*Who are called Landlords?
Persons who rent land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant. 
*Who are called Money Lenders ?
Persons or an organization whose job is to lend money to people in return for payment.
*What are called jagirs?
A village or district the government and revenues of which are assigned to some person, usually in consideration of some service to be rendered, especially the maintenance of troops.

*What is called Samsthanam ?
Samsthan is the Sanskrit word for 'organization.' For the sake of administration, and collection of land revenue certain group of villages were united under one samsthan. Jamindar acts as head for their samsthan.

*Compare the condition of tenant farmers before freedom and farmers of today. What differences do you find?
The differences in the condition of tenant farmers before and after freedom are as follows 
: S.No. Before Independence After Independence 1. The peasants paid land revenues The peasant should pay the through the zamindars. rent only. 2. The tenants did not have any right The government provided the on the land. tenants special facilities. 3. Rent was collected even during During conditions of famine, times of famine, crop failure etc. crop failure etc., deduction in the rent amount was provided. 4. Extra time was not provided for Government extended the payment of rent. period of time for paying the rent. 5. The tax was to be paid by tenant. The tax for the land was to be paid by the landlord. 

*During the freedom movement the zamindars normally supported the British. Why ?
The zamindars were provided special facilities during the British rule. The zamindars were given the power to collect the revenue agreed upon in auctions. Hence it was known as Zamindari settlement. In this way, zamindars found financial benefits from the British Government and hence they supported British during freedom movement.

*What role did the money lenders play in the lives of the peasants? In what way do you were they supported by the British government ? 
1. Farmers borrowed loans to pay revenues, If they could not repay their loans in time, the money lenders also went to court to get their land.
2. Due to the high land revenue, many peasants fell into deep debt trap.
3. The money lenders became richer and richer as more peasants came under their grip.
4. The British did not show any interest in the welfare of the farmers.
5. Theys showed much in collecting revenue . 
6. Thus the moneylenders were supported by the British.

*Why were famines caused under British rule? Do you think it was because of failure of rains or floods?
1. During the British rule one or two famines are caused by floods and droughts.
2. Most of the famines occurred due to their dictatorial rule. They exported food grains in the famines. 
3. They had no control over the merchants created artificial scarcity by hoarding food grains. 
4. They didn't import food grains during famines.

*In what way can a government help to prevent famines even in times of crop failure?
A government can help even in times of crop failure :
1. By supplying agricultural products from the areas of surplus.
2. By providing irrigation facilities to the agricultural lands.
3. By postponing the E.M.ls of their loans of the farmers.
4. By drying and storing the surplus crop.

*What were the similarities and differences between the Doras of Telangana and the Zamindars of Awadh?
Differences : 
1. Doras ' were under the Nizam's rule. Zamindars were under the British rule.
2. Doras paid revenue collection to Nizam, but Zamindars paid to the British.
3. Doras illtreated their tenants and farmers, Zamindars made them suffer only economically.
1. Both suffered the peasantry.
2. Both had large fields.
3. They were independent in others ' rule.

*Imagine that you are giving a representation to a British Government Enquiry committee . Write down the grievances of tenant farmers in the form of an appeal.
         Being Indians, we are ashamed of paying more rents for our own lands. Peasants, landlords and zamindars are not interested in any developmental activities. So we have no irrigation facilities and others. We are not able to get even common yield. The revenue system introduced by the British government is not favourable to us. The rents are increasing day by day. At present they are seven times more than the revenue. Our assets are ready to be auctioned. So we request you to handle the situation carefully keeping all these things in view. Once again we request you to improve our living standards.              
       Thanking you , 
                                  Yours obediently ,
 Telangana Tenant Farmers Association


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
