I. Keywords:

1.Vote: It is an indication of a choice between two or more candidates expressed through a ballot or a show of hands.
2.Code of Conduct: A set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or proper practices issued by an Election commission.
3.EVM: Electronic Voting Machines, sometimes called "EVMs" are using to  conduct elections.
4.Constituency: The entire country/state is divided into territorial units to elect the legislators 
5.NOTA: NOTA (None Of The Above) is the provision for the voter to cast his vote against all contesting candidates.

II. Improve your learning:

1.The right to vote plays key role in democracy. Discuss.
Elections are essential for any democratic country
1.It gives an opportunity to the people to decide who will make laws for them.

2.Describe the role of Election Commission in India.
1.The Election Commission of India conducts election in our country.
2.The Election Commission of India came into existence on 25th January, 1950.
3.It is an autonomous constitutional body.
4.It prepares electoral rolls and conducts election to Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, State Legislatve Bodies, The President and Vice President.
5.It frames code of conduct to the political parties.
6.To conduct the elections, Electio Commission untilzes the service of central  and state government employees [Article 324(6)].
7.It declares the results of the elections and submits it to the central and state  governments

3.List out the functions of the Election Commission.(or) Explain the functions of the Election Commission of India.(March 2024)
The functions are classified as:
A) Administrative functions
B) Advisory functions and 
C) Quasi judicial functions.
A) Administrative functions:
1.The Election Commission prepares electoral rolls, revises them in due time.
2.It demarcating of constituencies and their
territorial limit.
3.It announces the schedule of elections, receives nominations, scrutinises.
4.It gives recognition to the political parties and allots the symbols
5.It frames and implements the code of conduct
6.It appoints the enquiry officers to observe electoral mal practices.
B) Advisory functions: It advises the President and the Governors of the states regarding the
disqualification of the representatives to the Parliament and the state legislatures.
C) Quasi judicial functions:  It solves the disputes between parties.

4.Why is model code of conduct required in a democracy?

5.Our responsibility does not end with casting the vote. To protect the democracy, we should always be alert. Justify the statements.
In the democracy people awareness is very important towards the functions of the government 
1.If we have political awareness government should be working according to constitution basic rules.
2.Active participation of citizens in democracy is considered as the the vigilant citizens.
3.People should estimate the progress of the elected government and its programs. 
4.Our responsibility does not over with casting the vote we have to observe and questions on their activities and programs.
5.As a citizen of India we have informe to the Election commission on the malpractices of political parties during the election time.

6.Have you ever observed malpractices in the elections of your area? Which rule of Code of Conduct was violated?
1.Some parties have given cash to the people to cast their vote to the concerned party only .
CODE OF CONDUCT VIOLATED : No party should bribe the voters with cash.
2. Some parties have dropped the voters in their vehicles. So, that the voters will cast their vote in their favour. 
CODE OF CONDUCT VIOLATED: No political party shall drop the voters from the polling stations.

7.Read the paragraph under “Need for election reforms “ and comment.
1.There should be a strict watch on the campaign of the elections, the fund they use, muscle power used to win over the votes, etc. 
2.Proper security is required near the polling booths to avoid rigging, etc.
3.Strict action to be taken against those who violate the rules and regulations laid down by the Election Commission no matter how big and old is the party or the ruling party.
4.Small parties and independents should be encouraged through possible means and see that they are not being suppressed by the big parties.

8.Prepare a pamphlet creating awareness about the importance of voting.

III. Short answers:

1.Which elections does the Election Commission of India conduct?
The ECI conducts elections to
1.Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
2.State legislative bodies
3.President and Vice President

2.Classify the functions of the Election Commission.
They are of three types:
1. Administrative functions.
2. Advisory functions.
3. Quasi judicial functions.

*3. What is Universal Adult Franchise?
Every person who is a citizen of India not less than 18 years of age is entitled to vote, without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, region, religion, gender, language, economic status etc. is called Universal Adult Franchise .

4. What is electorate?
The body of voters is called as an electorate.

5.How is a political party formed?
It is formed when it has a written code of conduct and registers with the Election Commission.

* What is called political party?
Political Party is a group of people who come together with similar policies, mobilise peoples mandate, and hold power in the government through contesting in election.

6.Write are the differences between the Regional Party and the National party? (March - 2018)
Regional Party:- If a political party wins 3% of valid votes or 3 assembly seats in a state, it is declared as a regional party.
National party:- If a political party is recognised in 4 States with 6% of valid votes or wins 11 Lok Sabha seats from 4 different states, it is the national party.
Ex: Congress, BJP.

7.What is the use of VVPAT machine?
Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machine is used to get the feed back to whom one has cast vote in the form of a slip.

8.What is the difference between returning officer and a presiding officer?
Returning Officer:-  The returning officer who conducts and monitors elections in constituency.
Presiding Officer:-  The presiding officer who conducts and monitors elections in a polling station.

9.Who are called Independents in an election?
The candidates other than sponsored by a registered party to contest in an election, are called Independent candidates.

