I. Key words:
1.Projection: Showing shape of the continents and the distances of the places with distortion.
2.Symbols: A mark or a character used as a conventional representation of an object.
3.Geographer: A person who experts in geography.
4.Contour: The lines on the map joining same height of the places.
5.Cartography: The science or practice of drawing maps. Map markers are called Cartographer.

II. Improve Your learning:

1.Study the school atlas carefully by looking at the various thematic maps.
Student Activity 

2.Do you think the use of maps has changed from the time of ancient Greeks to now? In what way are they similar and different?

3.Many people believe that the making of maps by the Colonial powers was a more powerful  tool for exploitation and control of the colonies than guns. Do you agree? Why?
a. Mapping has always been a powerful tool used by the colonial powers to identify the regions with rich resources and exploit them.
b. They invested huge sums of money and hired experienced sailors and geographers to travel and explore the regions for colonisation and find new sea routes.
c. Maps prepared by these sailors served as a great source of information about the regions, including the geographic structure like mountains, hills, and plateaus, natural vegetation, natural resources, mineral resources, crops and much more.

4.In what ways were the maps prepared by the British different from the one made by Ptolemy?

5.Read the paragraph “Use of maps in our times” on page 8 and answer the following  question:
What are the various purposes for which maps are used in our times?
Use of maps in our times:-
1.Maps were made and used for a variety of purposes: for trade, sailing, for conquests and colonising and for fighting wars. 
2.In our times, maps are used extensively for planning and development of countries.
3.This requires planners to identify the resources available in a region and the problems faced by it.
4. Identifying suitable areas for setting up industries, schools, companies, government infrastructures and other offices in different regions.
5. Weather analysis and forecast.

6.Prepare a few questions to find out more about different types of maps.
i) Mention the various types of maps.
ii) What are the types of maps based on a scale?
iii) Explain about thematic maps.
iv) Compare and contrast between ancient and modern age maps?
v) Explain the need and importance of a physical maps?

III. Additional and Short Answers:

1.What do mean a map?
A map is a model of a place giving those features that the map maker considers to be of importance. 
Ex; Population map.

2. What do you understand a photograph?
A photograph (image) shows real features of a place or an object.

3. What is the difference between photograph and map?
1.Photograph represents a realistic features of an area or object.
2.Photos are taken with phones, tabs, cameras, etc. 
3.A photo may not be show how much it rains in a place or how hot it gets there.
1.Maps are the representation of any area or land.
2.Maps are drawn by the map makers.
3.Maps may leave out many features visible on a photo, like individual houses, trees, etc.

4. How are maps helpful to people ? 
1.The map is a representation or a drawing of the total or a part of the earth's surface drawn on flat surface according to a scale.
2.Maps help us to study a part of the earth.
3.Maps provide more information than a globe 
4.Maps are easy to carry and take the measurement too.
5.Some maps tell us about how high or low the places are, some tell us about how much it rains and how hot or cold it gets.
6.Some maps tell us about crops that grow  there or the kinds of forests there are.
7.By studying them we can know much about a place.

5. What are the main relief features?
The main relief features are:
3.Plateaus, valleys, river basins, rocky and sandy places.

6. What is called population density?
The average number of people living in square kilometre area is known as population density.

6. Which states has highest and lowest density of population?
Highest density of population:- Bihar (1102 per sq. Km)
Lowest density of population:- Arunachal Pradesh (17 per sq. Km)

7. What are called contour lines?
1.These lines on the map joining places of same height.
2.All the places on a contour line will have the same height.
3.Contour lines are also called Isolines.

8.What is an Atlas?
An atlas is a collection of maps usually arranged according to different themes.

9.What are called thematic maps?
Usually a map focuses only on one aspect. Such maps are called ‘Thematic Maps,
Ex: political, physical, population maps

10.What is indicating contour lines?
1.Contour lines give an indication of the slope of the land.
2.Contour lines are far apart, it represents a gentle slope.
3.Closer lines represent steep slope
4.Spaced lines represent uniform slope.

11.Differences between the areal photograph and satellite imagery?
Aerial photography:
1.It is the technique of taking photographs of the ground from an elevated position.
2.Using aircraft’s, helicopters, hot air balloons etc.
3.Aerial photographs are not maps.
Satellite imagery:
1.These  photographs of the earth taken by the artificial satellites.
2.These are used in many ways: map making, planning, meteorology, forestry, warfare etc.
3.Satellite images are not a maps 

12.What do you mean the Mercator projection of maps?
Mercator devised a method for showing the correct shapes and directions of continents but with distortion of sizes and distances. This method (called Mercator’s projection) is still used to show the world.

