3. Earth Movements and Seasons


1. Seasons: A season is division of a year marked by changes in weather, hours of daylight and ecology.
2. Curvature of the Earth: The Earth does not have just one radius since it isn't spherical. Instead, the Earth is more like an oblate spheroid. It's wider at the equator than at the poles. 
3. Earth’s Tilt: Earth’s axis remains tilted in the same direction throughout
4. Snowfall: The deposition of snow on the earth surface 
5. Temperature belts: The regions on the earth surface with different temperatures are called temperature belts. Ex: Tropical Belt,
6. Horizon: The line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet.(above the Sun rise point)


1. What do we mean by inclined axis?
A. The earth's axis of rotation does not stand vertical and is tilted on the orbital plane so as to form a 66.5 ° angle. In other words it is tilted by 230.5 'angle. This phenom enon is called inclined axis.

2. Find out if Telangana falls on the Tropical Belt or in the Temperate Belt.
 Telangana is in the tropical belt as it lies in between 15 ° 55 'N and 19 ° 54' N lati tudes and 77 ° 15'E and 81 ° 46 'E longitudes.

3. Will the Sun shine directly on our heads in Telangana during any month? If yes, in which month?
During May month the Sun rays fall vertically in Telangana.

4. Find out the belt in which Delhi is situated and if it would receive snowfall during winters.
The city of Delhi lies in the temperate zone. It will not experience snowfall in winter season but gets fog during winter season.

5. What is the difference between the earth's rotation and revolution?
Earth's rotation:
1. Moving the Earth on its own axis.
2. The Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation.
3. Rotation causes day and night.
Earth's revolution: 
1. Movement of the earth around the sun.
2. Takes 365¼ days to complete one revolution.
3. Revolution along with the tilt of Earth on its own axis causes in seasons.

6. What do you know about equinoxes?
On March 21st and September 23 throughout the world day and night are equal in size. so, these are called equinoxes.

7. What would be happen if the earth did not rotate on its own axis?
1. One portion of the Earth which is in front of the sun would constantly get sun's heat and light would be too hot.
2. The other portion would remains dark would be too cold.
3. This would make both portions not fit for life.

8. Locate the following places in the world map.
    a) Australia.      b) South Africa      c) Chile     d) Norway        e) USA.


1. Do you think there is any correlation between the crops grown in your region and the seasons? Find out by discussing with your elders and friends and write a short essay on it.
I got information given bellow from my grandparents.
1. The onset of monsoon season makes the farmers to start the Kharif crops such as Paddy, Jowar, Ragi, Cotton, Sugarcane etc.,
2. In the Rabi crop season wheat, oil seeds etc., cultivated in winter.
3. During Jaid crop season tobacco, water melon, musk melon and black gram etc., cultivated in short period of summer.

2. Why do you think does Telangana not receive any snowfall during winter months?
1. Telangana lies between 15° 55' N and 90° 54' N latitude. so, it lies in the tropical belt.
2. Telangana experiences the Temperatures 13°C to 30°C in the winter season.
3. Temperature should be 0°C are below to make a water to be frozen.
4. Telangana temperatures are more than that. so, there is no chance to get snowfall.

3. We have a rainy season. How do you think it is related to the movement of the Earth and the pattern of Sun’s rays? Does it occur in the summer or winter or in the season in between?
1. India is situated in the Northern hemisphere. India recieves rainfall due to South - west monsoon and north - east monsoon 
2. Southwest monsoons extends from mid-june through mid-september and the north-east monsoon from mid September to mid December
3. Due to tilt of earth goes around the Sun. When the Northern Hemisphere has summer South hemisphere has winter and South hemisphere has summer, North hemisphere has summer.
4. Hence we can say in India in the rainy season occurs in between the summer and winter.

4. Collect information about the time of Sunrise and Sunset for different months of the year in your place (you can look up the local newspaper for this). Calculate the duration of day and night – how many hours every day – for every month. Do you see any pattern in this?
A.                         TELANGANA

5. Explain the idea of rotation of the Earth to your parents or sisters or brothers. Write down their questions or doubts and try to answer them.
My parents are got these doubts
1. Why does Sun rising on the East only?
2. Why don't we experience the rotation of the earth?
3. How does night occurs?
4. How does day occurs?
5. What happens if the earth does not revolve around the sun?
1. The sun is a stationary never moves. The earth moving from west to east. We feel the sun is rising on the East.
2. When the Earth rotates the air around as the clouds and the birds moving along with the earth, that is why we don't feel the moment.
3. The dark part of the Earth moves away from the sun's rays experiences night.
4. The dark of the Earth moves directly towards the sun getting sun slantingly or vertically is called day.
5. The earth does not revolve around the sun, there is no seasonal changes.

6. Imagine that the Earth does not rotate but goes around the Sun around the year. What difference will it make to the seasons and distribution of temperature?
1. Then, one portion of the earth which is in front of the Sun would constantly get Sun’s heat and light become hotter and hotter.
2. The other portion would remain cold and dark
becomes cooler and cooler.
    Hence both portions unfit for life. Rotation helps the entire earth to get heat and light consistently on a daily basis.

7. Identify a country in the Temperate Belt in both Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Compare the seasons in those countries and your place.
I have choosen France from north hemisphere and South Africa from southern hemisphere, and I am belongs to Telangana.
1. There are four seasons in France, a) winter b) spring, c) summer, d) autumn.
2. In the month of May to August the temperature are high. While December and January are very cold.
3. The spring season starts from March.
South Africa:
1. There are two seasons in South Africa a) winter b) summer.
2. The month of May is not very hot summers duration is November to April.
3. The winter season is May to October.
1. There are three seasons in Telangana a) winter, b) summer, c) monsoons of south - west and north - east.
2. The temperatures are very high between March and may.
3. December and January months are cool.

8. What are the six seasons in Indian climate?
Ancient Sanskrit literature divides the year into six seasons, adding an itermediate season between each of the three main seasons. These are called Ritus.
They are:
1. Vasanta (Spring)
2. Grishma (Summer)
3. Varsha (Monsoon)
4. Sharad (Autumn)
5. Hemanta (pre-winter) and
6. Shishira (winter)

9. Read the first paragraph of this chapter and answer the following question:
Human beings live along with a large community of plants and animals. We can observe constant change in our surroundings in the course of the year - the flowering and fruiting of trees and plants, changes in the animal activity etc. As months pass by, you would notice that trees shed leaves, stand bare, new shoots comeforth, leaves grew again, they flower and give fruits. You may also have noticed that in different times of the year, we get different kinds of vegetables and fruits. In some months, it is very hot and in some, it is cold or wet.

*What is the impact of seasons on the lives of human beings?
The life of human beings is very much related with seasons in the following ways:
1. During the spring season trees provide a few fruits example mango and watermelon.
2. Summer season temperature increases and make life little uncomfortable. It's very difficult to get fodder to the cattles.
3. In the rainy season adequate water available to the people and for crops.
4. During the autumn medicinal plants grow.
5. During the winter temperatures fall causing a little discomfort to the people.
6. The plants and trees start shedding leaves and gradually increases in temperatures is found.

IV. Choose the correct answers:


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
