I. Key words:

1.Industrial capitalism


3.Aggressive nationalism: 







10.Centralisation of power: 


II.Improve your Learning

1.Make a table to show allies, axis and central powers, participated with following countries on different sides of the world wars: Austria, USSR (Russia), Germany, Britain, Japan, France, Italy, USA.
Allied powers: Britain, France, Russia, USA, USSR.
Central powers: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy.
Axis powers: Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain,

2.How did the idea of nation states and nationalism influence desire for war during World Wars?
Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology.
1.The ideology of nationalism was a positive impulse.
2.It was the foundation of modern nation states
3.But later it became aggressive nationalism.
4.It is used to create pride in oneself and hatred against neighbours.
5.Fascists in Italy tried to build images of victories with it.
6.Nazis of Germany mobilised Germans against other nations of Europe. 
7.These incidents led to World Wars.
8.Thus, we can say the idea of nation states and nationalism influenced the desire for war during World Wars.

3.Write a short note on various causes of two World Wars. Do you think any of these features are prevalent even today in countries around the world? How?
I.Aggressive Nationalism
1.The idea of nationalism created hatred among neighbours and reached its peak in the 19™ century in Europe. 
2.As a result, Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy were used in destructive mode. 
3.Nazi Germans tried to rule over the world.
II. Imperialism
1.European countries started searching for areas to invest and make profits. This led to the rise of colonies.
2.These colonies supplied raw materials and markets for their finished products. 
3.The European countries fought among themselves for the colonies and this led to the world wars. 
III. Secret Alliances: 
1.Bismarck made Triple Alliance with Austria- Hungary and Italy in 1882. 
2.Russia, France and Britain formed the Triple Entente in 1907. 
3.The secret alliance developed fear and conflicts the European countries which led to the among wars.
IV. Militarism
1.The European countries felt that it is only through military that they would be secured and war is the only solution for all the problems. 
2.So, each country developed their armies and competed with each other in increasing their army strength.
V. Immediate provocations
1.Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria murdered by a Serbian Fanatic on 28th June,1914 was the immediate cause of the world war-I.
2.Invasion of Hitler on Poland in 1st, September, 1939 for Danzing port are the immediate cause of World war-II.

4.Russian revolution brought in many changes in their society. What were they? And what challenges did they face?
1.Land of nobles confiscated and given to the peasants.
2.Industries were nationalised and private property was eliminated. 
3.Five Year Plans were introduced to develop the economy of the country. 
4.Schools were set up to educate the people and cheap public health care was provided to all.
5.The Tsar's empire is now called USSR. 
6.Equality of all nationalities and autonomy to develop their languages and culture were recognised in the constitution.
7.Soon Russia emerged as a super power of the world. 
Challenges Faced:
1.Peasants who resisted collective farming had to face imprisonment, deportation and death, low standards of living, all these are challenges for Russia.
2.The white armies of Russian monarchists posed a big problem.
3.Anti-communist soldiers also attacked the civilians and government institutions.
4.The people had to work in poor conditions at the time of famine in 1929-30 which was a great challenge for the people to survive.
5.Russia at the World War-I had to face challenge with Germany.

5.Compare different points of view about Great Depression, which one would you agree with? Why?

6.In what ways were Jews persecuted during the Nazi Germany? Do you think in every country some people are differentiated because of their identity?
Persecution means treating someone in a cruel or unfair way for a long period.
1.Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. They were regarded as socially impure. They were singled out and persecuted.
2.From 1933 to 1939 Jews were terrorised, pauperised and segregated.
3.The final solution was the persecution and mass murder of Jews. 75 % of the Jewish population of Europe was exterminated, 6 million Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps.
4.In many places they were simply shot in thousands and buried in mass graves. In gas chambers like Auschwitz they were killed.
    It's not in every country; in most of the countries people are differentiated because of their dignity. In past Indians and blacks of South Africa and blacks of USA faced this differentiation.

7.List the measures taken under idea of welfare state under Great Depression.
U.S.A towards Welfare State:
1.The 'New Deal Policy'  of F.D. Roosevelt promised relief to the victims of depression.
2.It established a permanent system of universal retirement insurance and welfare benefits for the handicapped and parentless children.
3.Large scale public works were undertaken.
Welfare measures in Britain:
1.The welfare steps in Great Britain were started before the Great Depression.
2.They consisted of unemployment, insurance and oldage pension schemes.
3.At the closure of Second World War, Britain adopt ed extensive social security measures like unemployment, sickness coverage, health schemes, childcare etc.
Reforms in USSR:
1.Extended schooling system developed and arrangements were made for factory workers and peasants to enter universities. 
2.Creches were arranged in factories for the children of working women.
3.Cheap public health - care was provided.
4.Model living quarters were setup for workers.
5.It managed to universalise the literacy and primary education.
6.USSR prided itself in escaping the impact of Great Depression.

