I. Keywords:

2.Police action: The Government of India took military action against the Hyderabad state to merge with Indian union
3.Regional Council: A statutory body consisting of 20 members from the legislative assembly to look after the needs and development of Telangana.
4.Mulki rules: 
5.Seemandhra: Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra regions collectively called Seemandhra.
6.Gross cropped area:

II. Improve your learning:

1) Correct the incorrect statements:

°Indian states were formed based on languages.
Correct (Linguistic states are formed according to the state reorganisation act 1956)

°Sufficient recognition has been provided to languages of all different groups of people living in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Correct (Sufficient recognition provide to the languages)

2) “Diversity of people living in Telangana has historical, social and cultural context”. Justify the statement based on arguments given in the chapter.

3) Describe the main features of Gentleman’s Agreement. How did this become a point of distrust between the regions?

4) Based on the experiences of people’s aspiration in Telangana what measures of safeguards would you take to ensure that all sections of people living in the Telangana State feel respected?

5) What have been the differences in access to water, agriculture, education and employment in the two regions?

6) How did the disparity of growth between urban areas and agriculture create conflict of interest in expectations from the government?

7) What arguments were put forward by people who wanted the two regions to be united?

8) How do you evaluate the various modes of mobilisation methods used in Telangana state formation.

9) Describe the different roles taken up by JACs and political parties in the formation of Telangana state? How do you think JACs created platform  across political ideologies?

10) Locate the following on the map of Telangana.
i) Mahabubnagar ii) Khammam iii) Nizamabad IV)Adilabad v)Nalgonda vi) Mahaboobabad vii) Nirmal viii)Jogulamba

III. Short Answers:

*Why did the people of Telangana fight for long time demanding separate state?
They fought for:
1. Water.
2. Funds.
3. Employment.

*Which area has been called Telangana in erstwhile-Hyderabad State?
The area of eight districts of Hyderabad State, consisted of Telugu speaking people has been called Telangana.

*What were the three distinct regions speaking Telugu language?
2. Coastal Andhra
3. Rayalaseema

*Why did the demand for Vishalandra come from Andhra region?
Because the rich from coastal areas were keen to invest in Telangana to make use of its resources.

*Who were the signatories to the Gentlemen's agreement1956?
From Telangana:
1. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
2. K V Ranga Reddy
3. J V Narasinga Rao
4. Marri Chenna Reddy.
From Andhra:
1. Bezawada Gopal Reddy
2. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
3. Gouthu Latchanna
4. Alluri Satyanarayana Raju.

*What were the Mulki rules?
These were the rules under which only those with a minimum of 12 years of residence in Telangana were eligible for jobs and admission to educational institutions in this area.

*What is "State within the State"?
1.The Gentlemen's Agreement-1956 recognized the distinct identity of Telangana within the new state.
3.'Regional Council' was formed for the need and development of Telangana. 
2. So it came to be known as "State within the State”.

*What are the main reasons for the discontent over the non-implementation of the Gentlemen's Agreement?
Three main reasons:
1.Diversion of surplus revenue from Telangana to other regions of the state.
2.Discrimination in employment in government sector.
3.Granting of domicile status to Coastal  Andhra persons working in Telangana in violation of the Mulki rules.

*What was the central government response to the 1969 Agitation?
1.The central government held long talks and came up with an Eight Point Plan.
2.It basically consisted of setting up several committees.
3.Even though this did not satisfy most people, the agitation receded for the time being.

*What was Jai Andhra movement? What were their demands?
The counter movement started in1972 in Seemandhra region in response to the 1969- Telangana agitation.
The demands:
1.Greater development of coastal districts.
2.Removal of the Mulki rules.

*What was the result of the Jai Andhra movement?
1.A six point formula was formulated by the Central Government in 1973, 
2.Assuring all the regions that priority in government employment would be given to local people.
3.Educational opportunities would be expanded in all regions and a Central University would be set up in Hyderabad.

