15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B)

*Choose the correct Answers:

*The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... (TS March 2024) (      )
(A) DY Chandrachud
(B) Rajiv Kumar
(C) NV Ramana
(D) TN Seshan

*This is not the basic principle of our Constitution (TS March 2024) (      )
(A) Sovereignty
(B) Dual citizenship
(C) Single citizenship
(D) Parliamentary form of Government

*The Chairman of Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution was......(TS Aug 2022)   (      )
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Sardar Patel 
C) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
D) Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad

*This is not one of the elements of the basic structure of Indian Constitution ...... (TS Aug 2022)   (      )
A) Supremacy of Constitution
B) Monarchy in Ruling 
C). Fundamental Rights
D) Democratic form of Government 

*This is not an organ of the Government  (TS May 2022)   (      )
A) Constitution
B) Legislature
C) Executive
D) Travancore

*Keshavananda Bharathi case is related to ........ (TS June 2019)   (      )
A) Fundamental Rights
B) Fundamental Duties
C) Directive Principles
D) Articles

*Significance of November 26, 1949 .....
..... (TS June 2018)   (      )
A) Implementation of Constitution
B) Independence of India
C) Approval of Constitution
D) Formation of drafting committee 

*The main task of Dr. Ambedkar's Drafting Committee was to ...... (TS March 2018)   (      )
A) Conduct elections for Constituent
B) From the Radical army
C) Lead the Muslim League
D) Prepare the draft of the Constitution

*This is NOT correct with regard to the formation of Constituent Assembly  (TS June 2017)   (      )
A) 26 members were there from SCs.
B) 9 women members were there 
C) 93 members were elected from all the  Princely States
D) Members were elected through Universal Franchise

*The words "Secular and Socialist" are  included in   (TS March 2017)   (      )
A) Schedules
B) Parts
C) Preamble 
D) Fundamental Rights

*The words those emphasised the values of Secularism and Socialism of the Preamble
were   (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Directive Principles of State Policy
B) Democracy and Republic
C) Equality, Liberty, Justice 
D) Fundamental Rights

*Which one of the following is a nominal authority in India?   (      )
A) Prime minister 
B) President
C) Chairman
D) Chief secretary

*The major changes in Constitution were  made in the year .....   (      )
A) 1960's
B) 1970's 
C) 1950's
D) 2000's

*The chairman of the Drafting committee was
   (      )
A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B) K.M. Munshi
C) B.R. Ambedkar 
D) Nehru

*The draft Constitution consists of articles and schedules.   (      )
A) 8 and 395 
B) 395 and 8
C) 350 and 8
D) 300 and 10

*The importance of 26th November, 1949 ....... (      )
A) The constitution work has began
B) The constitution assembly first meeting was held
C) The constitution was approved
D) The constitution came into force

*Which among the following is not a feature of the Indian Constitution (      )
A) Parliamentary form of Government
B) Federal form of Government
C) Dual citizenship
D) Written constitution

*The preamble of the constitution of India declares India to be a .........(      )
A) Sovereign, Democratic, Republic
B) Sovereign, Society, Democratic Republic
C) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
D) None of the above

*Which of the following emphasised that too much centralisation of power leads to Dictatorship (      )
A) Nehru 
B) D.S. Seth
C) Gandhiji 
D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

*It is one of the main features of the True Federal State (     )
A) Supreme Court can overrule the judgment of state level courts
B) Supreme Court can not overrule the judgment of the state level courts
C) Uniformity in civil and criminal laws
D) B and C

*Puna Pact was signed by (      )
A) Gandhi -Ambedkar 
B) Gandhi - Nehru 
C) Nehru -Ambedkar 
D) Ambedkar -Vallabhai Patel

*Which of the following is not correct related to parliamentary type of Democracy (      )
i) President enjoys real powers
ii) President does not enjoy real powers
iii) President rules the Nation
iv) President appoints the Prime Minister
A) i, ii, iv 
B) ii, iii, iv
C) i, iii 
D) i, ii, iii

*The present President of India is .... (      )
A) Narendra Modi 
B) Ramnath Covind
C) Venkaiah Naidu 
D) Chandrashekhar 

*The type of government system in America is (      )
A) Parliamentary System 
B) Presidential type of Democracy
C) Monarchy System 
D) Unitary type of Democracy

*Secular state means....... (     )
A) A country which has official religion
B) A country which is neutral in religious matters
C) A country which has religious tolerance
D) A country that ban all the religions


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
