II. Improve Your Learning:

1. What are the various ways in which the Koyas are dependent upon the forests around
1. The forest is a great storehouse of food.
2.  Forests provide various edible fruits, tubers, nuts, green leaves and even hunting small animals.
3. Important forest products are honey and bomboo shoots.
4. The shoots are cooked after the upper covering layers are removed.
5. Another important source of food is the juice of Caryota palm (Jilugu), especially in summer.
6. Bamboo is used make baskets, winnowing fans, mats, implements like digging sticks, bows and arrows.
7. They sell all these in weekly markets "Santha". With the money they purchase their daily needs.

2. List out various means of living in a hill region.
1. Podu cultivation is the main means of living.
2. Growing vegetables, fruits, herbs in the kitchen garden for domestic purpose.
3. Rearing animals like goats, sheep, cattle and poultry is means of living.
5. Collection of minor forest produce and sell in the market.
6. Making baskets and winnows, chicken coops, etc.

3. Why do the Koyas move from one hill to another for growing crops?
1. Each village has a hill where forest can be cleared for farming.
2. They leave this patch of hill after few years and allow the forest to grow again.
3. They clear another patch of land to grow crops in the another hill.

4. Compare the nature of the fields in the three villages that you studied and bring out their similarities and differences.
Nature of fields: 
1. Here soils are alluvial and black.
2. There are sandy soils near to the river.
3. If water is available 3 crops can cultivated.
4. Borewells with submersible pumps provide irrigation.
5. Different crops, vegetables and orchards are grown.
1. Half of agricultural land has red soils . 
2. 20% soil constitue fertile black soils.
3. 30% soils Choudu and Garuvu soils.
4. Here main water resources are tanks.
5. Borewells are expensive.
6. Various crops , fruit orchards and cattle rearing is carried out.
1. A patch of hill area is cleared and used for farming.
2. After few years it is left like that to grow forests.
3. A new patch of another hill is identified for farming.
4. They produce a variety of crops.
5. They dribble seeds and risky digging with sticks.

5. Read the various sub-headings in the last three chapters. Fill the following table with
information regarding various aspects of the three villages. (Add more rows if necessary – write “no information” if you cannot find similar headings)

6. Your village/town is currently located in _______ type of land form. Imagine that your village is located in a different type of land form and write about it.

Discussion: What will happen, if there are no trees? Discuss, its effect and our responsibility.

III. Additional and Short Answers:
1. What do you mean Hill?
An area of land a naturally raised than the land around it, but not as high as mountain . 

2. Name the major crops in penugolu?
Chillies, maize, Millets, Sesame, Pulses and Tubers.

3. How are festivals linked with the life of koyas in penugolu?
1. Kodathala festival they offer vegetables to their deity and then eat them.
2. Agricultural activities like sowing, harvest, collection of fruits, etc. begin after these festivals.
3. Duri festival celebrates all the members of the tribe of separate settlements.
4. Describe the cultural activities of these tribes.
1. They worship Gods of Nature and every family has got their Kula devatha i.e. , family God / Goddess. 
2. They post a long pole in front of the house and tie some neem twigs to it.
3. It called as Muthyalamma and worship it.
4. Only men of the village go to the forest and offer prayers to their God in the forest.
5. They are celebrated festival's like Kodathala panduga (Peddala panduga) in September and offer vegetables to their deity and eat it as prasadam and Bhimini panduga (festival of Vippa poovu)

5. Imagine that your village is located in a different type of land form and write about it
1. My village is situated in plateau region with uneven surface.
2. It is suitable for building tanks.
3. The rainfall is scanty and irregular.
4. Soils are not much fertile.
5. Digging borewells are expensive and risky. 
6. Different crops and fruit orchards grown.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
