6. POPULATION (Part-B, Multiple Questions)

*Multiple Choice Questions: (1 mark)

*As per 2011 census, the male literacy rate is.... (TS March 2023)    (      )
A) 82%
B) 62%
C) 74%
D) 12% 

*This is not a reason for population change in an area. (TS June 2019) (     )
A) Number of births 
B) Death rate
C) Migrants in that area
D) Residents in that area settled permanently

*The following age group of population is also treated as biologically reproductive (TS June 2018) (      )
A) Below 15 years
B) 60-70 years
C) 15-59 years
D) Above 70 years

*This is not the reason for high density of population in northern plains (TS March 2018)   (     )
A) Fertile soil
B) Abundant rainfall
C) Favourable weather conditions 
D) Barren and loamy soil

*The district that has the highest density of population in the following is (TS March 2017)  (      )
A) Adilabad
B) Khammam
C) Warangal
D) Nizamabad

*In a particular region, particular time change of population. (TS June 2016)  (      )
A) Population in change
B) Increase in population
C) Population explosion
D) Decrease in population

*The age is to be considered to estimate  literacy (TS March 2016)   (       )
A) 4 years
B) 5 years
C) 6 years
D) 7 years

*Population density means (TS March 2015) (      )  
A) Population growth
B) Total population
C) Number of persons per unit area
D) Less population 

*Census defines the working age group under age structure is   (TS March 2015)  (     )
A) 10-14 years
B) 20-60 years
C) 15-59 years
D) 21-62 years 

*Age limit for children generally is.  (     )
A) Below 15 years
B) Below 13 years
C) Below 14 years
D) Below 12 years

*Which education has been a powerful force in reducing discrimination against women?  (      )
A) Higher
B) Women's
C) Technical 
D) None

*Population density is calculated as the number of persons per (     )
A) A region
B) Village
C) Unit area
D) All the above

*The first complete census was held in (      )
A) 1881 
B) 1800 
C) 1901 
D) 1921

*The sex ratio of India in 2001 is,  (     )
A) 909 
B) 933 
C) 919 
D) 960

*The state that has least sex ratio is. (      )
A) Kerala
B) Tamilnadu
C) Himachal pradesh
D) Haryana

*The following is the pivotal element in social studies (      )
A) Population 
B) Education
C) Health 
D) Culture and Heritage

*Which component is one of the most basic characteristics of a population? (      )
A) Migration 
B) Age 
C) Sex ratio 
D) Literacy rates

*Sex ratio defined as:      (      )
A) The number of females per 1000 males in the population
B) The number of females per 10000 males in the population
C) The number of females per 100 males in the population
D) The number of females per 10 males in the population

*According to the Census, a “literate” person is one who (      )
A) Can read and write his/her name 
B) Can read and write any language
C) is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding
D) knows the 3 ‘R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic)

*The population density of India in the year 2011 was ...... persons  (      )
A) 442 per sq km 
B) 823 per sq km 
C) 382per sq km 
D) 282per sq km

*The absolute numbers added each year or decade is known as .... of increase  (      )
A) Rate 
B) Magnitude 
C) Intensity 
D) growth

*The following is not the component of population growth (      )
A) Migration 
B) Birth Rate 
C) Death Rate 
D) Sex Ratio

*Census work is done for every ..... (      )
A) 1 year 
B) 5 Years 
C) 8 Years 
D) 10 Years

*Usually this group forms the working population in a society  (      )
A) All the age group people 
B) Below 15 years
C) Above 59 years 
D) between 15 and 59 years


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
