*What is a settlement?
The way we organize ourselves and our living spaces in a place is called a settlement

*What are the differences between Nomadic life style sedentary lifestyle?
Nomadic life style:
1. The practice of early humans roaming from one place to another in search of food is called Nomadic lifestyle.
2. The humans were hunter-gathers in this system.
Sedentary life style:
1. The practice of staying at one place to produce food through agriculture is called Sedentary lifestyle.
2. The humans became agriculturists in this system.

*What are the basic concepts of a settlement?
There are three basic concepts of a settlement.     
 They are: 1. The Site
                    2. The Situation
                    3. The History of a place

*What are the most common reasons for migration for females and males?
1. Marriage is the most common for migration of female.
2. Employment is the most common reasons for migration of Men.

*What are the criteria used by the census for identifying a person as a migrant?
Two criteria are used by the census:
1. Birth place (place where the person was born)
2. Last usual place of residence (a place where the person had stayed for a period of six months or more)

*What is urbanization?
1. People have been increasingly taking up non agriculture work and living in cities and towns.
2. This process is called urbanization.

*Mention any two reasons for increase in area of a settlement. 
1. The historical and geographical conditions of the place.
2. Migration of people to the place.

*How did the population in cities and towns increase?
1. Natural growth within the urban areas.
2. Expansion, with the Inclusion of rural areas surrounding the older town and city.
3. People migrating from Rural to Urban areas.

*What is an Aerotropolis? Give two examples.
The settlement centred around an airport is called an aerotropolis. 
1. Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi.
2. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport,  Hyderabad
3. Kempegouda International Airport, Bengaluru.

*What is the centre of an aerotropolis? Name any two facilities located in Aerotropolis?
1. Airport is the centre of the aerotropolis.
2. Hotels, shopping, entertainment and business conference facilities are available there.
3. People can fly out with all the comforts of a city, without the traffic and other problems.

*What are differences between Megacities and Metropolitan cities?
Mega cities:
1. The cities having more than 10 million people are called mega cities.
2. Examples: Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi.

Metropolitan cities:
1. The cities having population between 1  million 10 millions are called Metropolitan cities or million plus cities.
2. Examples: Chennai and Hyderabad

*Why is a master plan necessary for every city?
1. In any city, there should be housing areas, markets, schools, industrial areas, office areas, parks and recreational areas and so on.
2. A master plan is necessary so as the planners can decide the types of roads , the amount of  water or electricity required, how to dispose waste, how to clean sewage etc.

*Give two examples for Aerotropolis in other countries.
1. Suvarna bhoomi International Airport,  Bangkok
2. Heathrow International Airport, London.

*What is migration?
Moving of people from their places to other places in search of better opportunities is called migration.

*What are the problems of urbanization?
1. Providing roads, drainage, electricity, water and other public facilities.
2. Problems of sewage and other waste disposal.
3. Increase in air pollution due to the increase in the number of vehicles.
4. Increase in the use of materials that either do not degrade or take a long time to do.

*Mention two reasons for seasonal migration?
1. Uneven development
2. Regional disparity

*What are the differences between internal and international migration?
Internal migration:
1. If people migrate from and place to another place country what is called internal migration.
2. It needs no visa and other documents.
3. No change in National Income due to this migration.
International migrations:
1. If people migrate from one country to another country is called International migration.
2. It needs visa and other documents
3. There will be increase in National Income due to international migration.

*How many types of international migration are from India?
They are of two types:
1. Skilled and Professional people's migration to developed countries.
2. Unskilled and Semi-skilled workers' migration to oil exporting countries.

*Why do people migrate from rural areas to urban areas?
1. People migrate from rural areas mainly due to Insufficient employment opportunities.
2. Inadequate income available in rural employment.
3. Expectation of higher incomes. 
4. More opportunities and better services to family members

*What are the differences between Rural to Urban and Rural to Rural migrations?
Rural to Urban:
1. People migrate from rural to urban due to insufficient employment opportunities and inadequate income
2. The great employment in industries and service sectors.
3. Generally men migrate, but women stay in villages.
4. This migration will be for longer duration.
Rural to Rural:
1. People migrate from rural to rural areas due to distress caused in rural areas.
2. They get employment in agriculture sector as they are mainly agricultural laborers or marginal farmers.
3. They migrate with their family.
4. The migration will be for the shorter duration.

*What are the problems faced by international migrants?
Problems of international migrants:
1. Recruitment agents cheat prospective workers or collect more than the prescribed fees.
2. At times, migrant workers are not paid their salaries.
3. Employers pay less than the agreed salary and freeze fringe benefits.
4. Employers terminate the job contract before its expiry.
5. They often force workers to do overtime without making additional payments.
6. Deny permission to keep one's own passport.

*What is the difference between the immigration and the emigration?
1. Coming on migration to a foreign country is called Immigration.
1. Going on migration to a foreign country is  called emigration.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
