1. Tool kit: A set of tools, especially one kept in a bag or box and used for a particular purpose.

2. Kannulu: Nets are of different types based on the different sizes of the kannallu (rings) and layers of the net.

3. Burra Katha: Burra Katha or Burrakatha is a Telugu art of oral storytelling. The term Burra refers to tambura and Katha means a story.

4. Mechanical Boat: A boat propelled (drive) by mechanical power.


1. Does Bhavanapadu look like the place you live in? What differences and similarities can you think of? Compare them in the following aspects:
a. Sources of livelihood 
b. Types of employment
c. Water sources 
d. Agricultural practices

2. How many types of ocean movements are there? Which of them is useful to the fishermen?
A. The water of the oceans is never still. There is three kinds of movements. They are: 
1. Waves: When the water on the surface of the ocean rises and falls, they are called waves.If faster the wind, bigger the waves.
2. Currents: ocean water moves from one part to another in big streams constantly in a definite direction called ocean currents. The ocean currents are of two types:
a) The warm currents: They flow from the equatorial region towards the poles
b) The cold currents: They flow from the poles to the equatorial regions. 
3. Tides: Tides are the rhythmic rise and fall in the level of the water in the oceans every day. All places on the coast experience some hours of low tide and some hours of high tide.

3. What is the difference between fishing with mechanical boats and with Karrateppa?
Mechanical boats:
1. It is costly boat. It costs around Rs. 6 lakhs. 
2. It has the capacity of 20 members. It has far more risk of life. 
3. Rs. 5000 / - needed for a trip for diesel, wages and other things.  
4. They can go far off places in the sea and can fish for a long time. 
5. In case of emergency, it is difficult to swim over to the shore.
1. It is a country made boat. So it is very cheap. 
2. It has the capacity of a few members. It has not much risk compared to Marapadava. 
3. It does not need much money. 
4. It can cover very short distances. 
5. In case of emergecy, it is easy to swim off to the shore.

4. Write the process of getting a mechanical boat ready for fishing.
1. The fishermen check the engine. 
2. They also check the rope puller.
3. The additional stock of diesel is kept in the boat.
4. They keep their food packages in the boat. 
5. They pray to the goddess in whom they have a strong faith.

5. What does the tool kit of fishermen contain?
Tool kit of fisherman consists of:
1. Nulukarralu (net repaining fork), 
2. Nulukanda (thread) and 
3. Flattened stick that determines the net ring size.

6. What are the similarities that you find between the surface of the earth and the bottom of the sea?
1. The floor of the ocean is just like the surface of the earth. 
2. The bottom of the sea is not a flat surface. 
3. It consists of hills, mountains, plateaus, plains and trenches etc.

7. Collect information about the aquifers of your village / town and fill in the table. Analyse the benefits.

8.Make an album of pictures that reflects the life of fishermen.

9. What solutions can you suggest to the fishermen so that they do not have to depend on the middlemen for money? 
1. The fishermen should form themselves as an association or should open a co-operative bank. 
2. The association or bank should act as middlemen for the sake of money

10. In the last 4 chapters, we studied many different aspects of water. Here is more information about the availability of water on Earth. Look at them carefully and explain the availability of water resources on Earth.
1. The above pie diagram shows the distribution of water on the earth.
2. The first pie diagram shows that
a) Ice caps and glaciers account for 68.7% of freshwater.
b) Ground water accounts for 30.1% of fresh water.
c) Surface water account for 0.3 % of fresh water and other sources contains 0.9 % of a freshwater.
3. The second pie diagram shows that there is 97 % saline water and 3% fresh water on the earth.
4. The last diagram shows that lakes, swamps and rivers contain it is 7%, 11%, and 2% of the fresh surface water respectively.

11. How do you support the statement ‘The life of fishermen is tied up with seas’?
1. They have been fishing for generations together. 
2.They feel that sea water is their own water, just as natural as a farmer going to his field. 
3.They spend most of their lives on the sea. 
4. All their festivals, important rituals are connected to the sea. 
5. So we can say that the life of fisherman is tied - up with seas.

12. Read the first paragraph under the heading “fishing villages on the coastal plains” in page 35 and comment on it.
1. Oceans are useful to us in many ways. 
2. They give us rains and some kinds of foods also. 
3.They support our international tra

Additional Answers:

*What solutions would you suggest to the fishermen to not depend on the middlemer for money? 
1. The fishermen should form themselves as an association or should open a co-operative bank. 
2. The association or bank should act as middlemen for the sake of money

*Why the Earth is known as a watery planet?
1. The earth is known as a watery planet as it is the only planet containing water in abundance.
2. It is estimated that about 71% of the earth‘s surface is covered by oceans.

* What are the differences between seas and oceans?
1. Seas are of saline water on earth.
2. They are the parts or branches of oceans.
1. Oceans are Large sea areas.
2. Generu they are seperated by the continents.

* What are the parts of Ocean Relief devided?
1. Continental shelf.
2. Continental slope.
3. Deep sea plain.
4. Trenches.

*What are the uses of tides?
1. The tides are of great help to fishing. 
2. Tides at some places take away the mud brought down by rivers.
3. They are preventing the silting at the end of river.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
