1.Atmosphere: The gaseous envelope surrounding the earth or any other celestial body.
2.Equatorial regions: Geographic region of the Earth centered on the equator.
3. Condensation: The change of vapour into liquid, either by cooling or by being subjected to increased pressure.
4.Solar Radiation: Energy constantly emitted by the sun in the form of light and heat.
5. Insolation: Solar radiation received on the surface of the Earth.
6.Angle of Incidence: The angle that an incident line or ray makes with a perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.
7.Heat Balance: The equilibrium which exists on the average between the radiations received by the earth and atmosphere from the sun and that emitted by the earth.
8.Maximum Temperature:  This is the highest temperature recorded during a specified period of time, that is 6, 12 and 24 hours. 
9.Minimum Temperature: This is the lowest temperature recorded during a specified period of time, that is 6, 12 and 24 hours. 
10.Temperature Inversion: 1.Generally temperature decreases with the altitude.
2.Under special circumstances temperature increases with altitude .
3.This is known as inversion.
11.Global Warming: Increasing temperature of Earth's surface, including land, water and near - surface air.


1. Correct the false statements –
a) If a place is closer to the sea, irrespective of its distance from equator, it will always be cooler.
b) As you go up higher from the earth, it becomes warmer because sun is closer to you.
A. False 
Correct statement:  Temperature decreases with elevation and hence it gets cooler as we go higher.
c) Sun heats the air first and then the earth.
Correct statement:  Sun rays heat the first earth surface. This inturn begins to radiate heat which heats up the air.
around us.
d) Global warming is related to oxygen.
Correct statement:. Global warming is related to the Carbon dioxide and pollution.

2. What is the difference between the highest temperature in Table 2 and the lowest temperature in Table 1?
The highest temperature in table 2 is 33° Celsius the lowest temperature in table 1 is 15° Celsius. The difference between them is 18° celsius.

3. Suppose, the temperature in Moscow was –8°C at 10 AM on 6 December. Twenty - four hours later, it was 12°C higher. What was the temperature at 10 AM on 7 December?
7th December at 10 AM = 12° C higher.
6th December at 10 AM = - 8° C 
7th December at 10 AM = - 8 + 12 = 4° C

4. Delhi and Mumbai are both situated on plains and their height above sea level is less than 300 meters. Why is there so much difference in their monthly average temperatures? In which months are the average temperatures in these two cities most similar? Explain?
1.There is a so much difference in the monthly average temperatures of Delhi and Mumbai.
2.Mumbai has a moderate climate which Delhi experiences extreme climate.
3.Mumbai coastal nature and the tropical location and show the moderate temperatures throughout the year.
4.Delhi's distance from the Sea gives it an extreme type of a climate known as continental climate.
5.In the month of August and September average temperatures in these two cities are found most similar due to monsoons is active.

5.Given below are the average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures of
Jodhpur. Make a line graph of them. Which are the hottest and coldest months
of the year?
Table: average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures in Jodhpur Rajasthan (°C)
1. The hottest month of the year is May (42°c)
2. The coldest month of the year is January (9°c)

6.Given here are the average maximum temperatures of three places: A, B, and C. Make graphs of them. Locate each place by looking at the table and graphs.
Line graph Average maximum temperatures of three places A, B and C
1.In the place A highest temperatures are recorded because this place is situated inland. It is experiencing continental climate, also known as extreme climate.
2.Place B situated in hills because it is recorded lowest temperatures. Its temperatures influences by altitude.
3.Place C temperatures are almost same throughout the year because this is situated on the sea coast. It is known as moderate climate.
4.Place B is cooler when compared to places A and C.

7.Give three possible explanations for the differences between the average
temperatures in Thiruvananthapuram and Shimla in January (refer to your Atlas)
1.Thiruvananthapuram is on the sea coast. Temperatures that remains constant places near the sea coast.
2.Shimla far from the sea coast, it does not experience moderate climate like thiruvananthapuram.
3.Shimla is on higher altitude at an elevation of more than 2000 metres MSL.  
4.Thiruvananthapuram is on sea coast with less than 100 metres above sea level. 
5.Usually temperatures decreases 6°C with elevation of 1000 meters.
6.Inversion of temperature is also one of the causes.

8.Between Bhopal, Delhi, Mumbai and Shimla,  which two places show a similartemperature pattern? Explain the similarity between these two places.
1.The places Bhopal and Delhi show a similar temperature pattern.
2.They both are far away from the sea with continental type of climate.
3.These places are experiencing extreme climate.

