



5.Buffer stock:



Improve your learning:

1. Suppose that the foodgrain production has been affected in a particular year because of a natural calamity. In what ways can the government ensure higher availability of foodgrains for the year?

2. Use an imaginary example from your context to describe the relationship
between underweight and access to food.

3. Analyse a week’s food habits of your family. Create a table to explain nutrition elements included in it.

4. Describe the relationship between increase in food production and food security.

5. Give reasons to argue for the following statements “Public Distribution System can ensure better food security for people.”

6. Make similar posters about food
7.Read the last para of page 138 i.e; “Studies indicate............ for access”, and write your opinion.

8. Locate the following in the map of India.
i) Karnataka       ii) Odissa       iii) Gujarat       iv) Maharashtra    v) Madhya Pradesh     vi) West Bengal        vii) Chattisgarh     viii) Telangana     ix) Uttar Pradesh       x) Punjab

*What is a famine?
The situation of extreme scarcity of food is called a famine.

*What are the possible ways of increasing production of crops from land?
1. Improving irrigation facilities.
2. Planting drought – resistant crops as per the local conditions.
3. Water – harvesting.
4. Crop rotation.

*What are the ways to increase the availability of food grains?
1. Increasing the production.
2. Imports.
3. Using the government stocks.
4. Lowering the wastage.

*How is the availability of food grains per year estimated?
Availability of food grains per the year = Production of food grains during the year + Net imports – Change in the government stocks)

*Classify the food grains?
These are fall under food grains:
1. Cereals.
2. Pulses.
3. Edible Oils.

*What are Nutri - cereals?
The highly nutritious and whole some grains like Jowar, Ragi, Bajra are called Coarse cereals or Nutri - cereals. 

*Give examples for agricultural – allied activities?
A. Ex: 
1. Poultry.
2. Fishing.
3. Dairying.

*What is agricultural diversification?
Cultivation using following methods is called agricultural diversification.
1. Cultivating the high income crops.
2. Multiple cropping.
3. Crop rotation.
4. Maintaining agriculture – allied activities.

* What is the objective of National Food Security Act? (April 2023)
(a) National food security act aim is to legalise peoples’ Right to Food.
(b) It’s ensure the distribution of food grains at subsidised rates and making it available to low income families.
(3) It guaranteeing access to adequate quantity and quality food for people to lead a dignified life.
(4) To provide the cooked meals for pregnant women and lactating mothers.
(5) Mid day meals for children in Anganwadi and schools.

*What are the salient features of National Food Security Act, 2013?
1.The Act legalizes peoples’ Right to Food.
2.Every person of low income families is entitled to 5 kilograms of food grains per month at subsidized rates.
3.The central government will supply rice, wheat and millets for Rs.3, Rs.2 and Rs.1 respectively.
4.If the government is not able to arrange food grains, it will give cash to the people to buy food grains.

*Observe the given graph and answer the question given below.

I. What does above graph tells us?
Above graph tells us calorie intake per person in rural India of each 25% of population.

II. What are the reasons for majority of the people consume lowest calories intake?

*Whom should government provide Midday meals, National Food Security Act, 2013?
1.Pregnant women.
2.Lactating women.
3.Children aged 1-6 years coming to coming to Angwanwadis.
4.Children aged 6-14 years of age coming to school.

*What are the suggestions provided by Supreme Court for better implementation of the mid day meals programme in schools?
1.Meals should be locally produced.
2.Meals should be cooked and served hot.
3.Meals should be hygienic and nutritious.
4.Menu should be varied for every day of the week.

*Who should be given preference to cook Mid - day meals in schools?
1. Dalith cooks.
2. Widows.
3. Destitute women.

*How is the food we eat normally classified?
It is classified as:
1. Carbohydrates.
2. Proteins.
3. Vitamins.        
4. Minerals.

*For what functions is the food required by our body?
1. For giving energy.
2. For physical growth.
3. To fight illness.

*What does the survey conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) indicate?
1.45% of children in the age group1-5 years are under weight.
2.Prevalence of underweight was higher among 3-5 year aged than 1-3 year children.
3.The prevalence was more than 50% in the States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
4.These children are in fact hunger stricken and not getting adequate food.

*Suggest measures for the eradication of Malnutrition among the children. (June 2023)
Measures to eradicate Malnutrition:
a) Provide a balanced diet.
b) Explain the problems caused by eating junk food. Calculating body mass index frequently.
c) To educate people about the importance of nutrition.
d) Improving the performance of public distribution system.
e) Increase people’s purchasing and consumption power.

* How does the food reach the people?
1. They purchase in the market.
2. They purchase in the ration shop.
3. Through schemes such as Mid Day Meals.

*What is Buffer Stock?
An extra amount of commodities mainly wheat and rice to meet any unexpected future demand or supply variations procured and maintained by the government through FCI is called buffer stock.

*What is Minimum Support Price?
The pre announced price paid to the farmers for a crop declared by a government agency every year is called Minimum Support Price (MSP).

*How is the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated?
BMI= (weight in kg/ height in metres square)

*Write two slogans on food security.
1.Nations' food security– The governments’ duty
2.A healthy nation – A wealthy nation.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
