*Give examples for the non-farming activities.
Ex: Small manufacturing, transport, shop -  keeping etc.

*Why are bogeys used in Rampur village?
Bogeys, the wooden carts drawn by buffaloes, are used to for transportation of jiggery and other commodities in Rampur.

*Why has there been no expansion in land area under cultivation in Rampur, since 1921?
By then, the nearby forests had been cleared and some of the waste lands in the village were converted to cultivable land.

*What is multiple cropping and what is its use?
1. Growing more than one crop on the same piece of land during the year is known as multiple cropping.
2. It is the most common way of increasing production from land

*What is a Hectare?
1. It is the standard unit of measuring land.
2. It is equal to 10,000 square meters.

*Who are small farmers?
The farmers with less than 2 hectares of land are called small farmers.

*Classify the factors of production.
There are four factors of production:
1. Land
2. Labour
4. Technology and Enterprise

*What are the differences between physical capital and working capital?
Physical capital:
1. The tools, machines and buildings required for production are called physical or fixed capital.
2. They are not used up or consumed immediately in the production process.
Working capital.
1. The raw materials and money required for production is called working capital.
2. These are used up in the production cycle.

*Why are farm labourers poor?
1. They get lower wages.
2. They have no regular work throughout the year.

*Describe the production factors in diary activity?
1. Land – Own Shed
2. Labour – Family Members
3. Physical Capital - Buffaloes
4. Working Capital – Grass and Medicines

*What is the aim of production?
It is to produce goods and services that people need.

*Who are entrepreneurs?
1. The owners of the enterprises, who produce for the market and have to plan, organise and manage, are called entrepreneurs.
2. They could be farmers, shopkeepers, small scale manufacturers, service providers etc.

*Whom do the most of small farmers borrow money for the working capital from?
They borrow from:
*The large farmers.
*The village money lenders.
*The traders who supply various inputs for cultivation.

*When will there be a loss to the farmers in farm activities?
1. When crops are damaged because of floods, pests etc.
2. The sudden fall in the price of agricultural produce

*List the factors of production in the preparation of jaggery.
1. Land - Own Shed at home / field
2. Labour – Family members
3. Physical Capital - Sugarcane crushing machine
4. Working Capital – Sugarcane brought from farmers and Electricity

*List the factors of production in shop keeping.
1. Land - Front space of own house
2. Labour – Family Members
3. Physical Capital – Furniture and Fridge
4. Working Capital – commodities and Electricity

*What is required to increase Non - farm activities?
1. Little land.
2. Loan is available at low rate of interest.
3. To have markets where the goods and services produced can be sold.
4. Good transport and telephone connectivity with towns and cities


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
