I. Keywords:

1.Civil Rights: 
2.Civil disobedience: 
6.Draft age: 
11.Democratic Participatory:

II. Improve your learning: 

1.Here is a list of items that you can use to make a table on social movements. Find out the similarities and differences between the  different movements:
Main area of focus of the movement; location; main demands; modes of protest; important leaders; response from the state; possible impact on society;

2. Kannaiah, Ramya and Salma have a debate. Ramya argues it is okay to restrict the freedom  of press etc but ensure that people do not live in poverty. Salma argues that food alone is not important. It is equally important to have freedom of press because there is no other way people would know if there is violation of dignity of people in different parts of the country. Kannaiah says that how will it make a difference if press belongs to the rich and powerful people, why would they cover things that ordinary people expect. They have different expectations. Whom would you agree with and give reasons, from the context of human rights?

3. What are the basic features of a social movement?

4. What is the role of ordinary individuals described in the case studies given in the

5. How are the rights of black people in USA and Meira Paibi movements similar or different?

6. Democracies have been identified as most
prominent political systems across the world.
Do you think democracy has been able to take care of all the expectations of people? Based on the examples cited in these chapter is, write a short note on ‘democracy and social movements’.

7. Discuss and find out how movements mobilise people from across the globe like in
the above instance of campaign to protest in the context of Bhopal gas tragedy.

III. Short Answers: 

*What is the role of people in movements?
They participate in large numbers, try to understand some problem, decide in favour of some form of change then actually for it.

*Why was the American Civil Rights Movement fought?
It was fought:
1.For equal treatment of African Americans / Black Americans
2.Against the rules that permitted segregation of blacks and whites in schools, buses and public places
3.Against the discrimination them in appointments, housing and voting rights.
*What were the non-violent forms of the American Civil Rights Movement?
1. Massive demonstrations
2. Marches.
3. Civil disobedience.
4. Boycott of discriminatory service

*What were the demands of the Washington March protesters?
Their demands:
1. Passage of civil rights act 
2. Full and fair employment
3. Right to vote
4. Integrated education system

*Who were the important leaders of Human Rights Movement in the USSR?
1.Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the famous writer
2.Andrei Sakharov, the nuclear scientist

*What was Glasnost?
The process of reform in the USSR by President Gorbachev to bring greater freedom for the people was called Glasnost.

*What is the Military-Industrial complex?
The companies which produce nuclear arms are collectively called the military Industrial complex.

*What are the differences between SALT and START discussions?
1.The USA and the USSR began Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) to cut down their nuclear arsenal.
2.These talks were unsuccessful rise
1.The largest and most complex arms control treaty in the history signed in 1991 between USA and USSR is called Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
2.Due to this treaty, 80% of all strategic nuclear weapons were removed by 2001
*What were the effects of Chernobyl Accident?
1.A major accident took place in the nuclear plant at Chernobyl in USSR killing
2.A large number of workers died in the accident.
3.It also contaminated the atmosphere in many European countries.
4.Its effects created awareness among the people of world about the danger of nuclear power.
5.It helped to merge antiwar concerns with the concerns of environmental protection.

*What is Neo-liberalism?
1.The economic and political changes happening World wide since 1990 called Neo liberalism / Globalization.
2.It is deeply affected the lives of under privileged and poor. 

*Explain about green peace movement. What is its aim?
1.It started as a protest in 1971 against the American underwater nuclear tests near Alaska, USA.
2.Today the Greenpeace movement is spread over forty countries with its
headquarters in Amsterdam (Holland).
3.Greenpeace has taken up the impact of climate change across many countries.
4.It aims at "ensuring the ability of the earth to nature life in all its diversity".

*What are polar ice caps?
The vast accumulations of water in the form of Ice on the two poles are called polar ice caps.

*What are the four main domains of the Bhopal gas disaster victims? (June 2023)
Main demands of victims of Bhopal:
1. Proper medical treatment of the victims.
2. Adequate compensation for them based on international standards as the company was a multinational company.
3. Fixing criminal responsibility for the disaster on the management.
4. Finally steps to prevent such disasters in the future.

*Give examples for multipurpose dams in India.
1. Bhakhra Nangal in Himachal Pradesh
2. Hirakud in Orissa
3. Nagarjuna Sagar in Andhra Pradesh
*What did the people to be displaced from Narmada river project demand?
1.A fair compensation to all the people who lived there
2.Proper rehabilitation with land in return for the land lost.
3.Afforestation to compensate for the loss of forests under the dam.

*Why did the World Bank decides to with draw it’s funding to Sardar Sarovar Project?
Because of the intense protests, mobilization, marches, hunger fasts and an international campaign by Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), the World Bank withdrew its funding.

*What was Silent Valley Movement?
1.It was started against building a dam across two rivers in the Silent Valley in Western Ghats in Kerala.
2.After severe protests, the government stopped the project and converted the valley into a National Park in 1985.

*Write about Anti-arrack Movement in AP?
1.It was started against the sale and drinking of liquor by Dalit women of Dubagunta village in Nellore district of AP.
2.After protests by women across the state, arrack was officially banned in 1993 and total prohibition was imposed in1995.

*What are the bad effects of alcohol?
1. Causing serious health problems like High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.
2.Addiction can have a damaging effect on entire families.
3.Poverty and physical or sexual, child abuse, spouse abuse increase.
4.Damages relationships and society through aggression against others and violent crimes.

*What is AFSP Act, 1958?
1.Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA, 1958) gives the security forces the right to arrest or shoot people simply under suspicion of being involved in anti -national activities.
2.North Eastern states are demanding to scrap the Act as it is argued that the provisions of the law have been abused.
*What is Meira Paibi Movement?
1.It was started by the Manipuri women to prevent the public disorder due to alcohol abuse in late1970s.
2.After imposing AFSPA in the state, they started patrolling in the streets at night against the military operations and human rights violations by the army.
*What are the similarities between the anti- arrack movement of and Meira Paibi movement?
1.Both movements were started by women.
2.The root cause of the movements is alcoholism.
3.Both were successful.
4.It shows that anything can be possible if women are united.

*What are the basic features of a social movement? (OR) Write about the fundamental characteristics of social Movements?
1.Social movements raise diverse demands.
2.Some resist the changes that are forced upon and some other demand for change
3.They often distance themselves from individual political parties.
4.They were fought in a participatory and democratic manner.

*What will you do to ban “ Spurious Labor in your area?

4.What are the difficulties faced by the people due to construction of the projects.

5.Prepare a pamphlet on the environmental protection.

6.Give reasons for Human Rights Movement in USSR.

7.Read the Paragraph “Though the government’s declared policy and plan is trumpeted to be progressive and land-based, it is obvious that it has not been able to guarantee land to those who lost their
livelihoods. The environmental measures have not been complied with yet. To raise the height of the dam disregarding various
conditions made in the clearances and the policy promises is unjust

8.Compare and contrast the blacks movement in America and Maria paibi Movement.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
