I.Key words:
3.New Democracy:
4.Chemical arms: 
5.Forced labour: 
6.Pan - Africanism:

II.Improve your learning:
1. Match the following
1.Sun Yat-sen   (   ) a)Militarised the nation
2.Chiang Kaishek (   ) b)Environmental movement
3.Mao Zedong (   ) c)Nationalism, Democracy and Socialism
4.Ken Saro Wiwa (   ) d) Peasant revolution
1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

2.Trace the changes in the role of women seen in China over the decades. Why is it similar or different from that of USSR and Germany?

3.After the overthrow of monarchy, China had two different types of regimes. How were they similar or different?

4.Countries discussed in the chapter were all mostly dependent on agriculture. What were the measures taken in these countries to change these practices?

5.Who owned industries in countries discussed above and what policies were
brought in to change the systems? Make a table to compare them.

6.Compare the national movement in India and Nigeria - can you explain why
it was stronger in India?

7.What are the challenges faced by the independent Nigerian nation? In what ways is it similar or different from the challenges faced by independent India?

8.Unlike India, Nigeria did not have to struggle so hard for freedom. Can you find some explanations for this?

9.Freedom struggle in these countries involved wars against the rulers. Briefly
describe its impact.

III. Short Answer:

1.Give example for concessions got by European colonial powers from the Chinese Emperor?
1. Low import taxes.
2. Immunity from Chinese laws.
3. Maintaining armed forces.

2.What were the three principles of San – Yat - Sen?
1. San - Nationalism.
2. Min - Democracy.
3. Chui – Socialism.

3.Who were warlords in China?
They were regional leaders who had force fully taken control and authority in China.

4.What was the May Fourth movement?
On 4th May 1919, people demonstrated in Beijing to protest against the decisions of The Versailles Peace Conference. This turned into a movement called the May Fourth Movement.

5.What was the practice of foot binding?
It was a cruel practice of not allowing women to have fully grown feet in China.

6.What were the two major parties in China?
1. KMT- Kuo - Min-Tang / Guomindang.
2. CCP- Chinese Communist Party.

7.What were the four great needs identified by the KMT?
1. Clothing.
2. Food.
3. Housing.
4. Transportation.

8.What are the difference differences between Kuo-Min –Tang and Chinese Communist Party? 
1.Sun-Yat-Sen and Chiang – Kai - Shek were  the leaders of the party.
2.There is a hold in urban areas.
3.It gave importance to industries.
Chinese Communist Party:
1.Mao Zedong was the leader of the party.
2.It has a hold in rural areas.
3.It gave importance to farmers.

9.Who was ‘xiao shi min’ in China?
The little number of people employed in modern industries in cities like Shanghai was called petty urbanites or 'xiao shi min'

10.What the virtues women to have according to Chiang in China?
Four virtues:
1. Chastity.
2. Appearance.
3. Speech.
4. Work.

11.What was Comintern?
1. It stands for communist International 
2. It was an organization established in 1918
3. It was an to bring together a world government that would end exploitation.
4. It supported communist parties around the   world.

12.What are the two crises faced by Rural China before1949?
1.Ecological crisis: Soil Exhaustion,  Deforestation and Floods.
2.Socio - economic crisis: Exploitation through land tenure systems, Indebtedness, Primitive technology and Poor Communications.

13.What was the importance of Long March?
1. It was led by Mao Zedong.
2. The 6000 miles difficult journey from Jianxi to Yanan took out by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) between 1934 -35 was called the long March in China.
3. The CCP changed its base due to KMT  blockade.
14.What were the twin agenda of Mao Zedong?
Land reforms and Nationalisation

14. What were the reforms introduced by communist party of China ? (TS March 2024)
1. Communist party of china started large scale land reform measures. They took away the land of landlords and distributing them among poor peasants. 
2.The new government also managed to enact laws to protect women, their rights.
3.Enact the laws to abolition of polygamy. 