8.What challenges were faced by Germany during Great Depression and how did Nazi rulers and Hitler make use of it?
1.Germany's Weimar Republic was hited by depression.
2.Unemployment in large cities reached 30% in 1932 as industries, mills, production units were shut down at a large scale.
3.Demand and production of goods decreased because of lack of capital.
4.On the streets of Germany, could see men with placards around their necks saying, 'Willing to do any work’. 
4.The youth took into criminal activities as jobs disappeared and unemployment increased, youth queued up at the employment exchange. 
5.The economic crisis created deep anxieties and fears among the people.
6.Only organised workers could manage to survive themselves and their families.
7.Small businessmen, the self-employed and retailers suffered as their business got ruined. 
8.The large mass of peasantry was affected by a sharp fall in agriculture prices. 
9.The great depression helped Hitler to come to power who inspired and influenced people through his speeches and his promises.
       In 1932, Hitler got 37% votes in the Reichstag and the Nazi party became the largest party in the parliament.

9.Read the para 1 of page 170 i.e; “This started a great experiment ......... language, etc” and write your opinion on it.
This started a great experiment of building a country without exploiters like feudal lords, kings or capitalists. The USSR tried to build a society that was industrialized and modern and yet did not have inequality or exclusion of people on the basis of birth, gender, language, etc.
1.Under the leadership of Lenin; The Bolsheviks, with the support of the Soviets, demanded unconditional peace. 
2.They seized power from provincial govts. They ended the Russian empire and allowed many nations to become independent. 
3.Thus, they created peace and built a new nation without exploiters.

10.Observe the map-2 of page 182 and answer the following questions.
i)Mention any two countries which are not under the control of Japan.
Tibet and Mongolia

ii)Mention any two countries which are under the control of Japan and lying on its western side.
Hongkong and Burma

11.Locate the following in the map of the world.
i) Germany    
ii) Italy    
iii) Austria    
iv) U.S.A.     
v) China    
vi) Russia   
vii) Britain
12.Prepare a few slogans on the prevention of wars and promotion of peace.
1.War is destruction - Peace is construction.
2.War kills people - Peace lives people.
3.No war - Go for peace.
4.Leave war - Fight for peace.
5.Live for good cause - Preserve world peace.
6.Peace is angel - War is ghost.

III. Short Answers:

1.What are the ideas of Fascism?
Two important ideas are:
1.Unquestioned power
2.Hatred for other people

2.Why was the life expectancy growing in 20th century?
Because of new discoveries in the field of medicine.

3.What was called Tripple alliance?
1.Germany made a secret alliance with Austria  in 1879 and Italy in 1882.
2.Hence it was called Tripple Alliance.

4.What was called Tripple entente?
1.France made mutual alliance with Russia in 1891 and with Britain in 1904.
2.To protect itself, Russia, France and Britain formed their Triple Entente in 1907.

5. Write about militarism?
1.It is the belief that of Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy, France and Britain.
2.They thought Military  power is the best  way to ensure security and to solve problems.
3.Hence six countries increased military expenditure by over three times, i.e. from £132 million to £ 397 million during the years from 1880 to 1914.

6.What are the three important things in the context of militarism?
1.European countries had built massive standing armies for their defence.
2.They competed with each other in increasing their military weapons. 
3.A large industry of weapons emerged to promoted the idea of war as a solution to  diplomatic problems.

7.What was the immediate cause of First World War?
1.Archduke Franz Ferdinand the prince of Austria-Hungary was assassinated on June 28, 1914 by a Bosnian Serb.
2.Austria was declared war on Serbia on 28 July  1914. 

8. What were Central powers?
The countries like Germany, Turkey participated on the side of Austria in the First World War are called Central powers.

9.What were the Allied Powers?
The countries like France, Britain, Russia and the USA that supported Serbia in the First World War were called allied powers.

10.Why did the US enter the First World War?
Because the German Troops sunk its commercial ship at Lusitania in 1917.

11.Name some new countries formed after World War the first?
Austria, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Czechoslovakia were some countries formed after World War-1.

12.What was the League of Nations?
1.It was the first international organization formed after First World War in 1920.
2.It was started by the American president Woodrow Wilson.
3.It had about fifty eight member countries.

13.What are the aims of the League of Nations?
1.The League of Nations was formed to prevent wars.
2.To settle the disputes between countries through negotiations.
3.To achieve disarmament or reduce
manufacturing of arms etc.
4. It also sought to work for development, labour welfare and health.

14. Why did League of Nations failed to prevent the Wars? 
a)The League of Nations formed to prevent wars in the future. 
b)Neither Russia nor Germany were not become a members of the League. 
c)USA could not become a member as the US Congress refused to sanction President Woodrow Wilson’s very active in the formation of the League.
d)The League had only 58 members.
e)The League had no it's ‘collective security’ forces.
e. It eventually failed to prevent Germany, Japan and Italy from violating international agreements and attacking other countries.