* How did Telangana lose its distinct identity as promised in the Gentleman's agreement?
1.A six point formula was formulated by central government in 1973 after jai Andhra movement.
2.The Mulki Rules and the regional committee for Telangana were dropped in the formula. 
3.Thus Telangana lost its distinct identity.

*What are the main festivals that are celebrated in Telanagna?
1. Bathukamma 
2. Bonalu

*Give examples for the films which represent the people, language and culture of Telangana accurately?
1. Ma Bhoomi
2. Osey Ramulamma
3. Bathukamma 
4. Jai Bolo Telangana

**During the last twenty years, Hyderabad has become a very large and prosperous city. Why were the people of Telangana not satisfied with it?
1.The development was confined to in and around Hyderabad city.
2.The local people did not benefit much from this development.
3.They were in fact losing control over their own land to real estate developers.
4.The people of Telangana were not satisfied due to the backwardness of the other parts of the region.

*What could be the reasons for higher number of suicides in Telangana?
1.Huge investments in boring deeper wells due to the depletion of ground water
2.Increase in the prices of inputs like fertilizers & pesticides.
3.Draughts, failure of crops & loss of livelihood.
4.Competition from cheap imported Agricultural Products.

*Why were the tribal or caste organizations formed in Telangana?
1.Fighting against on slaught on their conventional forms of life.
2.For protecting their existential needs -Jal, Jungle, Zameen (Water, Forest, Land)

*Give examples for the tribal or caste organizations formed in Telangana during the movement?
1. Tudum debba  
2. Lambada Nagara bheri
3. YerukalaKurru
4. Madiga Dandora
5. Kurma-golla      
6. Dolu debba        
7. Moku Debba

*What were the organizational experiments tried out for Telangana State?
1. Telangana Jana Parishad
2. Telangana Maha sabha
3. Telangana Jana sabha
4. Telangana Aikya Vedik

*What is Dhoom Dhaam?
This is a form of protest with songs and dances by many artists - Singers and dancers of different folklore come on to the same dais and presents their skills

*What was Vanta Varpu program?
It was a way of protest in which people came on to the public roads, cooked food items and ate them on the road itself during the Telangana movement.

*What was the importance of K. Chandrasekhar Rao's Fast of 2009 in Telangana movement?
1.The TRS leader was on fast for 10 days between 29th November and 9th December 2009.
2.This galvanized the people and the movement received new thrust and meaning.

*Which conditions persuaded the central government to announce the formation of Telangana on 9th December 2009?
1.Spreading the movement among the communities at grass roots
2.K. Chandrasekhar Rao's fast
3.The proposed Assembly Muttadi on 10th December.

*What are the reasons for the withdrawal of announcement of Telangana by the central government? (OR) 
Why were people from Andhra region worried about the formation of Telangana?
1.The investors from other regions worried about their investments on properties in Hyderabad.
2.Andhra farmers worried of irrigation water the canals and regular electric supply
3.They felt that it would be unfortunate to divide the state, once united by Telugu language.
4.They people started protests against the decision.
*Name the six major agitations launched by Telangana Joint Action Committee (TJAC)?
1. Non Cooperation Movement.
2. Million March.
3. Sakala Janula Samme.        
4. Sagara Haram.
5. Sansad Yatra.                 
6. Chalo Assembly.

*What was the 2014 Time Line of formation of Telangana state?
1.Lok Sabha passed the Telangana Bill on 18th February.
2.The Rajya Sabha passed the Bill on 20th February.
3.The President sign on the bill on 1st March.
4.Telangana was formed on 2nd June 2014.

*Name the parties that supported Telangana bill in the Parliament?
Ex: 1. BJP 
       2. BSP 
       3. CPI

*What could be the reasons for the lower literacy rate in Telangana as compared to Coastal Andhra?
1.Educational opportunities were not spread all over Telangana.
2.Discrimination against Telangana in the allotment of funds for education in the budget.

