1. Production process: Making of raw material into finished goods is called production process.
2. Conveyor Belt: The belt which is used to movement of objects continuously is called conveyor belt.
3. Fiberline:
4. Label: Small sleep which is giving information about the good attached on it.
5. Allowance:
6. Bonus: Some of the money added to a worker wages for good performance is called bonus.
7. Pollution: The presence of the harmful substances in the air, water, and soil is called pollution.
8. Working hours:
9. Raw material: The materials required to produce a good is called raw material.
II. Improve Your Learning:
1. Imagine that you wish to start a leather or textile factory. What are the aspects you will have to consider for setting up a mill?
2. Explain the process of paper-making in your own words.
1.Chipping: Large pieces of wood are cut into small chips with the help of large machines.
The chips are then separated according to size. The big chips are again cut into smaller chips.
2. Making of wood pulp: In this section, the wood chips are boiled with some chemicals in large vessels, the wood chips are turned into a pulp of thin fibres (like cotton fibres). The liquid pulp is then whitened using chemicals.
3. Spreading the pulp: The liquid pulp is spread on thin screens over a cylinder, the width, length and thickness of the paper is set at this stage. The pulp dries up as the water drains out and evaporates due to heat.
4. Pressing, drying and rolling: The drying pulp is pressed by rollers to smoothen it, we get a sheet of paper which is then rolled up.
5. Cutting: The paper is cut in the cutting machines according to the size required. Paper is made into rolls and sheets as well. It is then packed and sent to godowns.
3. Do you think this paper mill will stop working one day? If it does, what will be the impact on the labourers’ lives?
No, If it does, the impact on the workers' lives will be as follows.
1. They may lose their livelyhoods.
2. They increase unemployment.
4. Imagine a world without paper. What alternatives will you use instead of paper?
1. It is impossible to imagine a world without paper.
2. Cloth, leaves of some trees, floor and wails etc are alternatives of paper.
5. What are your suggestions to stop the pollution caused by industries?
Suggestions to stop pollution:
1. The trees should be grownin industrial areas.
2. The mill owners should setup an effluent treatment plants.
3. This machine will remove contaminants and produce environmentally safe water.
4. Make solid waste suitable to disposal or reuse.
6. Organise a debate in the classroom on the pros and cons of the paper mill.
1. It brings jobs gives economic boost to the community.
Cons: They use a great deal of fresh water. The emissions stink badly. Often the smoke stack will emit pollutants that blister. Paint on cars parked near them. Increased traffic of unsafe logging trucks whose drivers are paid by how many loads they can deliver in a day Frequent severe injuries on the job due to the shredding of logs.
7. List the benefits and income received by a regular employee of the paper mill. Contrast them with that of a temporary employee and a casual worker.
Benefits of regular worker:
1. A regular employee gets a number of benefits like higher salaries, provident fund, medical insurance etc.
2. They paid compensation by the factory if terminated or accident etc.
3. They will get a salary rise every year.
4. They get weekly holiday's, festivals and some sick leaves.
5. They get uniform allowance, some years bonus.
Benefits of temporary worker:
1. They are paid lower salaries, do not get provident fund, medical help or bonus.
2. They do not get any paid holiday.
3. Many get regularized as permanent workers after two or three years.
Benefits of casual worker:
1. They get employment 4 or 5 days a week.
2. They are paid on a daily basis.
3. They are not allowed to any facilities like permanent workers.
8. Compare the production of baskets by craftspersons and production of paper with reference to the following points: (i) Workplace (ii) Tools/machines (iii) Raw materials (iv) Workers (v) Market (vi) Owners.
9. There is a paper mill at Sirpur Kagaznagar in Komrambheem district. Why do you think it is
not established in the district headquarters? Discuss.
1. Paper mills are generally established near forests areas where bamboo and other soft wood trees are available.
2. This mill also strategically located near multiple raw maters sources, electricity and
water source.
10. Locate the following countries on the world map.
a) Sri Lanka b) Singapore c) Nigeria d) South Africa e) Nepal
11. Read the third para of page 91. Do you think that the factories are taking care of their workers health? Why?
1. The factory owners did not care about workers.
2. They only care about the work and profit.
3. If the workers health disturbs, the work also disturbs.
4. So they take care of their workers health to some extent.
III. Additional and Short Answers:
1. What are the working hours and shifts in paper mill?
There are 3 shifts
A shift: 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
B shift: 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
C shift: 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.(night shift)
2. Name some softwood trees.
Bamboos and Eucalyptus.
3. How many types of workers are working in the paper mill?
There are three types of the workers working in the paper mill.
1. Permanent workers
2. Casual workers and
3. Daily workers.