*DDT Full form 
A: Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

*What are the differences between percapita income and human development index?
Per Capita Income:
1.It was used to measure the development earlier.
2.GDP refers to total value of goods and services produced in the country in a year
Human Development:
1.This is used to measure development now-a-days.
2.It takes into account the social indicators like education, health along with income.

*Classify the Indian households based on the annual income.
Four groups:
1. The Rich
2. Middle class
3. Aspirers
4. Deprived

*What are some important environmental issues before us? (OR) Write any four environmental issues?
1. Deforestation,
2. Soil erosion,
3. Lowering groundwater tables,
4. Increasing pollution,
5. Industrial emissions,
6. Pressure on grazing land,
7. Incsing dependence on fossil fuels, 
8. Use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture,
9. Climate change are some of the important and urgent environmental issues.

*What are the functions of environment?
They are two:
Source function- The environment has ability to provide natural resources is called source function.
Sink function- The environment has ability to obsorb and render harmless waste is called sink function.

*What is the importance of natural resources in the economy?
1.Many naturally existing substances like land, water, minerals and ores, products from trees and animals are central to the production process.
2. In primary sector activities and in the manufacturing and energy sector, production is hugely dependent on natural resources.
3. The other sectors of the economy too are dependent on natural resources in various degrees.

*What is Sustainable Development?
It is the development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

*Give any two suggestions for achieving sustainable development with equity.
1.Controlling overuses and creating an awareness to provide sustainable development. 
2. Increased use of renewable resources. 
3. Less use of fossil fuels.
4. Introduction of organic farming

*What are the results of the research done by Rachel Carson on use of DDT for mosquito control?
1.DDT sprayed for control of mosquitoes pollutes lake where the water flows in.
2.The poison in DDT gets deposited in the bodies of the fishes.
3.The birds eating the fishes die due to high dose of poison in DDT.
4.Her findings are a clear example of how human action irreversibly destroys nature and human beings themselves.

*Why was use of Endo sulfan stopped in Kerala?
1. In 1976, Endosulfan a pesticide was sprayed to protect cashew crop from pests by the Government of Kerala in Kasargod district.
2.The air, water and entire environment was suffused with the pesticide, as treatment continued for some 25 years.
3.As a result of the spraying, atleast 5,000 people have died and many others have serious health problems.
4.At last, the spraying of endosulfan has been banned due to court order citing violation of Right to Life.

*Why is the environment called natural investment?
1.Many naturally existing substances like land, water, minerals and ores, products from trees and animals are central to the production process.
2.As all these are provided by the environment, it is called natural investment.

*What is the effect of construction of Sardar Sarovar project on people and environment?
1.The project floods more than 37,000 hectares of forest and agricultural land.
2.It displaced more than 5 lakh people.
3.It destroyed some of India’s most fertile land.
4.The project has devastated human lives and bio diversity.

*What is Narmada Bachao Andolan?
The resistance to Sardar Sarovar and other dams in the Narmada valley has taken the form of a social movement. It is called Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA).

*Why should water be considered as common property?
Because water is a flowing resource.

*What will be the environmental and human costs of rapid growth in mining?
Environmental costs:
2.Devastated biodiversity .
Human costs:
1.Loss of agricultural lands.
2.Pollution of air and water.

*What are the methods followed by farmers in Organic Farming?
Use of natural techniques in farming such as crop rotation, compost and biological pest control instead of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is called organic farming.

*Give two examples for the negative consequences rapid economic growth?
1.Depletion of ground water.
2. Soil erosion,
3. Lowering groundwater tables,
4. Increasing pollution,
5. Industrial emissions,

*What are the reasons for decrease in yields of coarse cereals in the country?
1.Cultivation of millets was neither encouraged, nor supported.
2.There was not enough research on how to increase the yields of coarse cereals.

*Why did the Deccan Development Society (DDS) choose to cultivate the millets?
1.The suitability of millets to the local environment
2.Millets are hardy crops and nutritious.

*Why did the people of Jalasindhi refuse to vacate village?
1.Their lives are nil without local environment.
2.Agriculture is not possible without money.
3.Their ancient learning very useless and forgotten.
4.All their Gods are there in the village.

*What is Chipko Movement?
1.It was an environmental movement started in the 1970s in Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand by Sunderlal Bahuguna.
2.The village women hugged the trees, saving them from contractors' axes. 
3.Chipko means embrace.

*What are the lessons to be drawn from the alternate PDS initiative at Zaheerabad mandal in Telangana?
1.Cultivation of dry land gives people the work
2.Food security can be ensured without the help of government.
3.People health can be improved with the supply of high nutritious food.
4.But Instead of the grain travelling, locally produced food can be available.

*Write two slogans on Environment protection. (Or) Create two slogans on protection of environment (TS June 2024)
1. Keep water bodies clean - save aquatic animals lives.
2. Protect Trees - They protects us.
3. Go green - breathe clean.
4. If you cannot reuse, refuse.
5. Natural farming- Organic farming.
6. Prevent air pollution - protect nature.
7. Better environment - Better future.
8. Save Earth - Save Life
9. Protect Our Planet - Preserve Our Future.
10. Let us narture nature to have a nurturing future.


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