*What is Gross Cropped area?
The total area on which crops were grown in a year is called Gross Cropped Area.

*What are the differences between Andhra and Telangana regions regarding irrigation facilities?
1.Canals are major irrigation facilities here.
2.Farmers did not spend money as canal irrigation was provided by the government
3.Gross Cropped Area increased.
1.Wells are major irrigation facilities here.
2.The farmers spent a lot of money to dug expensive wells.
3.Gross Cropped Area did not change

*What would have been the best way to use the mineral resources of Telangana?
Establishing mineral based industries in this region is the best way.

*Why did the students play a leading role in demanding a separate state for Telangana?
Because they hoped that they would get good job opportunities in their own state.

*In what ways the employment opportunities for SCs, tribal and nomadic people of Telangana could have been ensured?
1.Supplying the raw materials for their caste professions through special corporations.
2.Separate budget allocation for these categories.

*What are the problems being faced by the farmers of Telangana due to over reliance on wells for irrigation?
1.Depletion of the ground water
2.Spending more money on digging bore wells deeper.
3.Spending large amounts on electric motors and pump sets.
4.Indebtedness with increased agricultural investment.

*Write some slogans used during the Telangana movement?
1.Jai Telangana!
2.Gongura go back!
1.Jai Telangana! Jai Jai Telangana!!
2.KCR sachhudo! Telangana vachhudo!!

Previous Questions:

*Name the two political parties, established for the formation of separate Telangana 1969 and 2001. (TS March -2017)
1.Telangana Praja Samithi - 1969
2.Telangana Rashtra Samithi - 2001

*What are the consequences of rich people from outside the state purchasing agriculture land in Telangana? (TS May 2022)

*Observe the given table and answer the questions A and B. (TS May 2022)
A) In which year is the total cropped area high in Telangana? 
2006 -07
B) Write two reasons for the high growth rate of total cropped area in Andhra.
1.Canals are major irrigation facilities here.
2.Farmers did not spend money as canal irrigation was provided by the government.

*Why did the people of Telangana demand separate state? (TS March 2019)
1.Uneven Development between the Telangana and other regions 
2. Resources were not being used for the benefit of the Telangana people
3. New employment opportunities created in the state were being cornered by people of other regions.
4.Non-implementation of Gentlemen's Agreement.

*Mention any Four points of the gentleman's agreement (TS March 2018)
The most important points in the agreement were;
1.Expenditure on Administration was to be borne proportionately by the two regions and surplus revenue from Telangana region would be spent only for the development of Telangana.
2.The existing educational facilities in Telangana would be reserved for the students from the Telangana region only.
3.It was agreed to continue the Mulki rules under which only those with a minimum of 12 years of residence in Telangana were eligible for jobs and admission to educational institutions in Telangana.
4.It was agreed to set up a Regional Council, a statutary body consisting of 20 members from the Legislative Assembly to oversee the needs and development of Telangana.
5.Sale of agricultural land in Telangana would be controlled by the Regional Council.
6.The Andhra Pradesh ministry will consist of 40 percent members from Telangana and 60 percent from Andhra.
7.If the Chief Minster was from Andhra, the Deputy Chief Minister would be from Telangana and vice versa.

*What are the different protest forms in Telangana movement? (OR) 
*Name any two forms of protest that were fought as a part of Telangana agitation. (TS June 2019) (OR)
*Which forms of protest do you like in Telangana movement? why? (TS March 2018)
1. Dhoom-Dhams
2. Garjanas
3. Padayatra
4. Bonalu
5. Rangoli
6. Sadakbandh 
7. Relay hunger strike 
8. Vantavaarpu

*Write in slogans that revealed the aspiration of separate Telangana state? (TS March 2017)
1.Our state - Our development
2.Dream of Telangana - Golden Telangana.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
