*What do you mean democracy?
The government of the people, for the people, and by the people defined as a Democracy.

*Mention different levels of government?
1. National level government.
2. State level government.
3. Local level government.

*Who are called representatives?
The people of an area elected a person for the fixed period through the voting usually for 5 years is called representative.

*What do you mean by Monarchy?
This is the form of government in which power is vested in the hands of  king or queen takes decision and implements is called Monarchy.

*What are the forms of government?
There are three forms of government 
1. Monarchy.
2. Democratic government.
3. Dictator government.

*What do you mean constitution?
Constitution is a document containing the fundamental law according to which the the state is governed.

*What do you mean decision making?
The body of elected representatives meet and make a decision on behalf of the people in a democratic government.

*Imagine how your school would be if it was run by all the students and teacher together? Would you want that everyone to participate in taking decisions or would you like to elect representatives ? Give reasons.
The school was run by all the students and teachers together, definitely it will be democratic government. 
In democratic government there are two principles.
1. Representative Democracy.
2. Rule of the majority . 
I would like to elect representatives of each class (Teachers and Students). These elected representatives meet and make decisions on behalf of entire population.

*Discuss the similarities and differences between the government in a Gond tribe and modern democracy.
1. Gond Panch: 
* In tribal societies there are no sharp 
  differences like rich and poor as everyone 
  has a share in the common resources of the
* The village headmen derive their authority
   from the village 'Panch' or the council of 
   adult male householders. 
* This council has the last word in matters
   concerning the village as a whole and the 
   headman is no more than its chairman. 
* The village panch in a sense represents the
   Gond society as a whole.
2. Democracy: 
* Democracy accommodate the views
   of people living in the society and prevent
   oppressive and unjust forces.
* Because of the struggle of people all over 
   the world develop a form of government 
   in accordance with people's wishes. 
In Tribal Gond Panch
1. If the society had people of different 
    cultures, it would not work properly 
2. They wouldn't be able to arrive at a 
    common solution to which all can agree.
3. Here the decisions are made quickly. 
In Democratic Government:
1. In democracy elected representatives take
    decisions behalf of the entire population. 
2. The decisions are formulated based on the
    principle of majority and implemented. 
3. People believe this system of ignoring the 
    views of the minority.

*Do you think the decision making in your house is democratic ? Does everyone have a say in it ? 
Yes. In our house the decision making democratic. 
Yes everyone participates in making decisions.
Finally we get solution which one or decision is correct and follow it. If there are different opinions, we shall postpone the decision  Later we meet again to get conclusion. We follow the democratic method, Rule of majority.

*Classify the following as per the levels of government (Central, State, Local): M.L.A, Sarpanch, Mayor, CM and PM.
1. MP                     - Central level 
2. MLA                   - State level 
3. Sarpanch           - Local level 
4. Mayor                - Local level 
5. Chief Minister  - State level 
6. Prime Minister - Central Level
*Gopal's father consulted all the members of the family on setting up a shop but everyone had a different opinion. Finally, he decided to set up the shop. Do you think he was democratic?
1. I think he was democratic, We can either 
    set up a shop or not.
2 There were no more alternatives for that. 
3. Father consulted all the family members to
    reach correct decision.
4. Based on these situations he followed 

*Mary's mother asked her children where they wanted to go on Sunday. Two children wanted to watch a film and three wanted to go to the park. If you were in Mary's mother's place, what decision would you take? Give reasons.
1. If Iam in Mary's mother' place, I would 
    take children to the park.
2. As majority children are interested to go          park, I would take them to park.
3. Majority decision play a key role in 
    democratic system.
4. Based on democratic principle I would take


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