9.Look at the graph of Minimum - Maximum temperature on the right and answer the questions below:
a) What is the average highest temperature in July?
b) How warm does it usually get in December?
26° C
c) How cool does it usually get in June?
20° C
d) Is there a bigger difference between night and day temperature in May or in August?
The difference between the temperatures of day and night in May are 33°C - 22°C = 11°C
The difference between the temperatures of the day and night in August 28°C - 20°C =  8°C
e) When is summer?
March, April and May months.

10.How is solar energy better than thermal  power?
1.Solar energy is cheaper than thermal power. 
2.Solar energy is a renewable source of energy unlike thermal power. 
3.Solar energy is pollution free unlike thermal power.

11.Read the para under the title "Height and Temperature" of page 27 and comment on it.
Height and Temperature: 
1.The highest parts of a mountain generally have the lowest temperatures even in the summer months. 
2.Temperature decreases with elevation.
3.Delhi is at an elevation of about 200 meters above sea level.
4.Shimla is at an elevation of about 2200 meters above sea level.
5.Usually, for every 1000 meters increase in elevation, the temperature falls by about 6°C.
6.Due to this temperature on hills stations people prefer to go them in summer to avoid the heat.
7.Due to cooler temperatures, different kinds of plants grow on high hills and mountains

III. Additional and short Answers:

1.What will be happen if inversion of temperatures?
1.When inversion occurs, cold air underlies warmer air at higher altitude.
2.Cool temperatures are found near the ground on winter mornings.
3.Dew drops on the grass are also seen.

2. What is he relative distribution of land and water?
1.The land masses are heated up and cold down quickly when compared the water bodies.
2.The water body is gradually heated up and cool down.
3.Hence the land masses and water bodies, though positioned on the same latitude record different temperatures.

3. What is the difference between the insolation and radiation?
1.The sun emitting energy constantly in the form of heat and light is known as radiation.
2.Solar radiation received by the earth surface is known as insolation.

4. Can you say temperature contrast of land and water.
1.The temperature distribution over land and oceans are quite different and varying.
2.Land is considered as a good conductor of heat, whereas water bodies are different. 
3.The land gets heated quickly and cool down quickly.
4.Oceans gradually heated and gradually cool down.

5.What are the highest and Lowest Temperatures of the World?
Scientists have recorded the highest and
the lowest temperatures reached on the
earth. For example, the 
2. Highest temperature recorded at Azizia in
Libya (Africa) on July 1922 as 57.8°C.
3. Lowest Temperatures recorded at called Vostok Station in the Antarctica in July 1983 as

6.What is the difference between Maritime climate and continental climate?
Continental climate:
*The places away from the sea is experience  continental climate.
*The difference between the maximum temperature and minimum temperature is more.
*Summer and day temperatures High, winter and night temperatures are low.
Example: Hyderabad in Telangana.
Maritime climate:
*The places near by the sea is experiences Maritime climate.
*The difference between the maximum temperature and minimum temperature is less.
*Summer and winter, Day and night temperatures are more or less equal.
*Example: Panaji in Goa.

*Why is north is cooler in the winter?
1.North India is experience cooler temperatures because it is far from the equator compared to the South India
2. The day duration is lesser in the North India but day duration is more in South India.

1.Give some suggestions to minimise the 'Global warming' ? (SA1-22)

2. Observe the following table and write a paragraph on it.  (SA1-22)

IV. Choose the Correct Answers:

1.For every 1000 meters increase in elevation , the temperature falls by about (     )
a) 6.4° C
b) 5 ° C 
c) 6 ° C 
d) 9 ° C 

2. ............of the solar energy is reflected back by the earth's atmosphere        (     )
a ) One third 
b ) Two third 
c ) Three fourth 
d ) None of these 

3.Which month has the highest maximum temperature in Hyderabad     (    )
A) April
B) May 
C) July 
D) January 

4. ......... degrees difference is there between - 5°C and 5°C.       (     )
a ) -5
b ) 5 
c ) 0 
d ) 15 

5. 38 degrees below freezing, Celsius . (     ) 
a ) 38 ° C 
b ) -38 ° C 
c ) 33 ° C 
d ) -33 ° C 

6. The difference between the temperatures of two places influence these (     )
a ) Winds 
b ) Rains 
c ) Both a & b 
d ) None 

