I. Key Words:

II. Improve Your Learning: 

*What are called Minerals?
A naturally occuring substance having a definite chemical composition is called a mineral. They occur in rocks.

*What do you mean by Underground mining?
1. Mining is a process of extraction of minerals from rous , under the earth surface.
2. Deep bores called shafts are dug to reach the mineral deposits at great depth.
3. Underground tunnels are built to mine minerals that he very deep.

*What do you think Open pit mining?
Minerals that lie at shallow depths are taken out by removing the surface layer by the process called open cas mining. 

*What are called Renewable resources ?
A renewable resource can be used without any risk of its ending up because they exist in unlimited quantity . They can be regenerated . Eg . Solar energy.

*What do you understand Non - renewable resources?
A non renewable resource is one which is present in limits quantity. It is not possible to regenerate these resources 
Ex:Coal, natural gas.

*Prepare a table showing different minerals and their uses.
1. Iron Ore: Hematite and Magnaite Iron ore deposits are available in our State. It is mainly used in steel, pelletization, sponge iron, pig iron industries. And it is exported to Japan.
2. Mica: It is a shiny mineral and is used extensively in electrical and electronic industry . It has many properties which make it useful - it comes in thin layers, and is a non - conductor of electricity and heat.
3. Lime Stone: It is used in cement, carbide, iron and steel, soda ash, chemical, sugar, paper, fertilizer, glass industries.
4. Granite: It is used in cutting and polishing industry, decorative panels, monuments, floor ing panels.
5. Manganese: It is used in potassium permanganate, ferro alloys, iron and steel, batteries, chemicals, ceramic, glass industry.
6. Barytes: This is a group of ores from which an element called Barium is extracted. Barium is used for industrial and medical purposes. Barytes is also used in drilling deep holes for petroleum and natural gas .
7. Feldspar: It is one of the raw materials used in making of glass and ceramic ware (like wash basins, etc).

*How do minerals help the country in development?
1. There are different types of resources, who supports a country's development.
2. Human resources take a vital role by the usage of natural resources.
3. Mineral resources is the most precious transfer for the economy.
4. Extraction of minerals is a good source of employment opportunities.
5. Many basic minerals are necessary to run industries.
6. Minerals are useful for the development of agricultural sector.
7. Minerals are also help to develop transport facilities.

*Read the paragraph under the heading ' To whom do the minerals belong and answer the following : 
The minerals do not belong to any particular person but they belong to all people. Justify with reasons.
Minerals usually occur deep in the earth. The things which we get from the earth is property of government. They, in fact, do not belong to any particular owner but belong to all people of the country and have to be used in everyone's interest. So government uses the minerals by keeping this in view.

*How do minerals help the country in development ? 
1.There are different types of resources, who supports to a country's development.
2. Human resources take a vital role by the usage of natural resources.
3. Mineral resources is the most precious transfer for the economy.
4. Extraction of minerals is a good source of employment opportunities.
5. Many basic minerals are necessary to run industries.
6. Minerals are useful for the development of agricultural sector.
7. Minerals are also help to develop transport facilities .

III. Additional and short Answers: 
1. Differentiate between renewable energy sources and nonrenewable energy sources? (SA1-22)

*Choose the correct answer (A,B,C,D) in the given bracket 


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
