11b) National Movement - The Last Phase 1919 -1947

I. Keywords:
1. Nationalism:  Devotion towards the interest or culture of one's nation. 
2. Secular: N specially connected with religious or spiritual matters.
3. Moderates: Make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent.
4. Extremism: The holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism.
5. Satyagraha: the policy of nonviolent resistance developed by Mahatma Gandhi as means of pressing for political reform in South Africa and India.
6. Non Co-operation: Failure or refusal to cooperate, especially as a form of protest.
7. Civil disobedience: The refusal to comply with certain laws considered unjust, as a peaceful form of political protest.
8. Swarajya: Self-government or independence.

II. Improve your learning:

1.Create a table to show the various efforts of Gandhiji in national movement.
2.The national movement fought against all attempts of the British government to deny democratic freedom and rights of the people. Give examples of the rights which the government tried to curtail and the movement launched against it.
3. To what extent was the Salt Satyagraha successful in its objectives? Give your assessment.
1. Salt laws were broken at many places and even women took part in the movement.
2. The Government of India Act of 1935 prescribed provincial autonomy.
3. The government announced elections to the provincial legislatures in 1937.

4. Which of the following were parts of the national movement: 
a. Picketing shops that sell foreign clothes
b. Hand spinning thread to weave clothes
c. Burning imported clothes
d. Wearing khaddar
e. All the above.

5. What were the different events that led to the partition?
Events that led to partition:
1.Muslim league moved a resolution in 1940 demanding independent States for Muslim in north - west and east part of country.
2.The Congress rejection of league's desire to form a joint Congress league government in the united provinces in 1937.
3.The Congress did well in general constituencies but leagues success in the seats reserved for Muslims was a spectacular. it was demanded for Pakistan.
4.In March 1946 the British cabinet came to India to examine this demand and to suggest a political framework for free India.
5.The cabinet mission proposal was not agreed by Congress and Muslim league.
6.The Muslim league decided agitation and gave a call "Direct Action Day" 16th August 1946.
7.Riots broke out in Kolkata on this day which lasted for several days resulting in the death of many people.
8.In 1947 Louis Mountbatten was unable to resolve the problem and he was announced India split into Muslim control Pakistan and Hindu dominated India.
9.India became independent on 15 August 1947 while Pakistan celebrates independence on 14th August.

6. Read the first paragraph under the heading 'The Happenings of 1922-1929' and answer this, 'Gandhiji called off the movement after the violence'. How do you support it.

Gandhiji always preached the principle of non - violence. Hence he called off the movement after the violence. If he had not called off the movement, then many more people would have been killed and conflicts between the peasants and police would have turned bitter.

7. Why did Quit India Movement become popular? (or) Write a brief note on Quit India Movement.
Quit India Movement - 1942:
1. Britain wanted to use Indians and resources for Second World. Congress demanded self rule in return. British not accepted it.
2. Congress met on August 8th 1942 at Bombay and passed a resolution that British rule should end immediately . 
3. August 9th, 1942. Quit India movement started, including Gandhi many leaders arrested.
4. People protested all over the country, and turned violent. Ten lakh pounds worth of property was destroyed.
5. In Satara and Midnapur, self rule started,  British authority disappeared.
6. About 90000 people were arrested and 1000 killed in police firings in 1943.
7. Gandhi gave a slogan 'Do or Die' 
This movement brought the British Raj to its knees. So, Quit India movement became popular.

8. Prepare a timeline chart on freedom struggle from 1885 to 1947.
9. Did the fruits of sacrifices of many great leaders of the Independence movement reach all the people? Share your opinion on this.
1. Many great leaders of independent movement like Gandhi, Nehru, Vallabhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Prakasam Pantulu, Sarojini Naidu sacrificed their lives in bringing independence to our country.
2. They dreamed for equal justice to all, equal treatment to all irrespective of caste, color, religion and economic status. 
3. They wished a country where no corruption and no one dies of hunger and all will live with peace and harmony. 
 3. It is said that even today the cause of sacrifices of our leaders had not reached all the people. 
a) Many poor people are starving for food. 
b) Communal hatred grew more and there is no harmony or brotherlyhood, 
c) Poor and weaker sections are still ill treated in some parts of thecountry. 
d) There are still atrocities on women. 
e) Unemployment, social unrest, poverty etc are still threatening the country, 
f) Corruption grew multi folded. 
Howeverr, compared to independence days, the country progressed well in many fields yielding fruits to the sacrifices of our leaders still there is much to be done to reach the sacrifices of our leaders to all.

III. Additional and short Answers:
1. Describe the role of 'Mahatma Gandhiji' in freedom struggle of India? (SA1-22)


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