15.What was the principle of new democracy?
It was an association of all social classes opposite to landlordism and imperialism.

16.What were the successful things that formed a solid basis for future development of China?
1. Land reforms.
2. Universalisation of education.

17.Which qualities in San Yet Sen you like and why?
1. I like him because he became the architect of modern China, though born in a poor family.
2. I believe in that poverty is not a hurdle in one's development.

18.Which qualities do you like in Mao Ze dong and why?
1. I like him because he formed a peasant army to fight against feudal system.
2. I have a concern about the farmers problems like him.

19.What were the three fold strategy of the French to develop Vietnam as an exporter of rice?
1. Improving irrigation network. 
2. Encouraging landlords.
3. Encouraging the marketing of Agricultural   produce like rice and Rubber.

20.On which economy in colonial Vietnam was based?
1. Rice cultivation.
2. Rubber plantations.

21.What was the difference between landless peasants and landless workers? 
Landless Peasants:The people who have no land and rent the land of landlords are called landless peasants.
Landless Workers:The people who have no land and work as labourers in others land is called land less workers.

22.Why did the railways and canals were developed in by the French in Vietnam ?
1. To help in the transport of goods for trade.
2. To move military garrisons.
3. To control the entire region.

23.Who were called colons?
The French citizens who lived in Vietnam were called colons.

24.How did the Vietnamese teachers oppose the Colonial rule?
While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticized what was written in the books about the French rule.
25.What was impact of the great Depression on Vietnam?
The prices of rubber and rice on which their economy depended, came down during the depression. This led to rising rural debts, unemployment and rural uprising.

26.Why did the USA enter the war against Vietnam?
The USA was worried that the communists would become powerful if North and South Vietnams unified. So it interfered in this unification by sending its troops and arms.

27.What was the civilizing mission in Vietnam?
The French felt that their rule was to bring the benefits of civilization to the uncivilized Vietnam and introduced education to civilize the natives.

28.Give some examples for chemical weapons used by the US in Vietnam?
1. Napalm.
2. Agent Orange.
3. Phosphorus bombs.

29.What is Agent Orange?
1. It is a defoliant i.e. a chemical that destroys plants and trees and makes the land barren for longtime.
2. This chemical was sprayed from cargo planes by US forces to destroy forests and fields in Vietnam to kill people.

30.What is Napalm?
It is a deadly bomb used by the US which caused intense damaged humans in Vietnam.

31.Why was the USA defeated in Vietnam War?
Because the USA under estimated the power of Nationalism in Vietnam.

32.How was it possible for a small country like Vietnam to stand up against the might of USA?
Vietnam could do it with the poor, committed peasants inspired by nationalism and land reforms against the USA.

33.Which qualities do you like in Ho Chi Minh and why?
1. He is the communist leader of Vietnam who fought against the USA father unification of his country.
2. I have learnt from his life that we should fight until last, even though the enemy is very strong.

34.What are the major tribes of Nigeria?
1. Housa - Fulani: Northern region.
2. Igbo: South Eastern region.
3. Yoruba: South Western region.

35.What is Pan - Africanism?
It is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe.

36.What is the difference between the Nationalism and Pan - Africanism?
1. It is the idea of having own country for the people of same nation.
2. It is a narrow idea.
Pan - Africanism:
1. It is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe.
2. It is a broad idea.

37.What was the Twin task of Nigerian nationalists’ in1945?
1. Fighting the British.
2. Unifying the diverse and conflicting ethnic  groups of Nigeria.

38.How was the British racism in Nigeria?
1. The educated Africans were excluded from the civil service.
2. There was discrimination against African   entrepreneurs.

39.How did the oil spillage affect the ecosystem in Nigeria?
The spills destroy crops and aquaculture through the contamination of ground water and soil.

40.Which qualities do you like in Ken Saro Wiwa and Why?
1. He is a Nigerian environmentalist.
2. He lost his life in protecting the environment.
3. I have learnt from his life that protection of environment is every one's duty.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
