1.Pervious rocks: Rocks which have cracks or pores in them and can contain water are called  pervious rocks.
2.Impervious rocks: Rocks which don't have cracks or pores in them and can't contain water are called pervious rocks.

4.Aquifers: The layer of the water which accumulates under the ground among rocks is aquifer.
5.Megalithic age: 


1. Correct the incorrect sentences.
a. Water flows from the plains to the plateau.
b. There is a thick deposit of sand and gravel in the plateau.
c. Groundwater will never dry.
d. It is easy to dig wells in Mahabubnagar.

2.The wells shown in this figure are situated on the slopes of the Godavari. But there seems to be a mistake in the figure. Can you correct it?

3.In which of these places do you expect maximum percolation to take place?

4.When the owners of some wells in Pallerla started using high-powered motors to draw water from the wells, the owners of other wells noticed that their wells were drying up. Discuss the possible solution to the problem.

5.In areas where there is a shortage of groundwater, should there be any restrictions on digging bore wells? Why?
1.The areas which have shortage of ground water are stated as notified areas by Central Ground Water Authority . 
2.In these areas there is permission for only one bore well to meet drinking and domestic purpose of water. 
3.Its diametre should be 100 mm and capacity of pump should not exceed 1 HP.
4.It should have rain water harvesting system in the premises. 
5.Otherwise, the 'holding capacity' in the matter inside the earth will be lessened. 

6.Think about the ways to restore the groundwater in your area.
I think the following steps are useful to enhance groundwater. 
1.Vegetation like trees and grasses and bunds are used to enhance groundwater.
2.We follow water shed development projects. 
3.Under these projects trees and grasses are planted on the hill slopes and small bunds are built across streams to stop the flow of water.
4.I suggest the people to store rain water in tanks and not dig wells too deep in the ground.
5.I think tanks built,which help the people not only drinking water, but also irrigating their fields raise at least some crops.

7.Observe the figure 3.1(a) and compare it with your locality.

8.Draw the map of your village and locate the water resources of your village in it.

9.Read the third paragraph under “Quality of Ground water” in page no. 30 and comment on it.
1.The quality of ground water in some parts of the Telangana state is changing.
2.Due to human activities ground water is less susceptible to bacterial pollution than surface water. 
3.Many unseen dissolved mineral and organics are present in ground water in various levels
4.Most are harmless or even beneficial; though occuring frequently. Others are harmful, and a few may be highly toxic.

IV.Short and Additional Answers:

*Mention the differences between pervious rocks and impervious rocks.
Pervious rocks:
1.Rocks which have cracks or pores in them and can contain water are called  pervious rocks.
2.Ground water usually accumulates above such rocks.
3.In Telangana we have a few districts like Khammam where such rocks like sand stones are found.
Impervious rocks:
1.Some rocks like granite, Kadapa limestone, are very compact and don't pores in them.
2.Water cannot go beneath them, these are called impervious rocks.
3.Most of the rocks underlying the soil in our state are of this kind.
*What is the need of groundwater sources in India?  
1.India needs sufficient water to increase crops production through multiple cropping systems. 
2.Seasonal occurrence of rainfall.
3.To safeguard areas against droughts.
4.Effectively utilise the available water resources. 
5.We should sustain water for future generations.
6.We should also develop ways of using and conserving water
7.Otherwise future generations will fight over water and we will be responsible for it.

*How were the tanks built ? 
*The tanks were sometimes built by a king, sometimes by a military leader nayaka or often by the people of the village.
*In building the tank, everyone in the village contributed towards expenses an labour. 
*All people of the village together by repairing the tank bund (wall) or removing silt from the tank bed.
*They also appointed a person to regulate the use of the water from the tank.
*The tanks were usually built by building a strong wall of stones and mud across small stream in such a way that with a wall on just one side a large lake could be formed

*What are the minerals dissolved in the groundwater ? 
1.Minerals come from the rocks and soil underneath.
2.The taste and nature of water changes upon the minerals which mix with the water.
3.There is excess quantity of certain minerals like Sodium, Fluoride, Chloride, Iron, Nitrate, etc. in many Mandals of Telangana.
4.Drinking such water is not good for our health and can cause diseases, which affect our bones, teeth, etc.