14. Which country is called Euro Asian power and why?
1. Russia is called Euro-Asian power.
2. It is with a vast area of land spread over two continents, Europe and Asia.
3. It comprised of several nations like Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan etc.

15.What was the importance of the demand for "peace and bread" in Russia?
1. Russia became the biggest loser of human lives in World War I. 
2. A large amount of food was supplied to the War front during the war.
3. This led to the shortage of food in the cities.
4. On March 8th 1917, around 10,000 women of the capital St Petersburg, took out a procession demanding ‘Peace and Bread’.
5.This was called March Revolution in which the Tsar Nicholas-II left the throne and escaped.

16. Who were Bolsheviks?
1.Bolsheviks were a group of Russian Communist Party who united the Soviets of soldiers, industrial workers and peasants in rural areas.
2.They seized power from provisional government under the leadership of Lenin in 1917 called October Revolution.

17.Name some demands of the Soviet.
1.Establishing immediate and unconditional peace.
2.All the land should be nationalized and redistributed to the peasants.
3.Control over high prices.
4.Nationalization of all factories and banks.

18.What was the twin policy of planned economic development of USSR?
1.Fast Industrialization
2.Collectivization of Agriculture

19.What is Economic Depression? What are its consequences?
1.During 1929-1939  the situation of world wide economic decline, because of a decline in demand and fall in prices was called economics depression.
2.The real incomes of ordinary people as well as governments across the world also declined
3.The consequences of it were massive unemployment, increasing poverty, desolation and homelessness.

20.What were the three R's of the New Deal program started by Franklin Roosevelt in the USA?
1.Franklin Roosevelt the President of US,
announced “the New Deal” program.
2.He promised Relief to the victims of the Depression.
3.He was Reform the Financial Institutions.
4.Took steps to ensure economic Recovery of economy by undertaking large public works.

21.What is a welfare state?
1.A state which ensures basic minimum dignified life for all it's citizens is called a welfare state.
2.It is also take care of their most basic needs like food, housing, health, child and old age care and education.
3.The state had taken on the responsibility of providing employment to the able bodied citizens.

22.Name any four common features of fascist movements?
1.The worshipping of the state, a devotion to a strong leader like Hitler.
2.An emphasis on extreme nationalism and military conquest.
3.Use of political violence,war, and conquest as a means to achieve national revival.
4.Stronger nations have the right to expand their territory by displacing weaker nations.
5.It stood for state controlled capitalism and opposed socialism and communism.
6.It also stood for abolition of all private industries.

23.Name some dictators’ who were the followers of fascist ideology?
1. Benito Mussolini of Italy.
2. Adolf Hitler of Germany.
3. General Franco of Spain.

24.What was the importance of Enabling Act in Germany?
1.The enabling Act was passed on 3rd March  1933 which established dictatorship in Germany.
2.It gave Hitler all powers to side line Parliament and rule by his order.

25.Which Empires ended after First World War?
1. Austro-Hungarian Empire.
2. Russian Empire.
3. Ottoman Empire.
4. German Empire.

26.What are the four basic principles of the UNO?
1.Preserving peace.
2.Upholding human rights.
3.Respecting international law.
4.Promoting social progress.

27.Write any two conditions imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?
1.Germany had to return its colonies in Africa and Alsace and Lorraine in Europe.
2.It's Army strength was restricted 9 lakh to1 lakh and naval strength to six battleships without submarines.

28.Why could the USA not become a member of League of Nations even though its president was very active the formation of it?
Because the US congress refused to sanction President Woodrow Wilson's proposal to join the League.

29.What was policy of appeasement of Hitler?
The Western capitalist countries encouraged Hitler and Nazis to come together against the USSR with the fear of Socialism. It was the policy of 'Appeasement' of Hitler.

30.What are the conditions of the treaty of Versailles?
This was the biggest Conference held in 1919, as it was attended by 32 national delegates. To weaken Germany, the treaty of Versailles imposed some territorial penalties and military cuts on it and economic terms.
They are:
1.Germany handed over colonies in Africa to allied powers.
2.Alsace and Lorraine given to France which was occupied in 1871.
3.Germany was asked to pull down its army strength to 1 lacks from 9 lacks.
3.It was also asked not to have submarines.
4.It restricts its naval strength to six battle ships.
5.Germany paid war indemnity to the allied powers beyond it's capacity.

31.What is the Holocaust?
The mass murder of selected groups of innocent civilians of Europe during the Second World War by Hitler is called the Holocaust.

32.What was the immediate cause of the Second World War?
The immediate cause: 
1.Hitler invaded on Poland as a punishment for  refusing to handover the Danzig port to Germany.
2.German Army entered Poland on 1st September 1939.

