6. The Population

I. Key Words:

1.Population growth: The change in a number of individuals over a period of time.
2.Population density: The average number of the people living in a unit of area is called population density.
3.Sex Ratio: Sex ratio is the number of females per 1000 males in the population.
4.Fertility Rate: Fertility rate is the number of children that is probable to be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her childbearing years.
5.Population distribution:  It refers to the spread or arrangement of the people in region, state or Nation.
6.Infanticide: Infanticide refers the act of killing of a new born child. 
7.Literacy rate: The percentage of the people above 7 years has ability to read and write.

II. Improve Your Learning:

1.Based on the following table, answer the questions below:
World historical and predicted populations 
(in millions)
a)Identify the number of centuries it took for the world population to double for the first time.
Nearly 300 years or 3 centuries 
b)In earlier classes, you had studied about colonisation. Look at the table and identify
the continents in which the population decreased by 1800.
c)Which continent has been most populous for most period of time?
d) Is there any continent that is projected to show a significant decrease in population in future?

2.List out the impacts on society if the sex ratio is too low or too high.

3.Compare Indian mean years of schooling with other countries: (Page No:24, Table 5)
Sri Lanka , Nepal , Bangladesh , Mayanmar, Pakisthan
What similarities and differences do you note?

4.Which areas of Telangana have high density of population and what may be some of the reasons behind it?

5.Distinguish population growth and population change.

6.Compare the population pyramid of India with data of another country given here.
a)Which country’s population is likely to grow?
India's population is likely to grow. 
b)Which country’s population is likely to reduce?
Sweden's population has likely to reduce
c)Compare the gender balance: What can you tell about each country’s family and welfare policies?

7. Map work:
a).On a blank map of India showing state boundaries, plot the state-wise population
density based on the 2011 census by taking five ranges.
b)On a blank map of Telangana showing district boundaries, plot the population
distribution using the dot method (one dot is equivalent to 10,000 population)

III. Short Answers:

*What is a Census?
It is the systematic process of collecting and recording information about the people of a country.

*What is sex ratio?
Sex ratio is the number of females per 1000  males in the population. Sex ratio in India is 940 according to the 2011 population census.

*What is Age Structure?
The age structure of a population refers to the no.of males and females in different age  groups in a country.

*How is the population of a nation grouped?
It is generally grouped into three categories:
1.The children (below15years).
2.The working Age (15to19years).
3.The Aged (above 59years).

*Classify age structure of the population and any one of them. (June 2023)
The structure of the population classified as follows:
1. Children (generally below 15 years)
2. Working Age (15-59 years)
3. Aged (Above 59 years)
Working Age (15-59 years): They are also biologically reproductive. Most people in this  age group desire decent income and security of work. Children and the aged often depend on  the earnings of this group.

*What is the Literacy rate?
The percentage of persons aged 7 years and above who can read and write with understanding in any language is called literacy rate.

*"Literacy rate has great impact on the development". Justify.
Literacy means the ability to read and write.
*If a person is able to read and write he will develop an understanding of his surroundings such as his village district etc.
*His awareness of political, social, economic and health.
*One can question the concerned government authorities to get the solutions on various issues.
*Literacy creates opportunities for people to develop skills that will help them.

*How is an agricultural labourer different from a cultivator?
1.Agricultural labourers don't have any land and work in another's farm for wages. 
2.Cultivators are farmers who farm or  supervise the Land that they own or take on rent.

*What does the low sex ratio indicate?
1.It indicates hidden form of discrimination  against women.
2.It indicates women and girls in particular  face unequal opportunities for education and development  

*What are the differences between birth rate and death rate?
Birth Rate:
1.It is the number of live births per 1000  persons in a year.
2.If the birth rate increases population will  also increase.
Death Rate:
1.Death rate is the no. of deaths for thousand persons in a year.
2.If the death rate increases, the population  will decrease.

*What is female foetus infanticide?
Aborting the female child selectively before birth is called female foetus infanticide.

*Mention the reasons for high population density in northern plains and Kerala.
1.The flat plains.
2.Fertile alluvial soils.
3.Abundant irrigation due to perennial  rivers  and rainfall.
4.Agricultural development.

* What are the factors that affect the density of population in India ? (April 2023)
(1) Nature of a terrain.
(2) Climatic conditions.
(3) Soils
(4) Irrigation & Agriculture
(5) Industrial development.

*What are the reasons for the low sex ratio in our country?
1.Parents are preferring boys to girls.
2.The neglect of girls 'health and illness.
3.Female foeticides.

*Differentiate the population growth from population change.
Population growth:
1.Population growth is number of persons added for every 100 persons in a year.
2.It is expressed in percentage.
3.Population growth is the difference between birth rate and death rate + migration per year. Birth rate and death rate or the causes for population growth.
Population change:
1.Population change is the difference in then  no.of inhabitants of a country or territory  during a specific period, say during the last  ten years.
2.It is expressed about an additional number of people, percentage change and distribution of a population.
3.Population change is due to the births, deaths and migrations.

*What are the factors that change in the population size?
Because of interaction of three factors:
1. Births.
2. Deaths
3. Migrations 

*Why does the population size change?
1.Population number, distribution and composition changes continuously. 
2.Changing population size refers to the changes in the number of the people residing in a country in particular period of time.
3.Population always changes due to the births, deaths and migration. 
4.It can be indicated into two ways: a) As absolute number. b) As percentage change.

*What is working population?
1.Those who are in the age group of 15 to 59 are working people.
2.They are biologically reproductive.
3.They desire decent income and security of  work.
4.Children and the aged often depend on their earnings.

*Classify the working population.
Working population is classified into four categories:
1.Cultivators: those who farm or supervise  their own land or taken rent.
2.Agricultural laborers: those work on  another’s farm for wages in cash and kind. 
3.Workers in house hold industries: those who are Manufacturing or repairing at home
4.Other workers: who are employed in factories, trading, causal labour and other  occupations.

*Explain the reasons for continuous growth of population since 1921 in India.
1.Famines declined because of famine relief, movement of grain, ration shops. 
2.Epidemics such as cholera, plague and to  some extent malaria have also been  controlled.
3.People understood the need of better  sanitation, clean water and nutrition to  contain diseases.
4.Advances in medicine, especially antibiotics and vaccines contributed to better health care

*What is Annual Growth Rate of population?
The increase in number of persons for every 100 persons in the base year is called annual growth rate of population.

*What is Fertility Rate?
Fertility rate is the number of children that is  likely to born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her child bearing years and bear the children in accordance with the current patterns.

*What is Population Density?
It is calculated as the average number of people living in a unit area or sq km area.

*Why some regions in Telangana are densely populated?
1.In Telangana densly populated areas are Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts.
2.Establishment of many Industries estates, IT and MNC companies.
3.Development of various aspects like trade, education, medical facilities, lifestyle, better roads and transportation, etc.
4.People migrated to these districts for the search of employment and education.

*Write two slogans on population control.
1.Small family- Happy family
2.We two – Ours two


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

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