12.Write about uses of maps in present days? (SA1-22)

IV. Choose the Correct Answers:

1. 'Cartography' means ...........(    )
a) Science of technology 
b) Science of human beings 
c) Science of Oceanarium 
d) Science of map making

2. .......... was the center of Al Idrisi's map (    )
a) Greece 
b) Europe 
c) Arabia 
d) Africa 

3. Greeks show these continents ........(    )
a) Europe, Libya, Asia 
b) Europe, America, Africa 
c) Europe, Asia, America 
d) Asia, Libya, America 

4.  ......... is the population density of Telangana in 2011  (    )
a ) 309 
b ) 307 
c ) 1030 
d ) 1102 

5. ............was Greek king came to  India to conquer the world      (     )
A) Socratese 
b) Alexander 
c) Syrus 
d) Darius -1 

6. A set of places where the midday occurred at the same time were joined together with a line from North to South is.... (     )
a) Meridian 
b) Noon - line 
c) Longitude 
d) All the above  

7. ........ began one of the most important geographic surveys in the world (      )
a) Alexander
b) George Washington
c) George Everest
d) William Lambton

7. ........... was discovered America (     )
a ) Columbus 
b ) Vasco - da - Gama 
c ) Magillan 
d ) Copernicus

9.  In the 16th century.......... emerged as a major trading power.      (     )
a ) Holland 
b ) Poland 
c ) Russia 
d ) Spain 

10. ............. map focuses only on one aspect (     )
a ) thematic 
b ) geographical maps 
c ) employmental 
d ) population 

11. The maps which show hills, plains and plateaus (    )
a ) Geographical maps 
b ) Political maps 
c ) Economic maps 
d ) Population maps 

12. The father of cartography Gerardus Mercator was  (      )
a ) Iran 
b ) Indian 
c ) Greek 
d ) Dutch 

13. Al - Idrisi was................(     )
A) Arab map maker  
b) Cartographer 
c) Both (a) and (b) 
d) None of these 

14. .............. is a collection of maps (     )
a ) Mapbook 
b ) Atlas 
c ) Textbook 
d ) Notebook 

15. The tried to make the maps accurate with the help of longitudes and latitudes. 
A) Romans 
b) Persians 
c) Greeks 
d) Indians 

16. ......... established a department called " Survey of India (      )
a ) Dutch 
b ) French 
c ) British 
a ) Polish 

17.  ............ is used to show forest in a map (     )
a ) light green 
b ) dark green 
c ) wheat colour 
d ) violet 

18. ........ . prepared a world map for his king in 1154.
a ) Al Idrisi 
b ) Ptolemy 
c ) Locke 
d) Mercator

19. ............. used to show mountains in maps (    )
a ) violet 
b ) dark violet 
c ) light violet 
d ) Dark Grey 

20. Tanks, rivers and canals etc. show's in maps in.............. colour (      )
a ) Light red 
b ) Light violet 
c ) Light blue 
d ) White 

21. ............. state highest density of population in 2011  (      )
a ) Assam 
b ) Kerala 
c ) West Bengal 
d ) Bihar 

22. Taking of photographs of the ground from an elevated position. (      )
a ) Aerial line 
b ) Aerial clouds 
c ) Aerial photography 
d ) Sea surface

23. European map makers were greatly  influence by ...........(    )
a) Quran 
b) Bible 
c) Gita 
d) Adi puran

24.  ..............  are used extensively for planning and development. (     )
a) maps 
b) pictures
c) cinemas

25. The Europeans rediscovered the books of Ptolemy in .....(     )
a ) 1400 
b ) 1480 
c ) 1520 
d ) 1600 

26. ............. are blocked the trade route to India across the Mediterranean sea (     )
a ) Arabs 
b ) Europeans 
c ) Turks 
d ) Greeks

26. ........was the father of Dutch Cartography (     )
a ) Galileo 
b ) Gerardus Mercator 
c ) Al Idrisi 
d ) Copernicus 

28. The hight of Everest measured by ..... (      )
a) Sir George William 
b) Mc. Mohan 
c) Durand  
d) Sir George Everest 

29. Map projection  was invented by ....     (    )
a) Al idrisi 
b) Geradus Mercator 
c) Ptolemy 
d) Columbus 

30. ........... prepared one of the first survey based maps of India 
a ) Sir William  
b ) Mecauley  
c) James Rennel  
d ) James - I 

31. The population density of Telangana in 2011 is (      )
a ) 309 
b ) 307 
c ) 1030 
d ) 1102 


15. Making of Independent India's constitution (PART -B)

15. Making of Independent India's Constitution (Part -B) *Choose the correct Answers: *The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ..... ...
