I. Key Words:
1. Hunter gatherer: a) In recent days several groups of people live by hunting and gathering food in different parts of the world. b) In our own state the Yanadis and Chenchus till very recently lived in this manner.
2. Stone tools: 
3. Microliths: a) The earliest people also used tools; but these were made of stones, bones and wood. b) Initially large stones were given sharp  edges by very careful breaking with another stone. c) After thousands of years use of microlith  stone sickle they began to make fine, small  pieces from hard stone. These pieces were called 'microliths'.
4. Nomads: The earliest people live in the caves or under trees or rocks. They led a mobile life because they didn't build houses.
5. Shared living
6. Domestication: People protect the crops till they bear fruit or allow animals to breed and protect them for their own use is called domestication.
7. HerdersWho herd domesticated livestocks such as sheep or cattle are called herders.
8. Settled life
9. Neolithic: a) The early farmers needed to clear forests by cutting trees and branches. b) They developed a new kind of stone tool which is called neolith by archaeologists. c) The early farmers selected the right kind of stone which was ground on rock, this axe head fixed to a wooden handle.
10. ArchaeologistWho studies and analysis artefacts and other physical remains through the excavation of sites are called Archaeologists.
11. Podu agriculture

II. Improve Your learning:

1. Why do you think did the earliest people not wear cotton and woollen clothes?
1.The earliest people not wear cotton and   woolen clothes.
2.They wear hides of animals, and leaves.
3.They lived by collecting fruits, flowers, honey, wild grains and edible tubers and roots.

2. What tools would you use today for cutting fruits? What would you do if these tools were not available?
1.Today knives, cutter, fork , etc., we used to cut Fruits.
2.The earliest used tools made of stones, bones and wood.
3.Initially large stones were given sharp edges by very careful breaking with another stone.
4.This enabled them to cut flesh, dig the earth  for tubers and hunt animals.
5.These tools were used to dig soil, chop the  trees for the bark, remove the skins of animals, clean the skins, stitch the clothes,  cut meat and bones and hunt the animals  easily.
6.It is very difficult to live comfortably without these.

3. Compare the tools used by the earliest people with those of modern times.
1.In modern times we use machines, tractors  and tools made of steel, etc.
2.The earliest people also used tools made up   of stones, bones and wood.
3.Large stones were given sharp edges by very careful breaking with another stone.
4.This tools which enabled them to cut flesh, dig the earth for tubers and hunt animals.
Microliths : stone sickle,
Neolith: axe head fixed to a wood.

4. Why did the earliest people travel from place to place? In what ways are they similar to / different from the reasons for our travel today?
1.The earliest people live in small groups in the caves or under trees or rocks.
2.They did not build houses. They led a mobile life, moving from one place to another place called "Nomads".
3.There are at least four reasons why hunter   gatherers moved from place to place.
4.In search of food, animals. seasonal kinds of plants and water.
5.Today the people have to move from one   place to another due to shortage of land, raw material, employment etc.

5. Locate the following Rock Art sites in the map of Telangana: 
a) Asifabad b) Pandavulagutta c) Kokapet  d) Durgam e) Regonda f) Ramachandrapuram 


6. List three ways in which the lives of farmers and herders in present days are different from that of the Neolithic people.
The present lives of farmers and herders: 
The past lives of the Neolithic people 
1.They are the successors of neolithics in  agriculture.
2.They are enjoying settled life.
3.They market the surplus food.
4.They receive government help during the time of famines / natural calamities.
The past lives of the Neolithic people:
1.They are the inventors of the agriculture.
2.They enjoyed nomadic life.
3.They shared the food among the group.
4.They are not receive government help.
5.No help during the time of famines / natural  calamities.

7. Prepare a list of domesticated animals and agricultural products of the earliest people and write a few lines about each of them. 
Domesticated animals : 
1.The animals size, temperament, diet, mating patterns and time span were factors in the desire and success in domesticating animals.
2.They domesticated sheep.goats, pigs and  cows.
Agricultural products of earliest people:
1.They selected breeding of cereal grasses  which favour greater caloric returns.
2.Their products in different areas of the world are emmer, einkorn, barley, figs, oats banana, millets, rice, wheat, oil palm, corn, beans, squash, taro and potatoes.

8. If there was no stove and no grinding stone, how would it affect our food?
1.There is a scarcity of firewood for the present population.
2.It will be late and difficult to cook food, if there is no stove.
3.Some kinds of foods like idli, dosa, vada and chutneys, etc., may not wide use, If no grinding stone.

9. Write five questions that you would like to ask an archaeologist to know about the present excavations.
1.How will you choose the place for digging?
2.What safety measures do you take in  collecting remains?
3.What steps do you take in exhibiting them in museum?
4.How do the remains help in studying the past?
5.Can you prove your studies on the past?

10. There are many things in the picture given below. Which of them did not belong to the hunter-gatherers ? Which things belong to both the hunter-gatherers and the farmers? Put different signs to distinguish them.

11. How can you say that the lives of earliest people became easier by domesticating
1.The domestication of animals helped them   first in hunting, then in agriculture later for milk.
2.They used them for transportation also.
3.It was create livestock in the form lands of the earliest people.
4.Thus the lives of earliest people became easier.

12. Read the paragraph under the heading ‘Nomadic life’ on page no. 47 and comment on it.
1.Earliest people lived in caves, under trees or rocks as a group.
2.They led nomadic life, constantly moved from one place to another place.

III. Additional and Short Answers:

1. What was the food of hunters and gatherers?
Grains, Meat, Pulses, Fish, Tubers, Leaves and Fruits.

2. If there was no stove and no grinding stone, how would it affect our food?
1.There is a scarcity of firewood for the present population.
2.It will be late and difficult to cook food, if there is no stove.
3.Some kinds of foods like idli, dosa, vada and chutneys, etc., may not wide use, If no grinding stone.

3. How were the earliest people gathering their food?
1.Thousands of years ago all people lived by  collecting fruits, flowers, honey wild grains.
2.They collected edible tubers and roots that  grew naturally in the forests.
3.They also hunted birds and animals.
4.They did not grow any crop or rear any animal.

4. How do people protect the animals they want to breed?
1.When they began using the plough and animal manure need not to go in search of new fertile lands. 
2.They had to combine farming with rearing  animals which were needed for ploughing,  transporting, manuring and so on.
3.They may also have protected these animals from other wild animals.
4.In the process the herders got plenty of  benefits like regular supply of meat, animal skin and milk.
5.They later on used oxes and donkeys for  carrying loads and ploughing the fields.


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
