I. Key Words: 
1. Agricultural Labourers: People who are work in others fields for kind and cash and depends on agriculture for their livelihood.
2. Small Farmers: People who are practicing agriculture in the small land Holdings called small farmers.
3. Migration: People moving from one place to another place for livelihood.
4. Money lenders: People who lending money at high rate of interest are called money lenders.
5. Contract farming:  Farmers contract with companies for production and supply of some special crops. In contract farming, companies advise farmers to follow specific farming practices. They also provide financial support. They buy the harvest at pre-determined prices.
6. Kharif: The crop season which is starts in the beginning of rainy season from the month of June to October.
7. CashcropsCrops which are grown for commercial purpose are called cash crops.
8. PesticideA chemical which is used for killing pests especially insects.

II. Improve Your Learning: 
1. How can the Government help the farmers in Venkatapuram and prevent migration?
Government help to prevent migration;
1. Government provide relief for some days in a year by implementing rural employment  schemes.
2. Government providing loans, giving subsidies to buy crop inputs like seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.

2. Fill in the following table

3. Compare the conditions of big of your Village with that of Vijayakumar in Venkatapuram 
1. Ranga Reddy, a big farmer owns 20 acres of  land in our village.
2. He cultivate various crops in his field with the help of workers.
3. He takes agricultural loans from Bank and  repays them in time.
4. He owns two tractors, harvester thresher, etc.
5. He has dug 5 borewells in his fields, out of  which 3 are operating.
6. He owns a fertilizer shop in the village and  lends workers in his field.

4. Who took a bank loan in Venkatapuram? What was the reason for taking a bank loan?
1. Vijayakumar has 25 acres of land with three borewells.
2. His paddy fields are in the command area of the village tank. 
3. He borrowed Rs. 25 lakhs from a bank to buy the harvester and thresher.
4. He hires them out to other farmers on rent  base.

5. How do banks and moneylenders give loans to farmers? Do you think borrowing from moneylenders is profitable? What are the alternative sources?
1. Banks give money to farmers on collateral  security. They charge less interest rates . 
2. Money lenders give money even with personal security. They charge high rate of interest.
3. Small farmers barrow money from money  lenders due to lack collateral. Failure of crops and fall in prices make them debt  crisis.
4. Borrowing money from money lenders is not profitable to the farmers.
5. Alternate sources like government arrange  credit, extending agricultural inputs at  subsidised prices and minimum support price for farm products.

6. How do you think the conditions of farmers can be improved?
1. Banks should give support for small farmers and give loans for crop inputs.
2. The government should give employment  through schemes for the entire year.
3. The government should give subsidies for  small farmers, they buy inputs like seeds,  fertilizers and pesticides timely.

7. Compare three farmers in Venkatapuram and furnish details.

8. Collect news items on problems faced by small and marginal farmers and the measures
taken by government to solve their problem

9. Nowadays all the farmers prefer cash crops to the food crops, what problems does this lead to?
1. The production of certain food crops become less.
2. Decrease in food crops may to lead to starvation.
3. Balance should be maintain between food crops and cash crops.

10. Read about “contract farming” on page 59 and comment on it.

11. On the map of India, point out the regions where groundnut is grown. Take the help of the

III. Additional and Short Answers:

1. Nowadays all the farmers prefer cash crops to the food crops, what problems does this lead to?
1. The production of certain food crops become less.
2. Decrease in food crops may to lead to starvation.
3. Balance should be maintain between food crops and cash crops.

2. What are the problems of agricultural labourers?
1. They not only face lack of jobs in rural areas but their wages are too less.
2. They working few days in a year even though government employment schemes provide relief.
3. They are moving urban areas to look for work for livelihood.
4. In Telangana nearly two - fifths of all rural  families are mainly agricultural labourers,  among these, hardly a few have small plots  of  land and the rest are landless.

3. Why do you think small farmers can't borrow money easily from the banks ? 
1. Banks are reluctant to lend money to small  farmers, especially when they need it  desperately.
2. They cannot satisfy the rules of bank  authorities . 
3. So the small farmers cannot borrow money  easily from the banks.

4. How are large farmers getting benefits in Venkatapuram ? 
1. Large farmers are able to benefit from the  new equipment and the growing market for  agricultural produce.
2. They are diversified their investments to set up dairy farms, poultry farms, schools, shops, money lending etc.

5. What are the food crops and cash crops grown in Telangana ? 
1. Food crops:  Paddy continues to be the main  crop, other food crops growing like ragi, jowar, and maize.
2. Cash crops: Cash crops like cotton,chillies,  sugarcane, groundnut, turmeric, etc.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
