*Which are the two important sources of information about the Kakatiya kings?
1. Descriptions of Marco Polo.
2. Inscriptions of Kakatiyas.

*What are the three regions of Andhra Pradesh?
The three regions of Andhra Pradesh:
1. The coastal Andhra Region
2. The Telangana Region
3. Rayalaseema Region

*What are the main differences you find between modern towns and cities of the past like Orugallu?
1. Modern cities have no city walls, whereas Orugallu had outer fortwall.
2. Agricultural land is comparatively less in modern cities.
3. They are mostly centres of trade . 

*Svayambhu Siva was the family god of the Kakatiyas. Why do you think they built the temple and not the palace or a market place in the middle of the city?
1. Svayambhu Shiva was the family God of Kakatiyas.
2. They believed to have the blessings of the God, for their existence.
3. That was the royal shrine as well. So they have constituted temple in the city.

*Why do you think Bolli Nayaka was calling Rudramadevi as Rudradeva Maharaja ? 
1. It is a fact that Rudramadevi was female ruler.
2. But she had proved that, here gender was not a barrier for ruling the kingdom. 
3. She was a very good administrator and a powerful ruler.
4. She had successfully subdued the rebellion chiefs.
5. So, she was called as Rudradeva Maharaja by Bollinayaka.

*Name the important rulers of kakatiyas
Props II             :      (1116 - 1117)
Rudradeva       :      (1158 - 1195)
Ganpati Deva  :      (1195 - 1262)
Rudramadevi  :      (1262 - 1289)
Prataparudra  :      (1289 - 1323)

*How did the kings treat the traders earlier?
The traders were given due respect and as they use to pay tax which was the source of income as well . But their freedom was limited,

*What was the guarantee Ganapatideva giving them?
1. Ganapatideva guaranteed to give all things that they get from a ship - wreck.
2. He insisted to pay the customary tax and take the things along with them.

*Why do you think he was giving this protection to the traders ?
Ganpati Deva gave protection to the traders to enhance foreign trade in his region.

*Why do you think the Kakatiyas did not appoint powerful chiefs as Nayakas? 
1. Nayakas had their hold over several villages.
2. The powerful chiefs could influence the people. They could become more powerful as they were basically warriors .
3. This could be a potential threat for the Kakatiyas . 

*Why was it difficult for women to rule in those days? Is it different today? How? 
1. In those days women never had any social importance . It was completely a male dominated society.
2. They were not considered to be on the front line of anywhere. 
3. They were confined to be at home , men disliked to be ruled by the women in those days . But it is entirely different at present as women are working , ruling on par with men.
    Ex - Indira Gandhi, Pratibha Patil, Sheik
            Hasina Wajid.
4. So, it was difficult for women to rule . 

*In those days , powerful men had their own land and were also able to tax other farmers, traders and artisans. Can powerful people do this now ? Why ?
1. No, powerful people cannot do that now. 
2. Now, Government has the authority, to fix the tax.

*Read the para under the title "Nayankara System" and comment on it.
1. The Kakatiyas introduced decentralization of administration through Nayankara system.
2. It resembels Mansabdari system of Mughals.
3. Some warriors of powerful families were given some villages to collect taxes.
4. Each Nayankara had to maintain a stipulated amount of army.
5. They could be transferred at the will of the king to a new place.
6. These Nayakas depended upon the queen or the king and remained loyal to them.

*Women too manage the administrative affairs effectively'. Do you support this statement ? Why ?
Yes, women can manage the administrative affairs effectively due to the following examples. 
1. Rani Rudramadevi was a powerful and successful ruler of Kakatiya Kingdom, she impressed everyone with all her abilities. 
2. She was fearless , dressed herself like a man and rode horses with ease and she faced many oppositions bravely.
3. In Delhi too there was a women ruler called Raziya Sultana. She was more able and qualified than all her brothers.
4. In democratic India smt. Indira Gandhi was also ruled, introduced many reforms.  
5. From the above points that women were also can managed the administrative affairs effectively.

*compare the warriors of those times with what you know about the modern armies what differences do you see between them.
Olden days Modern days: 
1. Army was led by the king.
2. Crude kinds of weapons.
3. Guns were unknown.
4. There were no vehicles but they used to travel on horses.
5. Basic form of army was cavalry, elephantry some had navy too.
Modern days:
1. Led by the President of the Nation. 
2. Advanced weapons.
3. Guns and related weapons like missiles at known. 
4. Use very advanced vehicles like tanker warships.
5. Along with these two, Air force, Army, Navy, are protecting the nation.

*Kings and chiefs built irrigation tanks to improve agriculture in the Kakatiya times . What wou they do if they rule now? 
At present we do not have kings and chiefs. They do not have any role in administration.

*How do you think the Kakatiyas were able to gain control over the chiefs?
1. Rudramadevi and Prataparudra were very successful in handling the chiefs.
2. Samanthas were given special protection.
3. Nayankara system was introduced. Powerful and loyal persons were given high positions and titles like nayaka.
4. They gave several villages to them.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
