14. National Movement in India- Partition and Independence 1939 - 1947

14.National Movement in India- Partition and Independence: 1939 - 1947

*Choose the Correct Answers:

*Match the following  (TS April 2023)    (       )
1.Announcement of partion of the country - A) M.S. Khan 
2.A Navel Central Strike Committee - B) Mohammad Iqbal 
3.Need for North-West Muslim state - C) Jawahar Lal Nehru 
4.A resolution on the Rights of the minorities - D) Lord Mountbatten 
A) (1) - D, (2) - A, (3) - B, (4) - C
B) (1) - C, (2) - A, (3) - B, (4) - D
C) (1) - D, (2) - A, (3) - C, (4) - B
D) (1) - B, (2) - D, (3) - A, (4) - C

*The Hindu Mahasabha and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh wished to unite (TS Aug 2022) (      )
A) Muslims
B) Hindus
C) Christians
D) People of all religions in India 

*With police action, the princely state merged in Union of India is (TS Aug 2022)  (      )
A) Kashmir
B) Junagadh
C) Hyderabad
D) Travancore

*To fight against the British, Subhash Chandra Bose sought the help of: (TS May 2022) (      )
A) China 
B) Japan 
C) Mynmar
D) None 

*The Princely State that joined Indian Union by 15th August 1947 was  (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Kashmir
B) Hyderabad
C) Junagadh

*The movement that was started after the failure of Cripps Mission (TS June 2019) (      )
A) Quit India Movement
B) Civil Disobedience Movement
C) Vandemataram Movement
D) Non-cooperation Movement

*The British cabinet sent a three member mission team to Delhi in 1946 to examine the demand to (TS March 2019).   (      )
A) Suggest a suitable political frame work for Indian freedom
B) Divide India 
C) Unite India
D) Implement land reforms

*Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch his third major movement against British rule (TS March 2019)  (      )
A) Champaran
B) Vande Mataram Movement
C) Quit India Movement
D) Non-Cooperation Movement

*Tebhaga movement was started by (TS June 2018)  (      )
A) Small, poor peasants
B) Zamindars and landlords
C) Government employees
D) Sepoys

*The reason for the Quit India Movement (TS March 2018)  (      )
A) Failure of Puna pact
B) Pressure of moderates
C) Failure of Cripp's mission
D) Pressure of extremists

*Till 1930, Muslim League represented the interests of (TS March 2018)  (      )
A) Muslim industrialists
B) Sikh landlords 
C) Muslim women 
D) Muslim landlords of Uttar Pradesh

*Privy purse was given to (TS March 2018)  (      )
A) Take up welfare programmes in princely states
B) Encourage revolts in princely states
C) Wage a war against princely states
D) Meet the personal expenses of royal families of princely states

*The organisation wished to unite all the Hindus and overcome the divisions of caste and sect to reform their social life is  (TS June 2017)   (      )
A) Indian National Army 
B) Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad
C) Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh
D) Youth congress . 

*In 1947, the charge for integration of princely states was given to  (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Mahatma Gandhi 
B) Sardar Patel
C) Ambedkar
D) Jawaharlal Nehru

*The party which led a massive movement of farmers of the Telangana region in Hyderabad   (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Congress Party
B) Communist Party
C) Bharatiya Janata Party 
D) Kisan Sabha

*Peasant movement was related to  (TS June 2015)   (      )
A) Justice Party
B) Republican Party 
C) Communist Party 
D) Jana Sangh

*Which demand was NOT related to the Royal Indian Navy strike?  (TS June 2015)   (      )
A) Bad food
B) Behaviour of their British Officers
C) Release of INA prisoners
D) Promotions

*Who led the Quit India Movement?  (TS June 2015)   (      )
A) Subhash Chandra Bose
B) Gandhiji 
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

*'Do or Die' slogan related to (TS March 2015)   (      )
A) Non-cooperation movement 
B) Quit India movement
C) Khilafat movement 
D) Civil disobedience movement

*Mohammed Ali Jinnah actively participated
in  (TS March 2015)   (      )
A) Indian National Congress
B) Swarajya Party 
C) Muslim League 
D) Republican Party

*Main objective of the day of direct action (     )
A) Achieving independence for India 
B) Achieving a separate Pakistan
C) To achieve Hindu Muslim unity 
D) To achieve international peace

*Match the following
i.Subhash Chandra Bose ( ) a) Quit India
ii.Vallabhbhai Patel ( ) b) Indian National Army
iii.Tebhaga Movement ( ) c) Merger of States
iv.Gandhiji ( )          d) Peasant movement
A) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d 
B) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a
C) i - b, ii - c, iii - d, iv - a 
D) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - d

*Subject related to the Telangana Farmers Movement under the leadership of the
Communist Party (     )
1.Cancellation of Farmers’ Loans 
3.Land to the tillers
2.Stopping bonded labour
4. Opposing feudal system
A) 3 only 
B) 3 and 4 
C) 2, 3, 4 
D) 1, 2, 3, 4

*Resolution passed by Congress at the initiative of Gandhiji and Nehru (      )
A) Two nation theory 
B) Minority rights
C) Complete Independence 
D) Non-Cooperation Movement

*Which of the following is the reason for the change in Muslim mindset between
1937-1947? (     )
i.Congress showing indifference towards meet the needs of Muslims
ii.Prohibition of membership of Congress party and Muslim League party members
iii.Congress Party and Muslim League Party portraying it as a pro-Hindu party
iv.Banned the Muslim League by Congress Party
A) i and ii 
B) i, ii and iii 
C) i, ii and iv
D) i,  ii, iii and iv 

*Give the correct sentence in the following regarding the partition of the country (     )
a)Around 1.5 crore Hindu and Muslim people were displaced.
b)Around 5 lakh Hindu and Muslim people were killed.
c)Many have become refugees.
d)Gandhi sat on hunger strike after celebrating Independence Day.
A) d 
B) a, b, c 
C) a,b
D) All of the above

*Who led the Tebhaga Movement? (     )
A) Naval Central Strike Committee 
B) Provincial Kisan Sabha
C) Indian National Army 
D) Communist Party of India

*The movement undertaken by Gandhiji after the failure of the Cripps Mission is (    )
A) Non-Cooperation Movement 
B) Salt Satyagraha Movement
C) Quit India Movement 
D) Civil Disobedience Movement

*An organization that was wished to unite the country across castes and communities (    )
A) Congress 
B) Muslim League
D) Communist parties

*The organisation responsible for the partition of the country (     )
A) Congress 
B) Muslim League 
D) Communist parties


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