10. What are the differences between the General elections and the med term elections?
General elections:- Elections conducted for every 5 years at national or state level are called general elections.
Ex: Lok Sabha Elections, 2019
Mid-term elections:-  The elections held for either assemblies or Parliament before the completion of 5 years tenure, are called Midterm Elections.
Ex: Telangana Assembly Elections, 2018

11.Suggest a few measures for better democracy and ethical governance. (March - 2019)
1.Every political party should try to  implement the policies laid down in its manifesto.
2.Each party should not be corrupted and  work for the welfare of the people.
3.Women to be given importance in elections. 
4.Every party must follow the election code of conduct.
5.Every party should have candidates who do not have any criminal background and are impartial.

12.How can you say that right to vote plays a key role in democracy ?
1.In democracy, every citizen has the right to vote. Thus, it gives everyone a voice in a democracy.
2.Right to vote is called 'Universal Adult Franchise' where nobody can be discriminated on the basis of caste, gender,  creed, community, colour, and race,etc.
3.People have the right to choose their own representatives.
4.By casting their vote , every citizen has the freedom to express their opinion.
5.It is a constitutional right given to the citizens of India.

13.What will happen, if the option NOTA get highest number of votes?
1.In that case, the candidate who secures second position will be declared win.
2.Because, NOTA is an option only and does not affect either the winning or the loosing capability of the candidates.
14.What is Postal Ballot?
It is the facility given to the polling staff to cast their votes.

15.Create two slogans on the "Importance of voting". (June - 2019)
1.Say yes to vote, Say no to note  
2.Cast your vote first, Go to the work next.
3.If you don't vote, you lose the right to  complain.
4.Voting is our right, it is our power.

16.What did the election commission of India do for the illiterate to cast their vote. (June - 2019)
The election commission of India came up with a novel idea of having symbols from everyday life to the present political parties and candidates

16.Mention any two recommendations of T.N. Seshan about Elections.
1.Fourteen day’s time limit for campaigning after the date of withdrawal of nominations
2.One candidate should not contest from more than two constituencies at a time.

17.Mention any two key points of Model Code of Conduct.
1.No political announcements targeting a  caste or religion shall be made.
2.No candidate shall influence the voters  either by giving cash or any articles.

18.What do you mean electoral roll?
The list of registered voters is called electoral roll.

19.What is the difference between the Returning officer and Presiding officer?
1.An officer is appointed to conduct and  monitor elections in every constituency, He/she is called as the “Returning Officer”
2.An officer appointed to conduct polls in  every polling  booth is called "Presiding officer".

20.What are the consequences of frequent violation of election code of conduct by political parties at present? (April 2023)
1. Mockery of democracy.
2. Righteous representatives may not be elected.
3. Public representatives may lose their position if the allegations are proven.
4. Common people may have declined from voting.

*Ruling party at the time of elections
There is a chance to the ruling party to  influence the voters by misusing the power. In order to check this, the Election Commission has laid down some rules and regulations. 
They are: 
1.The ruling party leaders shall not misuse  the power, they should not use bureaucracy for party related works. 
2.Their official visits and party related visits  shall not be mingled. 
3.They should not use government vehicles  for campaigning. 
4.If more than three security vehicles are  used  in campaigning, it should be shown in poll expenditure.
5.Model code of conduct will come into force after the dates of election schedule is announced. 
6.The public properties like government  buildings, offices, places shall not be used for campaigning by any party. 
7.No advertisements of the government  schemes shall be given either in print media or in electronic media. 
8.Before giving announcements on TV, the  political parties shall obtain permission of the Election Commission. 
9.After the election notification is issued, the ruling government shall not release any grants, make payments and announce any new schemes. They should not start any new projects or give any kind of promise. 

*Why is model code of conduct required in a democracy?
1.The contesting candidates and political  parties shall not make any statements pertaining to caste, creed, religion, or regional, while criticizing other parties. 
2.No personal comments shall be made that  are not relevant to political life.
3.No political announcements targeting a  caste or religion shall be made.
4.In places, such as churches, mosques,  temples, other holy places, educational institutions, no candidate should canvas/ campaign. 
5.No candidates shall influence the voters  either by giving cash or any articles.
6.No voter shall be used to cast his/her vote  in other’s identity.
7.No campaigning within 100 mtrs on the  day of polling.
8.There should be no campaigning after or  before the permitted hours.
9.No political party shall either get voters to  the polling station or drop the voters from the polling station. 
10.Every one has the right to lead a peaceful  life. Taking out rallies in the residential areas and picketing is against the rules. 
11.Hosting party flags, tying banners and  writing on the walls, pasting posters on the houses are not allowed without permission.

*On the day of Polling
1.The polling personnel shall make all the  arrangements to the voters to cast their vote in a democratic and peaceful atmosphere. 
2.Leaders of all political parties shall  cooperate the polling staff to discharge their duties. 
3.The polling agents sitting in the polling  booths shall be issued identify cards. The  names or the party symbol shall not be on  these cards. 
4.The campaigning should end before 48  hours of polling day. SMS’s also  prohibited,  alcohol shall not be distributed
5.Neither the contesting candidate nor the  supporters shall gather in large  number near the polling booths. 
6.There shall not be any posters, flags,  symbols and election material in the camps. Any kind food shall not be kept in the camps.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
