*Which parties merged to form the Janata Party formed against the Congress Party in 1977?
1. The Congress (O), 
2. SwatantraParty, 
3. Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS), 
4. Bhartiya Lok Dal (BLD) and 
5. Socialist Party merged to form the Janata Party.

*Who played an important role in bringing together all the anti- Congress and anti – Emergency parties to fight the 1977 elections?
1. Jaya Prakash Narayan
2. Acharya JB Kripalani

*Why was the 1977 Lok Sabha election a historic one?
Because the Congress party was defeated at National level for the first time and Janata party came to power.

*Explain the changes in Indian democracy between 1975 and 1985. (June 2023)
1) Fundamental democratic rights were denied.
2) Defeat of the Congress party at the centre and in many states.
3) Emergence of alternatives to the Congress at both the centre and in the states.
4) Prevented India from sliding into a single party democracy.
5) Different political viewpoints under sectional interest became active in the state level as well as national politics.
6) Nan political movements emerged for the social change.

*Give examples for opposition parties of 1970s.
BLD, CPI (M), DMK, Jana Sangh and SAD

*What is President's rule?
1.According to article 356, the President of India may dismiss the state government on the advice of the Governor.
2.Then the administration of the state is run by the Governor. It is called President's Rule.
*What were the Welfare measures started by NT Rama Rao?  
1.Mid day meal scheme in Government schools
2.Sale of rice at 2 rupees per kg for the poor
3.Liquor prohibition

*What was the economic dimension of the Assam movement?
1.Trade and other establishments work in the hands of Non–Assamese communities
2.The major resources of the state i.e. Tea and Oil did not benefit the locals.

*What were the demands of Assam movement?
1.Local people should be given greater  preference in employment.
2.The "outsiders" should be removed.
3.The resources should be used for the benefit of the locals.

*What is "Ethnic Cleansing"?
It is a forcible eviction of minority tribal communities by majority people through even out right mass killings.

*Which factors influenced the use of armed forces in the North Eastern region?
1.It was a sensitive border area adjacent to  China, Myanmar and Bangladesh.
2.The Rebel groups demanded separation  from India and procured arms and help from outside forces.
3.The large scale ethnic violence against  minorities by rebel groups

*What was the most significant demand in Akali Dal's resolution of 1978?
1.To amend the constitution to give more powers to the states.
2.To ensure greater decentralization of powers.
*Who was Bhindranwale? What was his demand?
1.J S Bhindranwale was the leader of a group of militant Sikhs.
2.His demand was the formation of a Sikh state - Khalistan.

*Who was Sant Longowal? What was his role in Punjab agitation?
He was the president of Akali Dal, who reached an agreement with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on Punjab issue.
*What is Telecom Revolution? 
The spreading of the network of telephonic communication in the country using satellite technology is called Telecom Revolution. It was started by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

*What was the Supreme Court's judgement in Shah Bano case in1985?
The judgement: "A divorced Muslim women should be paid maintenance by her ex-husband"

*How did the union government respond on the judgement of Shah Bano case?
1.The government came under pressure of the orthodox sections and enacted a new law in 1986.
2.New law let off Muslim husbands and permitted Muslim religious bodies to pay the maintenance to the divorced women for a short period of three months.

*Who led the farmers' agitation in the country?
1.Mahendra Singh Tikait - UP and Haryana
2.Sharad Joshi - Maharashtra

*What is called policy paralysis?
It is a situation in which the coalition government could not implement any policy meant for serious change with the fear of withdrawal of support by partners.

*What are the mechanisms put in for the stability of the coalition governments?
1. Common Minimum Programme.
2. Coordination Committees.
3. Understanding between the political parties.

*Which coalition governments’ completed their full terms?
1.The BJP led National Democratic Alliance (NDA)
2.The Congress led United progressive Alliance (UPA)

*Which parties were parts of Left Front in West Bengal?
1. CPI (M)
2. CPI  
3. Forward Block
4. Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP)

*What was Operation Barga?
It was the land reform programme started by the West Bengal government to record the names of the share croppers to secure their rights.

*Who were Bargadars?
They were the people who tilled the land belonging to land lords and paid the largest share of the produce as a rent to them in West Bengal.   

*What were the results of Operation Barga?
1.Bargadar rights were made hereditary.
2.Bargadars guaranteed a fair share of the crop.
3.Agricultural production increased.
4.Rural poverty declined in West Bengal.

*What did the Mandal Commission recommend?
It recommended 27% reservations for Other Backward Classes (OBC's) in the government employment and educational facilities.

