*Multiple Choice Questions:

*Identify the correct one ....(TS March 2024) (       )
i) Founder of modern China - Sun Yat-Sen
ii) Founder of Guomingdang - Mao Zedong
iii) Chinese Communist Party - Chiang-Kai-Shek

(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 1 and 2
(D) Only 3

*In China, the Communist Party of China worked for land reforms and.......  (TS April 2023)   (      )
A) Encouraging the rich.
B) To participate landlords in the politics.
C) Discouraging the poor peasants.
D) Spreading literacy.

*In China, the Republic was formed based on this principle. (TS June 2019)   (      )
A) Realism
B) New Democracy 
C) Presidential system
D) Parliamentary system

*The reason for use of "Agent Orange" in  Vietnam war by America is to (TS March 2019)     (     )
A) Kill and stop people from hiding in the  jungle cover 
B) Protect forests
C) Protect American soldiers 
D) Supply arms to Vietnam

*Chiang-Kai-Shek encouraged women to have the following four virtues (TS March 2018)  (     )
A) Nationalism - Republic - Democracy - Socialism 
B) Chasity - Appearance - Speech - Work
C) Food - Clothing - Housing - Transportation D) Marriage - Divorce - Education - Profession

*The three principles of Sun-Yat-sen are San, Min, Chui. Among these, 'Min' means..... (TS June 2017)   (     )
A) Democracy
B) Nationalism
C) Socialism
D) Monarchy

*The ......... made Communist party of China a strong social base. (TS March 2016)   (      )
A) Land reforms and nationalisation
B) Imperialism 
C) Five year plan 
D) Manchu dynasty

*Which of these countries not a colony of ... Britain? (TS March 2015)   (     )
A) India
B) Vietnam
C) Nigeria
D) Myanmar

*The founder of modern China 
A) Sun-Yet-Sen
B) Mao
C) Tsn-Chi
D) Kang-Yu-Vi

*In China, the Republic was formed based on the principle of (      )
A) Capitalism 
B) New democracy
C) Presidential system 
D) Parliamentary system

*May fourth movement took place against the (      )
A) First world war 
B) Treaty of Versailles
C) Second world war 
D) Democracy

*Guomindang party established it’s government on the island of (     )
A) Japan 
B) Taiwan 
C) Philippines 
D) Indonesia

*The area that was dominated by the Hausa Fulani people in Nigeria was (     )
A) Northern Nigeria 
B) Southern Nigeria
C) South eastern Nigeria 
D) South western Nigeria

*Manchu empire was overthrown and a Republic was established in China by (     )
A) Mao Zedong 
B) Sun-Yat-sen
C) Chiang-Kai-Shek 
D) Nnamdi Azikiwe

*From the 16th century this was a major source of Slaves for America (     )
A) Asia 
B) North America 
C) South America 
D) Africa

*The following launched military campaign to control the warlords in China (      )
A) Chiang-Kai-Shek 
B) Mao Zedong
C) Sun-yat-sen 
D) Chow-en-Lai

*An idea which promotesthe unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe (     )
A) Democracy 
B) Secularism 
C) Pan-Africanism 
D) Republic

*The party that implemented land reforms in China was (     )
A) Guomindang 
D) Republican party

*The country that was created by the British was (      )
A) China 
B) Vietnam 
C) Nigeria 
D) India

*The regional military powers in China were called as (      )
A) Landlords 
B) Warlords 
C) Kings 
D) Soviets


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
