*What is a call center?
A call centre is an office where people do get information from abroad through phone calls

*What are called Service activities?
The sector which generates occupations such as services like banking, commerce and communications etc., inside or outside the government.

*What is known as Information Technology?
information technology refers to the computer software, systems, and networks development and maintenance.

*What do you mean Economic development?
Development which include increase in national income and real per capita income along with structural changes such as improvement in education, health, life expectancy, living standard of people etc.

*What do understand Retail trade?
Retail trade is the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers usually in a small quantities to earn a profit. 

*What is called outsourcing?
Recurring staff on temporary basis from outside is called outsourcing

*Expand MNC.
A. Multi National Company.

*What is meant by the term " Service Activities"?
1. The Service sector generates occupations in banking, commerce, telecommunication, education, health etc., inside or outside of the government
2. Service means something that is done free of cost or out of love and devotion.
3. Service activities are required for agriculture and industrial activities.
4. People engaged in service activities do not produce any tangible good.They do special kind of activities.

*Many unskilled have low earning employment opportunities in the service sector. Givy your opinion. 
1. People from rural areas come to work in the city but there are not enough employment opportunities in urban areas.
2. Hence most of the unskilled are earning their livelihood as small vendors, rickshaw pullers etc.
3. They are unable to make both ends meet.

*List Five service activities and give your reasons for why they can not to be considered as either agricultural or industrial activities.
The service sector generates occupations like Health, Trade, Public Administration, Transport, Education, Defence etc.
1. Health: Doctor examines patients, prescribes medicines and monitors their progress. Doctor helps the patients to recover.
2. Trade: Trader providing a service or doing the work of reaching the products to the consumers. 
3. An accountancy: Writing and maintaining accounts is a service or work that all business organisations require.
4. Transport:  Drivers transport the goods by using vehicles . 
5. Defence : Activities and people who work in all the armed forces like army, navy and air force. They protect our country, our life and property.
Service activities do not produce a tangible good, like that in agriculture or in industry. They do special kind of activities that help agriculture and industry.

*The following table shows the number of workers (in lakhs) employed in different service activities in large enterprises in 1991 and 2010. Read the table carefully and answer the questions that follow.
1.Which service activity gave maximum employment in 2010? 
Community, social and personal services.

2. Has the number of government jobs increased or decreased over the years? What kind of jobs has government generated the most during this period?
Decrease. Government generated jobs in community, social and personal services most and them in transport, storage and communications.

3. What kind of jobs were people able to get in the private service activities?
Community, social and personal services

4. Are there any differences between jobs provided by the government and private
employers? Discuss.
*Why do you think more people are engaged in low income service activities today? 
1. With lack of job opportunities many people today are employed in low income services 
2. Closure of factories forced workers to work as small vendors, rickshaw pullers and other low income service professions. 
3. People from rural areas are not getting opportunities in urban areas. 
4. They shift to many unskilled low earning employment opportunities in services.

*List out advantages and disadvantages of allowing for in retail stores in India
*How can service activities help in the overall development of a country ?
1. In any developing country, development involve setting up of many establishments like infrastructure facilities and other services.
2. Service activities constitute about one - fourth of all the jobs people do in India.
3. Service activities improve in general, well being of the people.
4. When people earn better incomes, they spend more on service - oriented activities such as education, entertainment, eating out and tourism . 
5. Service sector growing may help to introducing employment in the country.

*Service sector is growing may not help in reducing unemployment in country. Write suitable interpretation for this statement. 
1. Service sector has most prominence in the process of development.
2. It provide the basic requirements like investment, human and technical service.
3. The recent development in service involves highly technological changes.
4. Machines, computers are replaced by human labor and they have high efficie in performance.
5. They require highly skilled employees, that too in limited quantities.

*How is the service sector different from other sectors?
1. Agriculture and industry produce goods that are tangible.
2. But service activities do not produce any tangible good.
3. Their activities fulfill the needs of people or organizations.
4. They are also essential for agriculture and industrial activities.
5. Non - production of a commodity or good is the essential nature of service.

*Which factors contribute to the growth of service sector?
Factors contributed:
a. The government is increasingly providing services such as hospitals, education, transport, etc.
b. The development of agriculture and industry.
c. With increase in income the demand for services increases.
d. Emergence of newer and newer services .

*How are agricultural and industrial activities related to services ?
1. Agriculture and industrial activities are required service activities.
2. Service activities are not producing something tangible like paddy or cloth.
3. Transportation helps to the agriculture and industry to transport. their  raw material and finished goods.
5. There should be a group of people who buy the goods related to agricultural and industrial activities.

*"The growth of service sector is sustainable and can make India as a rich" Do you agree with this statement ? Elaborate.
Yes, I agree with this statement. It is proved truth that where service sector grows and flourishes the countries experiences a sustainable, growth and make themselves rich.
Different sectors contribution in National income.
In the above table that the share of service is 28 % in 1950 and it reached 59 % in 2010. This resulted in the increase of agriculture and industrial production.
1. Exports increased and foreign exchange reserves increased.
2. Purchasing power of the increased with increased income.

*Why are service sector activities becoming important ?
1. Though service sector does not produce any goods or services it has prominent role in economy.
2. It provides basic requirements of finance infrastructural needs to primary and secondary sectors. Eg : Loans from banks, transportation & communication needs.
3. Service sector offers basic skills or education required for particular field.
4. Service activities provide huge employment opportunities in Health, education, storage, export and import services, hospitals.
5. Because service sector is often referred as life line of economy.

*How can service sector reduce educated unemployment in India?
1. The continuous changing technology is one of the driving forces of service sector.
2. Service sector provide employment to One fourth of workers in India.
3. Business Process Outsourcing brought in new kinds of employment opportunities for young people.
3. Entertainment industry creates jobs in various print media firms and television channels.
4. The advertising industry has also brought many opportunities.
5. Many new activities are found in banking and insurance departments.
6. It is providing employment opportunities  in education sector, retail trade sector, research and communications, there by reducing unemployment.

*Is there any migration of labourers from your area ? Find out the reasons for the migration.
There has been a huge migration of labourers from our area . 
The reasons are : 
1. There are no works or jobs for last full year
2. Though at times job opportunities are there, all the unemployed couldn't get jobs.
3. Less salaries.
4. Neglected rural industries like handlooms, dyeing etc.
5. Attracting manual workers as helpers require less skills in technical jobs.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
