I. Keywords:

1.Rivers and Tributaries: A large natural stream of water flowing into a sea called a river. Rivers or streams which join a large river are called tributaries
2.CondensationThe process of the water vapour converted into tiny droplets water in clouds is called condensation.
3.Annual rainfall: The total amount of rainfall received in a particular place during a particular year in a year
4.Flood plain: When it rains heavily, the river trough is filled with water not allowing permanent trees or plants grow there. This treeless bed is called the flood - plain of the river.

II. Improve Your Learning:

1. Explain how water changes into water vapours and how clouds are formed from it?
1.The story of rain begins with water vapour.
2.Water vapour mixes with the air through a process called ' evaporation '
3.So even when water is not boiling there is evaporation.
4.There are several water bodies on the earth's surface - oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.
5.There is constant evaporation of water from  these water bodies.
6.There is evaporation from our bodies, from trees, plants and soil.
7.When water vapour rises with hot air and reaches high up in the sky, it gets cooled.
8.With the cooling, water vapour is transformed into tiny water droplets.
9.These droplets gather around minute dust or smoke particles in the air and gradually increase in size.
10.These small drops of water gather to form the clouds and deposited as a rainfall.

2.Where do evaporation and cloud formation take place on a large scale?
1.There are several water bodies on the earth's surface - oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.
2.Since evaporation and clouds takes place all over the earth's surface.
3.However, the maximum evaporation and cloud formation take place on the surface of the ocean.
4.Because of oceans are vast water bodies extending up to thousands of kilometres 
5.As a result rains very heavily on the oceans

3. How do the clouds reach deep inlands ?
1.Clouds travel inland for thousands of kilometres to bring rain to us.
2.There are two arms of the monsoon winds come from the Arabian sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch.
3.They transport the rainy clouds. They are called "Monsoon winds". They are also called "South West Monsoon winds.
4.They sets around the beginning of June, the winds carrying the clouds reach Telangana.
5.The South West monsoons bring normal rains to Telangana.
6.The North and Eastern parts of Telangana receives heavy rainfall . 
7.Large areas in the Telangana plateau receive low rain fall . Mahaboobnagar district recelves very little rainfall in Telangana.

4. Where does it rain the most? Choose the correct option :
a) sea coasts that are in the direction of the winds
b) mountains that are in the direction of the winds
c) lands far away from the seas.
Ans: C

5.The Godavari flows from the west to the east. Why?
1.The plateau through which the rivers in Telangana flow is high in the North West slopes towards South East.
2.The rivers originate in West ,they naturally flow towards South East and finally Join the Bay of Bengal.
3.Rivers like the Krishna and the Godavari start from the Western Ghats which receive heavy rains.

6. Describe the main stages of the water cycle.
The main stages of the water cycle:
1. Evaporation from the seas rivers etc.
2. Formation of clouds in the sky.
3. Condensation.
4. Precipitation.
5. Run-off.

7. There may be streams and rivers flowing near your village or town. Find out about them and
fill in the table below:

8. Do the rivers/streams in your area contain water throughout the year? Find out from your
elders if they had more water in earlier times.
No, the river Godavari in our area does not contain water throughout the year in earlier times, it had more water has there was no much use of water as of nowadays.

9. How can the people be prepared to face the disasters?
Cyclones and floods are natural phenomenon
1.During the cyclone, listen to the radio or TV weather reports. In warning, ensure that everyone is alerted through loudspeakers or by going from door to door.
2.Keep an emergency kit ready at home should contain important papers, some food, some money and emergency telephone numbers.
3.Identified nearest available place in advance where refuge could be sought in case of a cyclone.
4.Wherever necessary, the walls of the house, roofing, doors and windows should be strengthened. 
5. Store adequate drinking water and food grains in waterproof bags.
6. Do not venture outside, especially into the sea during and after the warning has been sounded.
7.Close doors and windows and stay indoors.
8. Move to a pucca building if you feel your house is not strong enough.
9. While you are in a vehicle, stop but keep away from the sea shore, trees, electric poles, and other objects that may be uprooted during the gale.
10.If the cyclone wind suddenly drops, do not go out, as it could be the eye of the cyclone.
11.Listen to Radio/TV for updates on the situation.
12.Take necessary precautions while moving to or out of your house. There may be partially uprooted trees or poles.

10. Collect the pictures showing cyclones and floods and prepare an album.

11. Make a poster on the floods devastation.

III. Short Answers:

1.Name the three driest months. 
June, July and August 

2.When do you think there is more evaporation during the day or night? 
There is a more evaporation during the day.

3.Can you say what is the first stage of the water cycle? 
The cycle of water evaporating from the seas becoming clouds in the sky.

4.Can you explain the causes of devastating floods? In what way is it natu, occurrence and in what way is it man - made? 
1. Climate change has contributed to a rise in extreme weather conditions. 
2. This is natural occurrence. Deforestation is also the cause of devastating floods. 
3. Thus this is caused by humans. 

5.Do you have 'normal' rainfall every year in your place or does it vary even year? 
No, It varies every year. 

6.Name some water bodies. 
There are several water bodies on the earth's surface - oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. 

7.Have you ever experienced flood? 
Yes, I have experienced flood years when the rainfall over than normal. 