7. ........ influence lives very much (     )
a ) Temperature 
b ) Rainfall 
c ) Both A & B 
d ) None 

8. Trees and animals live by depending on these   (     ) 
a ) Heat 
b ) Water 
c ) Both A & B 
d ) None 

9. The main source of energy on the earth . ( )  
A ) Jupiter 
B) Mars 
C) Moon 
D) Sun 

10. The energy which is constantly emitted by the Sun is known as (    )
a ) Solar radiation 
b ) Solar insolation 
c ) Solar ray 

11. Temperature difference between places also causes winds and (    )
a ) Rains 
b ) Energy 
c ) Angle of incidence 
d ) Global warming 

12. The solar radiation received on the surface of the Earth is called
a ) Radiation 
b ) Insolation 
c ) Reflection 
d ) Angle of incidence 

13. It will get more warmer on the than the regions near the poles  (    ) 
a ) Arctic circle 
b ) Antarctic circle 
c ) Equator 
d ) Tropic of Cancer 

14. Some gases like prevent radiation of heat from the earth (    )
A) Nitrogen 
B) Hydrogen 
C) Carbon dioxide 
D) None of the above

15. It is safer and advisable to use thermometer that has a scale of (    )
a ) 10 ° C - 110 ° C 
b ) 10 ° C to 90 ° C 
c ) 10 ° C - 100 ° C 
d ) 10 ° C - 120 ° C 

16. VOSTOK is a station in .............. (     )
A) Arctic region 
B) Antarctica 
C) Europe
D) America

18. Indonesia is in this region of (    )
a ) Arctic 
b ) Antarctic 
c) Equatorial
d) Tropical

19 ............... decreases with elevation (    )
a ) Temperature 
b ) Insolation 
c) Rain
d) None of above

20 . ......will take time to heat and cool (    )
a ) Land 
b ) Oceans 
c) Both Land and Oceans
d) None of above

22. The hot regions throughout the year (    )
a ) Temperate regions 
b) Polar regions 
c ) Equatorial regions 
d ) All the above 

24. The energy comes from the Sun in this form 
a ) Ultra violet rays 
b ) Radio waves 
c ) X - rays 
d ) All the above 

25. The energy radiated by the Sun is throughout the year and year a year  (     )
a ) More or less constant with very little variation 
b ) Different 
c ) Increases 
d ) Decreases 

26. The lowest temperature in Hyderabad is recorded in this month (    )
a ) September
b ) October 
c ) November 
d ) December 

27. The highest temperature in Hyderabad is recorded in this month (     )
a ) May 
b ) June 
c ) July 
d ) August 

29. The lowest temperature that was recorded in Vostok in Antarctica in July 1943 (    )
a ) 68° C 
b ) -89.2°C 
C ) 0° C 
d ) 90°C

31. The instrument that measure atmospheric temperature (     )
a ) Barometre 
b ) Celsius Thermometre 
c ) Anemometre 
d ) All the above 

32. The Global warming means (     )
a ) The earth's radiation decreases as CO2 increases.
b ) The earths radiation increases as CO2 decreases
c ) Both A & B 
d ) The CO2 is constant and the earth's radiation is also constant 

33. The reason for increase of CO2 ( 
a ) the increased usage of petrol & diesel etc 
b ) cutting forests
c ) Both A & B 
d ) None 

34. The gas that objects the radiation of the earth (      )
a ) O2 
b ) Organ 
c ) CO2 
d ) All the above 

35. If the Earth radiates back more heat than it receives , then it changes like this (    )
a ) Cool
b ) Warm
c ) Temperate
d ) All the above 

36. The atmosphere or the air around us is heated by the sunrays in this way  (      )
a ) Heated directly 
b ) Not heated directly 
c ) Mixes in the air 
d ) All the above 

37. The angle of incidence increases in the north during the months of (    )
a ) May - June 
6 ) November December 
c ) September - October 
a ) June - July 

38. If the insolation received at the equator (0°) is 100 units , then the number of units at 66½° ( Arctic circle)     (     )
a ) 40 
b ) 50 
c ) 25 
d ) 45 

39. If the insolation received at the equator is 100 units, then the number of units at 45° ( Northern Japan) 
a ) 50 
b ) 40 
c ) 75 
d ) 100 

40. The temperature ..... with high altitudes  (    )
a ) Decrease
b ) Increase
c ) No change
d ) None


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