*Why is the water polluted ? 
1.Many times water is polluted due to the excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides or poor drainage.
2.Water is polluted by animals and human beings.
3.Even the ashes of the dead persons and dead animals are thrown into rivers.
4.In villages people wash their clothes on the banks of river and bathe their cattle there.
5.Chemicals released from industries and factories reached of the rivers.

*How did the tanks help ? 
1.The tanks helped the people not only in giving them and their animals drinking water, but also in irrigating their fields in such a way that even during drought years, they could raise at least some crop.
2.The tanks also helped to increase the water level in the wells nearby bed could be used for raising some crops.
4.Most important thing is that the tanks helped to prevent the run off of rain water and the erosion of top soils.
5.Every year people would collect tank silt and put it in their fields to fertilise the soil.
6.Tanks belonged to all people of the village. Thus they benefitted not one or two people but all people of the village.
7.To this day most of the villages in Telangana and Rayalaseema regions have at least one or two major tanks.
*Explain the decline of tanks in our times . 
1.During the last twenty or thirty years the tanks have been neglected and have been allowed to break down.
2.Repairs to the tanks, desllting etc. have not been done regularly.
3.People also have gradually taken land for building houses or for agriculture.
4.As a result in almost every part of the state we see the sad state of dry tanks lying uncared for 
5.Instead of caring for the tanks we have been digging deeper and deeper tube wells at great expense.
6.But they only benefit a few and in the long run, deplete water resources. On the other hand, tanks build resources for all.
*In what way can we increase or recharge ground water?
1.If the flow of the rain water is checked vegetation or bunds, then there is a greater possibility of this water percolating to the soil to join the ground water.
2.Grasses are planted on the hill slopes from where a stream starts and small dams are also built across streams to store water for a longer time.
3.Over the last few years great efforts have been undertaken to 'harvest' rain water by the means.
4.These measures are usually taken for a stream (or) river. Such efforts are called 'Watershed development projects'.
5. Trees and grasses are planted on the hill slopes from where stream starts and small bunds are built across streams to stop the flow of water. 
6.Small check dams are also built across streams to store water for a long time.
7.All this helps to increase or recharge groundwater.

III. Choose the correct Answers:

1.Bethala Reddy was a feudatory of     (      )
A. Kakatiyas             
B. Shathavahanas            
C. Rashtrakutas       
D. Chalukyas

2.Fishermen worship this Goddess before fishing  (      )
A. Uppalamma           
B. Maisamma            
C. Pochamma                       
D. Durgamma

3.This is NOT correct rated to Fishermen of Bethavolu village   (      )
i.Fishing is the main profession of only 60 to 70 families.
ii.Few of the Fishermen were Government employees.
iii.The fishing months are March and April
iv.The Fisherman obviously consumes alcohol before fishing
A. i, iv              
B. ii, iv            
C. i, iii          
D. i, ii, iv
4.Veerladevi cheruvu is also known as  (      )
A. Erla Devi tank          
B. Dark Devi tank
C. Pochamma kunta         
D. Betham cheruvu.

5.The beads of Fishing Nets are made of  (       )
A. Aluminum and Iron  
B. Copper and Lead  
C. Silver and Iron       
D. Lead and Iron.

6.Visire vala is used by the Fisherman during.(       )
A. Less water in the tank   
B. More water in the tank. 
C. Heavy rain fall  
D. In cyclone time

7.The Timings of Fishing           (       )
A. 3am to 6am & 1pm to 3pm             
B. 10am to 1pm & 1pm to 4pm.          
C. 4am to 8 am & 1pm to 4pm               
D. 5am to 8am & 1pm to 4pm

8.One Hectar is equal to          (       )
A. 2 acres        
B. 2.5 acres                   
C. 3 acres                        
D. 3.5acres

9.The total membership of Cooperative Society of Fishermen is decided on the basis of(       )
A. The capacity of the tank
B. The Ayakat of the tank
C. The number of Fishermen families of the village
D. The tank capacity of the fish production


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