8.Define water cycle and evaporation. 
Water cycle: water evaporating from the seas, forming clouds in the sky, coming down as rain and flowing down the slope on the land in the form of rivers and finally joining the sea is called the water cycle.
Evaporation: water change into vapor is known as evaporation. 

9.Do the rivers in your area contain water throughout the year? Find out from your elders if they had more water in earller times. 
No, the rivers in our area do not contain water in summer. Our elders also expressed the same. 

10.Can you explain how forest and vegetation help in reducing droughts ? 
Yes . 
1.The vegetation and forest can help the rain water to percolate into the soil.
2.They can give us some foods during droughts.
3.These also reduce the soil erosion and its fertility.
4. This helps the cattle during droughts. 

11.What do you think is the direction of slope in Telangana - from North to South or East to West or West to East ?
West to East .

12.Have you ever experienced drought? 
Yes, I have experienced drought years when it rainfall very little.  

13.In which months does it rain the most in your place? List three rainiest months. 
August, September and October are the three rainiest months.
IV.Choose the correct Answers:

1. .................. % of the surface earth covered with water  (      )
A) 60
B) 71
C) 50
D) 80

2. Water change into vapour is called ....... (      )
A) Humidity 
B) Evaporation 
C) Rain
D) Precipitation 

3................. is the perennial river (      )
A) Penna 
B) Godavari 
C) Tungabhadra 
D) Kaveri 

4. Rain caused by whirling storms is called.......  (      )
A) Conventional rainfall
B) Cyclonic rainfall
C) Relief Rainfall 
D) None 

5. In the................... Months Cyclones form in the Bay of Bengal (      )
A) July - November 
B) June - August 
C) May - October 
D) May - September 

6. The river Godavari originates at....... (      )
A) Triambakam 
B) Mahabaleshwar 
C) Nandi Durga hills 
D) Varaha hills

7. Rainfall is measured by the.............. (      )
A) Wind wane 
B) Raingauge 
C) Speedometer 
D) Barometer 

8. North - East monsoons is also known as.... (      )
A) South - west monsoons
B) Retreating monsoons
C) Advancing monsoons
D) North - West monsoon

9. Which of the following is not the tributary of a Godavari......(      )
A) Manjeera 
B) Pranahitha 
C) Mannair 
D) Musi 

10. The process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation together is called.......(      )
A) Monsoons 
B) Cyclone 
C) Evaporation
D) Water cycle

11. In ........... state south west monsoons first enter (      )
A) Madhya Pradesh 
B) Kerala 
C) Andhra Pradesh
D) Tamil Nadu 

12. The fall of moisture is known as......... (      )
A) Humidity 
B) Condensation 
C) Precipitation 
D) Rainfall 

13. River Krishna originates near......... (      )
A) Nasik 
B) Mahabaleshwar 
C) Nagarjuna Sagar 
D) Srisailam

14............... are waste water bodies extended upto 1000 km (      )
A) Thanks
B) Oceans 
C) Lakes 
D) Rivers 

15. The process of evaporation speeds up with increase in............ (      )
A) Temperature 
B) Humidity 
C) Snowfall 
D) Rainfall 

16. We feel sticky and such weather is called.....   (      )
A) Sticky 
B) Excessive 
C) Sultry
D) Sunny 

17. The Treeless bed of river is called........ (      )
A) Beaches 
B) Flood plains 
C) Coast 
D) River plain 

18. Small droplets of water gather to form......... (      )
A) Cyclone 
B) Water vapour 
C) Rain 
D) Cloud 

19.The direction of the winds reverse in the month of........... (      )
A) June 
B) January 
C) October 
D) December 

20.Rain caused by a whirling storms is called........ (      )
A) Typhoon 
B) Tsunami 
C) Cyclonic rainfall 
D) Earth quake 

21.Rivers and streams which join your large river are......... (      )
A) Tributaries
B) Small streams
C) Small rivers
D) Distributaries

22.The worst cyclone hit the East Coast in ............ (       )
A) 1975
B) 1976
C) 1977
D) 1978

23. Disasters affect the most......... (       )
A) Richest 
B) Land lord 
C) People living in Pakka building 
D) Poorest 

24.Forest cover controls floods and........, (      )
A) Evaporation 
B) Humidity 
C) soil erosion. 
D) Rainfall 

25..Massive tree plantation in Telangana is called............. (     )
A) Raitu bandu 
B) Haritha Haram
C) Mission Kakatiya 
D) none 

26. The winds coming from the Arabian sea and bay of Bengal......... (     )
A) Tsunami 
B) Cyclone
C) Typhoon 
D) Monsoons 

27.Vegetation also helps to prevent.............
in another way (      )
A) Tsunami 
B) Rivers 
C) Floods
D) Cyclone 

28...........  river not flowing through Telangana state (     )
A) Ganga 
B) Manjeera 
C) Godavari 
D) Krishna 

29.Mahabubnagar and Jogulamba districts receive very ........ rainfall in Telangana State. (      )
A) Moderate 
B) Heavy 
C) Little 
D) Normal 

30.The South West Monsoons bring ....... rains to Telangana. (      )
A) Normal 
B) Heavy 
C) Moderate 
D) High 


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