*What is the importance of 73rd and 74th amendment of  the constitution?
1.These amendments provided local self governments a constitutional status.
2.The 73rd amendment created institutions of local self government at village
3.The 74th amendment created institutions of local self government in towns and cities.

*What is the belief of BJP on Democracy and Secularism?
 It believes that of 'Democracy and Secularism' are Western ideas and are not sufficient and what is needed to draw upon ancient Indian culture.

*Why was Rajiv Gandhi assassinated?
He was assassinated by LTTE, Tamil separatist group of Sri Lanka as retaliation for his role in sending Indian Army to Sri Lanka.

*What were the conditions laid down by IMF for Structural Adjustment Program?
*What were the measures taken in the policy of liberalization?
1.Drastic restriction government expenditure.
2.Reducing restrictions and Taxes on import of foreign goods.
3.Reducing restrictions on foreign investments in India.
4.Opening of many sectors of the economy to private investors.

*On which indicators, the Indian democracy would be called successful?
1. Free, fair and regular elections
2. Voter turn outs
3. Government turnovers
4. Empowerment of new groups Maintenance of essential civil liberties.

*Prepare an album by collecting the photos of Prime Minister of India and write their specialities.

Founder of the NAM, Introduced the planning and signed the Panchsheel with China 
2. Gulzarilal Nanda: (27th May 1964-9th June 1964)
Was the first 'Interim Prime Minister's of India.1964 11th January 1966-24th 
3. Lal Bahadur Shastri: (9th June 1964 - 11th January,1966)
a.Follower of Gandhiji and gave the slogan 'Jai Jawan Jai Kisan' 
b. Promoted white revolution to increase the milk production.
c. Handled anti - Hindi agitation.
d. Signed the Tashkent agreement.
4. Indira Gandhi: (24th Jan 1966-24th Mar 1977 & 24 Jan1980 - 31 oct 1984) 
I) Was the first woman Prime Minister of India.
ii) India won over Pakistan in 1971 during her rule. 
iii) Nationalised banks and gave her slogan ' Garibi Hatao', contributed for operation.
5. Morarji Desai: (24th Mar, 1977 - 28th July, 1979)
6. Charan Singh: (28th July, 1979 - 14th January) 
First non - Congress Prime Minister, he and his ministry ended the emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi. As a revenue minister of UP, He removed Zamidari system and brought in Land 1980 Reforms Act. 
7. Rajiv Gandhi: (31st October, 1984 - 2nd December 1989)
Played a major role in bringing computer to India, improved bilateral relations with the US, sent peace forces to Sri Lanka, initiated peace settlement with
8. V.P.Singh: (2nd December 1989 -10th November 1990)
Worked to improve the condition of the poor, first coalition government, initiated Mandal commission.
9. Chandra Shekar: (10th November 1990- 21st June 1991)
10. PV . Narsimaha Rao: (21 June 1991-16h May, 1996) 
known as father of Indian Economic Reforms, dismantled the License Raj and reversed the socialist policies of Rajiv Gandhi's government, also referred to as Chanakya, policy of Liberalisation. Was India's finest Prime Minister : Inflation was low in his time, Tele industry was encouraged, worked on economic reforms for rural area. 
11. Atal Bihari Vajpayee: (16 May, 1996-1st June 1996 19th March, 1998-22 May 2004) 
12. H.D. Deve Gowda: (1 June 1996-21th April 1997) 
Leader of the United Front Coalition government . 
13.IKGujaral  (21 " Aprial , 1997-19th March , 1998)
His resistance in signing CTBT ( Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ) , conducted Pokhran Nuclear tests , improved relation with Pakistan and gave a five point doctrine known as Gujaral Doctrine . 
14. Manmohan Singh (22nd May 2004 - May 
Encouraged banking and financial sector with many public companies, 2014 brought in value added tax and worked on pro - industry policies, great economist, many IITs were started in different states during his regime. 

15. Narendr Modi: (May 2014 - till date) 
He has enforced many policies such as the Jan Dhan Yojana , Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aimed towards cleanliness marking the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in 5 years, Clean Ganga project, etc. for the upliftment of the nation.

*What are the effects of changes of "Telecom Revolution" on the human life styles?
1. Telecom Revolution initiated by Rajiv Gandhi. It helped to spread Telecommunication network using satellite technology.
2. Now India's is the second largest telecommunication network in the world.
3. Telecommunication industries have set up, mobiles and smart phones played an important role in the field of communication. 
4. In India, there is no family without a mobile and smart phones have made knowledge available to all due to the internet services being accessible on the smartphones 
5. Telemarketing is a creative innovation.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