33.Name the countries of the Axis Powers during World War-2?
1. Germany        
2. Italy          
3. Japan

34.Name the countries of Allied Powers during World War-2?
1. England
2. France
3. USA
4. USSR.

35.Why had the USA and the USSR to join the Second World War?
1.USA: Japan attacked on Pearl Harbour of the USA in 1941.
2.USSR: Hitler attacked on USSR in 1942.

36.How was Germany divided after Second World War?
A. It was divided into two parts:
1.West Germany- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), under the influence of USA.
2.East Germany- German Democratic Republic (GDR), under the influence of USSR.

37. What were the Nuremberg trials?
Nuremberg trials were the tribunals held in Germany by the allied forces after the Second World Wa to punish the Nazi generals and leaders captured in the war.

38.What are the extra constitutional powers of special surveillance and security forces set up by the Nazis?
1.To stop and detain people to torture chambers, roundup and send them to concentration camps.
2.To deport any one at will.
3.To arrest people without any legal procedures.
4.To torture millions of political activists, trade  unionists and people of minority communities, especially the Jews.

39.What are the countries in the Soviet group?
 USSR, East European countries and China.

40.Why do you think Hitler wanted to target Jews as the enemy of German People?
1.He thought that the Jews were the main reason for the Economic crises of Germany.
2.He also attacked communism and capitalism  both of them as Jewish Conspiracies.
3.One more important cause they were the most intelligent people in the world and cause for all the problems.

41.Name the Japanese towns attacked with atom bombs by USA?
1.Hiroshima (6th-Aug-1945)                 
2.Nagasaki (9th-Aug-1945)

42.What did economist Hjalmar Schacht aim at for the economic recovery of Germany?
Hjalmar Schacht aimed at full production and full employment through a state - funded work-creation program.

43.What were the criticisms raised against Communist system of USSR.
Communists faced the criticism because of some reasons.
They are:
1.They built enormous centralization of power
2.Denial of ordinary democratic liberty to the citizens.
3.Large scale Execution of opposition leaders.
4.By the elimination of opposition parties.

44.What did economist J.M Keynes argue regarding Economic Depression?
 John Minard Keynes argued that:
1.The state is responsible to keep the economy going.
2.If it fails to do so, it can lead to the economic depression.
3.When demand decreases, the state should invest funds and generate employment.
4.It leads to people earn money and demand goods in the market.
5.This generation of demand through state action will help the economy to revive.

45.What did Marxist economists argue about the Economic Depression?
1.Marxist economists argued that this kind of crises happened because of capitalism.
2.They also thought that it could be prevented  by the establishment of socialism.

46.Prepare a few slogans on the prevention of wars and promotion of peace.
1.War is destruction - Peace is construction.
2.War kills people - Peace lives people.
3.No war - Go for peace.
4.Leave war - Fight for peace.
5.Live for good cause - Preserve world peace.
6.Peace is angel - War is ghost. 

IV. Additional Answers:

*Why did 20th century called ‘The Age of Extremes?
Eric Hobsbawm, a historian, called the 20th century ‘The Age of Extremes’.
1.The ideology Unquestioned power of fascism was grew and hatred for other people. 
2.The need for democracy was also increased.
3.The average life expectancy rate was increased, because of new discoveries in the field of medicine. 
4.Literacy levels also became high i.e. more people had access to better education. 
5.New art forms like movies also became known. 
6.In the field of science, new discoveries were made about life and atoms.
7.More than hundred countries became independent all over the world.
8.USSR experimented with socialism, under which the state owned all land, factories and banks and adopted planned development.
9.USA adopted liberal democracy and political liberty for all, and promoted capitalist system.

*What are the different impacts of wars during first half of 20th century? (OR)
What are the results/Consequences of World wars?
The world wars had a long-lasting impact on the politics, society and economy.
A.Enormous Human cost:
1.The first consequence of the wars was wide spread deaths and injuries. 
2.10 million people in WW-I and 20 to 25 million in WW-2. Most of the Men died below forty ages. 
B.Democratic principles asserted: With the first world war several empires also
ended. After the first world war colonies accepted selfgovernment. After the second world war the colonies got independence.
C.Change in balance of power: After the first world war, the map of east and central Europe redrawn on the basis of nationality, economic viability and military security. After Second world war, world map redrawn as ex-colonies and became independent.
D.New international organisations: 
1.The league of nations was setup in 1920 to solve disputes peacefully after World war -1.
2.The United Nations Organization
(UNO) was founded on 24-10-1945 on base of four principles after the world war -2.
*Preserve peace
*Uphold human rights 
*Respect international law 
*Promote social progress.
E.Enfranchisement of women: In 1918 political rights like right to vote got by British women.Being bread winners, women began rising their voice for equality.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
