17. Expansion of Democracy

*Nomadic animal herders?
People who have no shelter move from place to place in search of food water and grazing land along with their animals according to the seasons are called nomadic animal herders

*What is a 'no - fly zone'? 
A no - fly zone is a zone over which airplanes are not allowed to fly. 

*What is autonomy? 
Autonomy is the freedom for a country, a region or an organization to govern itself independently.

*What are the major supplies of Burma? 
Burma is a major supplier of teak wood, food crops like rice and minerals like tin and precious stones like rubies and saphires. 

*Who formed the Revolutionary Command Council in Libya? 
Muammar Gaddafi formed the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) consisting of 12 members who led the movement in Libya. 

*Who was the person that led Burma towards independence?
In 1947 Aung San, a leader of the Burman ethnic group, had led the country to independence.

*What was the party led by Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar?
Aung San Suu Kyi led the National League for Democracy in Myanmar.

*What was Arab Spring?
1. The movements for democratic governmentsn in the Arab world in 2010.
2. It began with a small country, Tunisia, and spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria.
3. This wave of demonstrations, protests, famous as the ‘Arab Spring'

*What is known Urbanisation?
The process of the growing and expansion of cities and towns is called Urbanisation.

*What do you understand political corruption?
The government officials use their power for personal gain, by extortion, soliciting or offering bribes.

*House arrest 
A person  forcing to stay at his/her residence instead prison legally arrested.

*What do you think Dictatorship?
It is the form of government where all the absolute powers exercise by a single individual is called Dictatorship.

*What do you understand civil war?
A war within a country among different 
people, parties or regions based on ideological differences.

*What do you mean Monarchy?
It is the form of government where the supreme powers hereditary and vested in the hands of single person king or queen called monarchy.

*Why do you think do the rulers try to control the media do you know how is media controlled in your area?
1. The government's decisions, policies, etc., are brought openly to the public by the media.
2. The implementation posture, development, advantages and disadvantages and all such aspects are also brought back to the authority by the media. 
3. The rulers controlling the media means the rulers decide what to be published and how to be published. 
4. Thus, they could highlight the positive aspects of the government and hide the negative aspects as much.

*How do literacy and mass education help for the functioning of democracy?
1. Democracy is a government where people have got the right to elect their representatives and have an active participation in various aspects of government.
2. Education of the people is very important for the success of a democratic government.
3. Democracy seems to be common a concept, but vary from nation to nation based on geographical, historical and cultural aspects. 
4. So, education plays a vital role deciding the policies in democracy to the various aspects.

*What is the difference between the democracy and dictatorship.
*Most countries often claim themselves to be democratic by conducting elections. How did this happen in the context of Myanmar and Libya?
1. In Libya, the democratically elected body had no power or role in the governance of the nation. 
2. All they had to do was to follow the RCC, and neither to disobey nor to question them. 
3. The government of Gaddafi never believed in the democratic body.
4. In Burma, though there were elections conducted to establish a democratic government, they were not allowed to assume the power even.
5. The leaders were house arrested and their public relations were cut.

*What is the role played by Aung San Suu Kyi in fighting for democracy in Myanmar ?
1. Aung San Suu Kyi, the daughter of Aung San, she was strong supporter of democracy.
2. She has been trying to establish democracy in Burma in 1988
3. She had made many attempts in that aspect .
4. She founded National League for Democracy ( NLD) -was dedicated to non - violence and civil disobedience . 
5. By seeiy her popularity, the military controlled government of Burma placed her under house arrest.
6. Though her party won more than 80 % of the legislative seats, not allowed to form government.
7. As the pressure on government increased she was released from house arrest but her political activity was restricted.
8. She has spent 15 of the last 21 years under house arrest.
9. Then she had participated in the elections , which had replaced the military government in Myanmar. Thein Sein became the president of the country .

*Read the last paragraph of this chapter and answer the question
*What is a new kind of democracy?
1. The democracy which respects the freedom and the human rights of all the people.
2. It is the best way to overcome some of the complex problems that faced by the countries.
3. It should help to create a more secure, stable and prosperous environment. 
4. Democracy should help secure peace, deter aggression, expand open mar kets, promote economic development, combat international terrorism and crime. 


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
