21. The movement for the formation of the Telangana State (PART -B)

 21. The movement for the formation of the Telangana state

*Choose the correct Answers :

*Mulki rules is related to.. (TS March 2024) (      )
(A) Distribution of water
(B) Distribution of funds
(C) Land distribution
(D) Domicile status

*The commission formed to study the developments in Andhra Pradesh and submit report to the centre is...(TS March 2023) (      )
A) Justice Sri Krishna Commission 
B) Dr. Fazal Ali Commission 
C) Mandal Commission 
D) Kothari Commission 

*Vanta varpu is a form of protest in (TS May 2022)  (      )
A) Telangana movement 
B) Assom Movement 
C) Operation Barga 
D) Tebhaga movement 

*The agreement made before the formation of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad as its capital (TS June 2019) (      )
A) Shi Krishna Committee
B) Gentlemen's Agreement
C) Lahore Resolution
D) Fazal Ali Commission

*The significance of 1956, February 20th  (TS March 2019)  (      )
A) formation of Andhra Pradesh 
B) Formation of joint Action Committee
C) Formation of Telangana
D) Gentleman's Agreement

*The main reason for 1969 Telangana movement (TS June 2018) (       )
A) Equal employment in government sector exist
B) Implementation of the Mulki rules
C) The surplus revenue of the Telangana was used for other regions
D) Non- local status for coastal Andhra people in Telangana

*The significance of June 2nd, 2014 is  (TS June 2017)   (      )
A) Formation day of Jharkhand
B) Nuclear bomb blast
C) Bhopal gas leakage
D) Appointed day of Telangana 

*One of the following is not related to Telangana armed struggle (TS March 2017) (      )
A) Cancelled farmers debts
B) Banned Vetti 
C) Land to tillers 
D) Change Hyderabad into Hindu state 

*By this agreement Hyderabad and Andhra state merged and formed into Andhra Pradesh  (TS March 2016)   (     )
A) Shri Krishna agreement
B) Mulki agreement
C) Gentlemen's agreement
D) Chief ministers agreement

*The proposal of Regional Council for Telangana was expected to look into these
issues (     )
A) Issues related to planning and development
B) Irrigation and industrial development
C) Recruitment to services in the Telangana region
D) To secure all round development of the Telangana

*The main reasson for increase in agricultural labour in the Telangana was due to (     )
A) Land selling by farmers of the Telangana
B) Decline in demand for their produce
C) Depletion of sources of raw material
D) Loss of livelihoods

*This university was set up as per the assurance of six point formula (     )
A) Kakatiya university
B) Mahatma Gandhi University of Telangana
C) Palamur University
D) Hyderabad Central University

*As per ‘Mulki rules’ the minimum years of residence necessary are   (      )
A) 8 years 
B) 12 years 
C) 4 years 
D) 7 years

*A six point formula was formulated by the Central Government in  (      )
A) 1956 
B) 1969 
C) 1992 
D) 1973

*The region rich in mineral resources is 
A) Andhra Pradesh  (      )
B) Rayalaseema
C) Telangana region 
D) None of the

*The members of Hyderabad state assembly were against merger with Andhra keeping in view the following aspects (     )
a) Telangana would loose control over the resources
b) Educational and employment oppurtunities for the Telangana Youth
c) Coastal Andhra elite would dominate the future state
d) Control of irrigation facilities and electric supply to Andhra state
A) a,b
B) a,b,c
C) c,d
D) b,c,d

*What are the main causes that led to 1969 Agitation (     )
a) Diversion of surplus revenue from Telangana to other regions
b) Discrimination in employment in government sector
c) Voilation of Mulki rules
d) Addressing the needs and development of the Telangana
A) a,b,c 
B) a,b 
C) a,c,d 
D) b,c,d

*The circumstances that led to the farmers suicides in Telangana region were (     )
a) Dependence of canal irrigation
b) Increase in prices of fertilisers and pesticides
c) Depletion of ground water resources
d) Huge investments in boring deeper wells
A) a,b,c 
B) b,c,d 
C) a,b,d 
D) a,c,d

*Assembly muttadi was announced by (     )
A) Student JAC 
B) Employees JAC
C) Lawyers JAC 
D) JACs of castes

*Arrange the following events of Telangana Movement in chronological order (     )
a) Jai Andhra
b) Jagityala jaitrayatra
c) Sagara haram
d) Assembly Muttadi
A) a,b,c,d 
B) a,b,d,c 
C) a,d,b,c 
D) a,c,d,b

*After 1990s the boom in Information technology industry was seen in this state (      )
A) Warangal 
B) Karimnagar 
C) Hyderabad 
D) Siddipet

*Major demand of Jai Andhra Movement (      )
A) Removal of Mulki rules
B) Inmplement Eight point plan
C) Expansion of irrigation facilities in Telangana
D) To ensure equitable expenditure of state resources 

*The philosopher behind the formation of TRS ...... (      )
A) Prof. Jaya Shankar
B) K. Chandrashekhar Rao
C) Prof. Kodanda Ram
D) Prof. Manikyam

*At present number of districts in Telangana ...... (      )
A) 30
B) 31
C) 32
D) 33

*The first Chief Minister of Hyderabad state........ (      )
A) Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
B) P. Ramananda Reddy
C) Sri Bhavanam Venkata Ram
D) Sri Ramananda Teertha

*Indefinate fast of K. Chandrasekhar Rao began on .......... (       )
A) 29th Nov 2009
B) 29th Nov 2013
C) 29th Nov 2011
D) 29th Nov 2012

*Sabbanda Varnas " means...... (       )
A) All religions
B) All castes
C) All creeds
D) All colours

*Telangana Rashtra Samithi formed in April .......... (       )
A) 2001
B) 2002
C) 2003
D) 2004

*The literacy rate in 2001 in Telangana was ....... (        )
A) 53%
B) 63%
C) 73%
D) 83%

*He was not a member of a Gentlemen's Agreement from Telangana (       )
A) M. Chenna Reddy
B) J.V. Narasinga Rao
C) K.V. Ranga Reddy
D) B. Rama Subba Rao

*Under ........ prime ministership, under took police action and ensured the merger of Hyderabad state with the union of India (       )
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Lal bahadur shastry
C) Indira Gandhi
D) Dr. Manmohan Singh

*Hyderabad state became a democratic state in..... (       )
A) 1952
B) 1954
C) 1955
D) 1956


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
