*How did the US President Harry Truman comment on the impact of Second World War on his country?
He commented, "We have emerged from this war, the most powerful nation in the world-the most powerful nation, perhaps in all history"

*What were the most important processes came into existence after World War 2 ?
1. Establishment of the UNO
2. Cold War
3. Decolonization

*What was the Twin objective of starting the UNO?
1. Ensure lasting peace
2. Human development

*Who are the permanent member countries of the Security Council?
They are five permanent countries.
1. USA
2. USSR (Russia)   
3. UK      

*What is veto power?
It is the power the permanent members to make invalid or reject any decision taken by the Security Council of UNO.

*What were the two major and political emerged in the post-war period?
1. The Communist block led by the USSR
2. The Democratic - Capitalist block led by the USA

*What was cold war?
1.The intense tension between the USA and the USSR between1945-91 was called the Cold War.
2. The war was fought behind closed doors through propaganda and words.

*Explain the impact of cold War on the World. (TS June 2024)
1.Cold War created hatredness, misbelief and enmity between Communist Russia and Capitalist USA.
2. Cold War produced new millitary alliances and treaties. Ex: NATO, WARSAW,
3. The rival powers accumulated destructive weapons.
4. So the world was lived in constant fear of war.

*What were the main tactics used during Cold War?
1. Proxy Wars
2. Military Alliances
3. Arms Race

*Name some Military Alliances formed during Cold War?
Military alliances:
1. NATO       
2. Warsaw Pact     
3. SEATO      

*On which things did Super powers gain access due to military alliances?
They gained access to:
1. The vital resources
2. Markets for their products & safer places for their capital
3. Military bases
4. Spread their ideology
5. Gain economic support

*What was Space Race?
The intense competition between the power blocks of USA and USSR to put more and more satellites in the space was called Space Race.

*What is Bi-polar world?
The situation in which the world politics are controlled by two super powers i.e. USA and USSR is called bi polar world.
*What is Non Aligned Movement (NAM)?
1. The international organization started with the aim to promote cultural and economic cooperation among the member countries.
2.The newly independent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America were not joined any of two power blocks of USA and USSR.
3. They tried to maintain equi distance and independent position in foreign policy.

*Who were the important leaders of NAM?
1. Nehru (India)
2. Nasser (Egypt)
3. Tito (Yugoslavia)
4. Sukarno (Indonesia)

*What is West Asian Crisis?
The conflicts that developed between Arabs and Jews for Palestine are known as the West Asian Crisis.

*Why were the Jews persecuted in Europe?
Because the Christians considered the Jews responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

*What was the Zionist movement?
It was the movement of the Jews called for uniting them spread across the world and to reclaim Palestine as their Home land and build a separate state for Jews.

*Which are as being used as buffer zones by Israel?
1. Gaza                     
2. Golan Heights               
3. West Bank

*Why did Egypt support the Palestinians during the conflict?
As an Arab country, Egypt supported the Palestinians who are also Arabs.

*What was PLO? Who was its leader?
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was an organization formed with all the different Arab fractions aiming to regain the land it lost without violence. Yasser Arafat was the leader.

*What was the twin slogan of Saddam Hussein used in 1968 coup in Iraq?
1. Arab Nationalism
2. Socialism

*Write about Revolution in Iran.
1.Revolution took place in Iran in1979 in which the king of Iran supported by the US was removed.
2.And a new government jointly controlled by ShiaIslamic clerics and democratically elected leaders was established.

*Who are the Taliban’s?
They were Islamic extremists who took over Afghanistan after withdrawal of USSR Troops from the country.

*What were the reforms introduced by Gorbachev in USSR called?
1. Glasnost 
2. Perestroika

*What did the collapse of the USSR mark?
It marked the beginning of new Era in the world politics.
     1. Era of uni-polar world
     2. Era of globalization

*What is Uni-polar World?
A situation in which the world politics are controlled by a single powerful country i.e. the USA is called Uni-polar World.

*Write any two principles of Panchsheel.
1.Respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity
2.Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries

*Who is Dalai Lama?
He is the leader of Tibet, who took asylum in India after China annexed Tibet in 1950.

*What was the result of Indo-Pak War 1947-48?
Kashmir was divided into two parts by a Line of Control.
  1. Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) 
  2. Jammu & Kashmir (Indian state)

*What was Mukti Bahini?
It was the form in which the liberation struggle organized by the supporters of  Mujibur Rahman for separate Bangladesh country from Pakistan.

*What was Kargil War?
1.Anti-Indian militants occupied portions of Indian Territory in J&K with the backing of Pakistan army.
2.They were repelled through a major military operation in 1999 called Kargil War.

*What has been a major irritant in the relation between India and SriLanka?
It has been the treatment of Tamil speaking minorities by Sri Lankan Government.

*What is proxy war?
1.The war between two small countries representing benefits of the super powers is called proxy war.
2.The super powers used this strategy during the cold war without fighting directly.


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