I. Key Words:
1. Mountain: Natural elevation of the earth's surface with a small summit and a broad base, higher than the surrounded area.
2. Plateau: Plateaus are flat elevated table land with steep slopes on one side or more sides with undulating surface.
3. Plain: Plains are large stretches of flat topographical land, not higher than 200 mts from mean sea level . 
4. Coast: 
5. Cyclone: 
6. Flood: 

II. Improve Your Learning: 
1. What kind of changes are taking place in Penamakuru village?
1.In olden days, the farmers of Penamakuru cultivated red gram, green gram millets on the uplands.
2.Nowadays these crops have been replaced with vegetables and sugarcane why require irrigation.
3.Recently there has been an increasing use of groundwater through the borewells cultivate the uplands which cannot be easily irrigated with canal water.

2. How do the poor and the landless earn their livelihood in the plains?
1.The main village inhabited only by land owning people.
2.On the banks of Bandar canal liv 15 - 20 Basket weaving families.
3.The families who don't have land either lease in land of the landed farmers or work as labourers on their farms. 
4.We can also find kirana shops, bank, R.M.P Docte medical shops, iron welding shops, hair saloons, tiffin shops etc.

3. What are the difficulties of farming in plain villages like Penamakuru ?
1.It is necessary to irrigate the lands with water either from the canal or wells or tanks if there is no rains.
2.Agriculture very destructive due to cyclones and floods.

4. What will happens if all farmers of the village grow only sugarcane or turmeric?
1.If all the farmers cultivated commercial crops like sugarcane or turmeric leads to scarcity food crops.
2.The suffered with starvation and Hunger.

5. Why do plains like the Krishna delta have a very dense settlement?
1.Delta lands are very fertile with alluvial and give high yields.
2.Well irrigation for growing crops.
3.The lands are favourable for cultivation of all kinds of crops.
4.The road network in this region is well . This helps in marketing the produce.
5.Development of agro industries. 

6. Point out different landforms on the map of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Colour them as given below.
a) plain - green b) plateau - yellow c) mountains - brown

7. How are the people of handicrafts helped by the government?
1.They are provided with tools and implements.
2.The government purchase or market their produce / production.
3.The government provided training to improve their skills.
4.The government provided financial assistance to the handicrafts.

8. Describe the relief features of Telangana.
1. Telangana is situated on the Deccan plateau.
2. The region is drained by two major river valleys namely Godavari and Krishna.
3. It is also drained by several minor rivers.
4. There are many hill ranges also situated.
5. Telangana is a semi - arid area and has a predominatly hot and dry climate 

III. Additional and Short Answers:

1. Write few lines about Bandar canal.
1. Bandar canal takes off from the Krishna River at Prakasam Barrage in Vijayawada. 
2. It flows from the north west of the Penamakuru towards the south east . 
3. Water of this canal is taken to the fields through small field channels.

2. How are the soils formed in Penamakuru region ?  
1. Alluvial soils : Soils deposited by the river are called alluvial soils or ondru bhumi. They
are also rich in nutrients 
2. Black soils : These are very sticky with rain and retain moisture for a long time. When they dry up the tend to crack causes fertility. 
3. Sandy soils : Some parts of the village nearer to the river on the West and Soy have sandy soils.

3. Is the rainfall adequate for agriculture in your area?
We living in Telangana region receives rains from June to October. It is sufficient only for kharif crops. Later we depend on tanks or borewells in Rabi crops , they are not enough rains to grow crops . 
4. Name the Agro industries in penamakuru?
Poultry and rice mills are based on agriculture and therefore are called agn Industries.

5. How can we minimise the damage done by floods and cyclones?
1. Floods and cyclones are the regular calamities in our state and ours is no excusek it.
2. Bunds are constructed along the course of the river so that flood water does enter the village or town.
3. Irrigation canals and check dams are constructed to control and regulate the flow of water .

6. Mention the animals reared in Penamakuru A.
In penamakuru a few bullocks, cows, buffaloes and sheep are reared for working on the fields and other purposes . The village has a two poultry farms.

7. Do all the families have land ? 
No , they either lease in the land in the landed farmers or work as labourers on the farms .

8. Who work as labourers on their forms ? 
The people who are landless work as labourers on their farmers . 

9. Find out from your elders about the major floods in the past and what happene during those times.
1. Floods are caused by cyclones which bring heavy rains.
2. During floods uproot trees and cottages.
3. Agricultural lands and crops got damaged, low lying areas got inundated.
3. Villages towns, roads, railways, power supply, telephone lines got destroyed.
4. The affected area incurred a huge loss of life and property.
10. Where was the Prakasam Barrage constructed ? 
1. Vijayawada city is located at the head of the Krishna Delta on its northern bank. 
2. A barrage was built across the river at Vijayawada in 1853 by the British rulers. 
3. It is now called Prakasam Barrage. 
4. The water is diverted by this barrage into canals and is used to irrigate about 12 lakh 
acres of land.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
